Showing results 11 to 14 out of 14
Hack de Herfst - Mini Hack-a-Thon (dinsdagmiddag)
20 Oct - 02:00 PM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Deze herfstvakantie is het weer tijd voor de tweede editie van Hack de Herfst! Tijdens Hack de Herfst! kunnen kinderen van 9-12 jaar hun creativiteit de vrije loop laten. Iedereen kan op zijn of haar eigen niveau meedoen. Er zijn verschillende game ontwerp workshops zoals Scratch, Minecraft of Makey Makey. Verder zijn er weer Mini-hack-a-thons en introduceren we een Virtual Reality-workshop! Via Eventbrite is het mogelijk te reserveren voor een specifieke workshop. Alle tickets zijn geldig voor 1 kind en 1 workshop.
    Hack de Herfst - Mini Hack-a-Thon (dinsdagochtend)
    20 Oct - 10:00 AM
    Rotterdam, Netherlands
    Deze herfstvakantie is het weer tijd voor de tweede editie van Hack de Herfst! Tijdens Hack de Herfst! kunnen kinderen van 9-12 jaar hun creativiteit de vrije loop laten. Iedereen kan op zijn of haar eigen niveau meedoen. Er zijn verschillende game ontwerp workshops zoals Scratch, Minecraft of Makey Makey. Verder zijn er weer Mini-hack-a-thons en introduceren we een Virtual Reality-workshop! Via Eventbrite is het mogelijk te reserveren voor een specifieke workshop. Alle tickets zijn geldig voor 1 kind en 1 workshop.
      Hackathon at the tranSMART Foundation 2015 Annual Meeting
      19 Oct - 09:00 AM
      Amsterdam, Netherlands
      During the meeting, a hackathon will take place for developers to work an a few proof of concepts innovations around tranSMART, also preparing for the future 2.0 version of the platform. On-site and remote access will be possible.  Details will be sent to registered attendees. There will be two main topics during this hackathon, one catering to backend and one more to frontend developers. The topics are: - building a POC around using SparkR on Amazon EC2 as a computational backend for tranSMART 1.3 - improving the visual analytics in tranSMART, by updating or adding analytics workflows in the SmartR plugin The reason for choosing these topics are: - For SparkR: Spark is the most active project in data science at the moment, with a lot of innovation and big names behind it. It makes sense to explore how we can optimally leverage this in the next version of the tranSMART platform. For this hackathon, a specific proposal has been prepared to use SparkR on top of the tranSMART core API to take advantage of the parallelization and lazy execution capabilities of Spark. - For Visual Analytics: the analytics in tranSMART are useful to get a quick overview of the data available in the platform, and one of the most visible and useful capabilities for early adopters to understand the value of the platform. The recently developed SmartR plugin (presented elsewhere in the meeting) provides already a few interactive analytics workflows, improving those and adding new ones is identified as a good opportunity for the hackathon. Ideas for specific analytics workflows to work on are most welcome, and of course we are looking forward to welcome again both beginners and tranSMART developer ninja's in this years' sessions! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT TO PARTICIPATE.   DETAILS WILL BE SENT TO REGISTERED ATTENDEES
        Hackathon 2:AM Conference
        06 Oct - 09:00 AM
        Amsterdam, Netherlands
        On October 7-8 the 2:AM Conference will take place at the same venue and will cover all topics relevant to altmetrics - the conference schedule is here. This hackathon on the day before the main conference is an unique opportunity to build cool prototypes using altmetrics tools and APIs, and to discuss relevant topics in a more informal setting.  We will set the program for the day in the morning, and will then work in small groups on a number of topics. While the focus of the hackday is on developing software, anyone can attend, and there will be an interesting program for those new to software development: Introduction to (Stacy Konkiel) Hands-on session using the various services offers. R for Bibliometrics (Najko Jahn and Martin Fenner) Introductory session learning to use the R statistical computing and graphics language to analyze bibliometrics data. There is room for 1-2 more sessions, please contact Martin Fenner if you are interested organizing one.