Showing results 1 to 10 out of 19
  25 Nov - 06:00 PM
  Fortitude Valley, Australia
CityHack16 CityHack16 will bring together Brisbane’s most creative and innovative thinkers to cultivate technology solutions to some of our city’s most pressing challenges. Sign up as an individual or form a team of innovators who can think beyond the everyday and register your interest now. By registering for CityHack16, your registration fees will be supporting Hummingbird House - Queensland's only children's hospice.  CityHack16 isn't just for coders. Registered teams must contain at least one Software Developer/Coder, but anyone with a technical skillset is welcome to apply as an individual - Engineers, Architects, Designers, Business People, Marketers, Urban Planners, Entrepreneurs, Students and many more. You'll get to keep your ideas from the weekend with open IP across the ideas presented over the weekend.  We'll also be offering prizes to help you develop your idea into a marketable product with the help of some of Brisbane's best incubators!  At CityHack16, your team will dissect a key city-shaping issue and devise an innovative technological solution to address it. You will be required to produce an app, a piece of software or a virtual or augmented reality tool. At the end of the weekend, you will pitch your idea to a panel of judges to have the opportunity to win a stack of cool prizes! First Prize is $10,000! Plus there's many other great prizes up for grabs!  A big thankyou to our event partners who have helped us to provide an great lineup of speakers, mentors and prizes for CityHack16. Be quick to register!  Limited places available and registrations will close as soon as places are full.  Don't just take our word for it!  We've been awarded the #HackAUS Gold Certification for our hackathon - so it's going to be awesome!  FAQs  What is CityHack16? Hackathons have long been staple events in the Technology Industry. A Hackathon is an intense event that brings together computer programmers like software developers, graphic designers and user interface specialists along with industry experts and professionals to identify issues and create software solutions. CityHack16 will be a weekend-long competition held from 25-27 November 2016. Who owns what we develop at the event? IP for CityHack16 is Public disclosure so you have the right to take your ideas forward and develop them further.  I’m not a Coder or Software Developer – can I still attend? Absolutely! Registered teams must contain at least one Software Developer/Coder, but anyone with a technical skillset is welcome to apply - Engineers, Architects, Designers, Students, Business People, Marketers, Urban Planners, Entrepreneurs, in fact anyone with passion and a great idea is welcome! If you don't have a team - register as an individual and form a team on the weekend.  What should our output be? A technology solution. Your solution may be an app, website, virtual or augmented reality tool or mixed reality or even something new! You can build in the language and platform of your choice. Your output has to be related to the event topic. Get creative and build something innovative and unique! Can I get a head start on my hack? To ensure a level playing field for all participants, all code and assets must be created during the hackathon. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the offending team's disqualification. You are, however, free to make plans, come up with ideas and brainstorm prior to the event. I don’t have a team, but still wish to come along, can I participate as an individual? Yes, you can register either as a team or as an individual. Those who register as individuals will be able to form a team with others on the Friday night. Those who register as a team must have at least one coder/software developer in the team. Teams must have between 5 and 8 participants. I won’t be able to make it for the full weekend, can I still come? We recommend that in order to get the most out of CityHack16, that you attend the full weekend, but if you are unable to make one of the days/nights, just let us know and let your team members know beforehand so you can plan your time accordingly. Please consider others in the group and their expectations when planning your weekend. What is the cost? The weekend is $30 per person and all funds raised will be donated to Hummingbird House. What should I bring? Bring along any technology you’ll need – laptops, mobile phones, tablets and any other technology you’ll find useful. Don’t forget to bring along chargers and power packs for your devices as they’ll get a workout. For the safety of all involved, please do not bring along any cables that are frayed or damaged. Wifi will be provided. What if I don’t have an idea? No problem! Many people come to a hackathon without any ideas. Once you start working in your group and hear presentations from organisations about real issues they face, you will come up with ideas that you can work on in your group. Will there be food? Plenty of it!! Your meals for the weekend will be free and there’ll be plenty of snacks and drinks to keep you energised. If you’ve got specific dietary requirements, please let us know and we can make arrangements for you. Can AECOM staff participate? Some AECOM staff places are available at CityHack16. Please email for more information.  How late can I stay? We want you to come back refreshed and raring to go on Saturday and Sunday, so we are closing the doors at 10pm on Friday and Saturday and re-opening at 8am on Saturday and Sunday. Who will I be networking with during CityHack16? Other than knowledge sharing that you will gain from other passionate entrants, there will be a number of international specialists who will be at CityHack16 to share their industry expertise and mentor you across coding, design, business, data, technology or city development questions.  Will AECOM be hiring people from this event? We might. We’re always looking to connect with the best talent and will be happy to discuss our job openings with anyone interested in exploring a new career opportunity.  To register your interest in our flexible workforce, visit Adepto. Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event? All registrants must be over 18.  If you are under 18 and would like to take part in #CityHack16, please contact  When do registrations close? Registrations close as soon as sold out.  There are a limited number of spaces available for CityHack16 and once these places are full, registrations will be closed.  Where can I contact the organiser with any questions? Check out the AECOM website for more information.  Please contact with any other questions.  
