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Smart Cities Hackathon
08 Mar - 07:00 AM
Busselton, Australia
Are you a business owner, creative, do you represent an education institution or an enthusiastic community member?! You’re invited to be part of the Smart Cities Hackathon on Thursday 8 March.
You may ask 'Aren't Hackathons for Programmers? And we say ‘No! We need a diversity of people willing to think creatively about solutions. Hackathons are for everyone! Teams will be set up on the morning and all teams will be mentored through the process - come along and find out for yourself!
This Hackathon is one step that the City is taking towards developing a Smart Cities Strategy which will provide direction so the local community and businesses (across all industry sectors) can maximise the benefits from the growth of online and digital activity and other new communication infrastructure and technologies.