    HealthHack 2016 Brisbane
      14 Oct - 06:00 PM
      Fortitude Valley, Australia
    Healthtech hackers and health professionals in Queensland! HealthHack Australia invites you to participate in HealthHack 2016 Brisbane—a non-profit, volunteer-led initiative focused on creating solutions in the health and medical research fields. Grab a team or show up solo and be prepared for a 48-hour frenzy of coding, building, hacking, and presenting with like-minded individuals! Each team will work together on an interesting, health-related problem set forth by experts from non-profits, and facilitators will help with questions and problems through the event. Check the hackathon expert tips pagefor useful info on HealthHack 2016!
    Writally Bloghackathon
      20 Sep - 05:30 PM
      Spring Hill, Australia
    Not every hackathon has to be focused on scrambling to get complicated code to run together. Join the writally community with one of your preconceived blog ideas and they will workshop your blog writing as well as give you a custom recipe for generating a well built blog post with engaging information! Included in the event is a one month basic membership to Writally, in addition to the blog post you write!
    HASS Hackathon
      03 Sep - 09:00 AM
      Brisbane City, Australia
    Our world has alot of problems, and often the solutions provided by organizations don't fix or only partially fix the problem. If this sounds like a conversation you feel needs to be had, and are a current student enrolled in a degree from the faculty of Humanities and Social Science at the University of Queensland than this event was created for you! Join the HASS Hackathon to learn through hands on experience about social entrepreneurship and how it mixes business with charity to solve pressing problems in communities around the world.
    Writally Blog-Hackathon August 2016
      23 Aug - 05:00 PM
      Spring Hill, Australia
    Do you get "bloggers block"? Have trouble creating your content? Come and get your blogging flowing again. Bring your laptop to this Blog-hackathon and -- using your personal blog post recipe -- the organizers will help create and workshop your blog post step-by-step as you write it. At the end of the event, you’ll walk away with a ton of helpful feedback to help you improve your blog writing and a kick-ass blog post you can publish immediately!
    The Code Network Winter Hackathon
      12 Aug - 05:00 PM
      Brisbane, Australia
    Coders, designers, techies! Come join the fun at Code Network Winter -- a 54-hour event to prototype projects and compete for awesome prizes. Code Network Winter is a competition where the goal is simply to build the coolest stuff possible! Previous hackathon competitors have included in-browser desktop environments, a city wide pong mobile game, business validated and built mobile applications, machine learning generated art, multi-player robotic arm game and many more projects. The breadth of projects at a Code Network Hackathon is significant. Judging criteria is simply based on the most impressive project. Whether it be from technical achievement, entrepreneurial gusto or straight up coolness factor. You must be able to demonstrate what has been created, this is not a pitch contest.
    CUA Hackathon
      04 Aug - 05:00 PM
      Brisbane, Australia
    Interested in Fintech? Sign up for CUA's first ever Forces of Attraction themed Hackathon. CUA is looking for innovative solutions that help CUA provide a unique service or product offering around key life events to attract new members! You'll collaborate in a team of like-minded individuals -- a mix of entrepreneurs, marketers, developers, professionals who are experts in their fields and CUA staff. This is your chance to showcase your ideas – over two and a half days – of building, validating and launching new digital and startup products.
    CUA Hackathon Information Night
      28 Jul - 05:00 PM
      Brisbane, Australia
    Planning to participate in the CUA Forces of Attraction hackathon? You will have the opportunity to use your skills, innovative thinking and creativity to develop an idea that CUA can use in their business. Come along to an information night and get some tips to put you ahead of the competition! Learn about the structure of the hackathon, and how the theme "Forces of Attraction" should influence the product you create, as well as giving pointers on how to get the most out of the experience.
    Writally Blog-Hackathon July 2016
      20 Jul - 05:00 PM
      Spring Hill, Australia
    Do you get "bloggers block"? Have trouble creating your content? Come and get your blogging flowing again. Bring your laptop to this Blog-hackathon and -- using your personal blog post recipe -- the organizers will help create and workshop your blog post step-by-step as you write it. At the end of the event, you’ll walk away with a ton of helpful feedback to help you improve your blog writing and a kick-ass blog post you can publish immediately!
    Writally Blog-Hackathon
      15 Jun - 05:30 PM
      Spring Hill, Australia
    Hackathons don't have to be about coders! What about bloggers? If you want to put the fun back into your blog-writing, sign up to attend the first ever Writally Blog-hackathon. Just bring your laptop--you'll be given your own blog post recipe--and Writally mentors will help you create and workshop your blog post step-by-step as you write it. At the end of the event, you’ll walk away with tons of helpful feedback to improve your blog writing, plus you'll have an amazing blog post you can publish immediately!