Showing results 1 to 10 out of 45
Recognition Mission: Non-technical HR Hackathon
  02 Dec - 09:00 AM
  Brisbane City, Australia
This HR Hackathon is a forum for new ideas on how we can supercharge recognition to power cultural outcomes for today’s global business. With the growing trend of disparate workforces, increasing availability of new communication technologies and shifting organisational cultures: how do we harness recognition to make it count? We all know that recognition helps to engage employees at all levels, champion positive behaviours and drives real business outcomes. With the right recognition systems, we can make work a better place for everyone from frontline staff to CEOs and boost performance in the process. In this non-technical HR Hackathon, your team will develop a disruptive workforce recognition solution and go head-to-head with like-minded thought leaders in this space. Whether you are a CEO, HR practitioner, people manager or anyone in between, we are seeking a diverse range of participants who have something to say about talent, culture and technology. Let's get recognition back on our radars with innovative ideas and fresh perspectives, to empower employees across global workplaces.  The Perks: This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to make their mark on workplace recognition and connect with like-minded thought leaders in the people and technology space! The day will also include:*$3500 in cash prizes up for grabs*Full catering + barista coffee all day*Post-event networking session Questions? Check out more info or chat with us here.  Registration info All Hackathon teams will consist of 4 or 5 people.  I have a group of 4 or 5 people already Simply select a group ticket, choose a team name and enter the details of all your team members in the one form. I have a group of 2-3 people Follow the instructions above, and we'll add additional members to your team to make a group of 4 or 5. I am an individual entrant Order an individual ticket and we'll add you to a group.  Frequently Asked Questions Who can enter? If you are great at working in teams, know how to think outside the box and have something to say about talent, culture and technology - then you are welcome to participate! Whether you are a CEO, HR practitioner, marketing professional or anyone in between, we are seeking a diverse range of "Hackers" to be involved. How will teams be formed? Teams can register together in a single registration. Or, if you would like to be placed in a team, simply register yourself only and we will formulate individual entrants into diverse groups. All teams must contain 4 or 5 people. What does it cost? It is 100% free to participate in this hackathon. What do I need to bring? Simply bring along your own laptop or device, and we will provide everything else you need. What resources are provided? Whiteboards, pens and flipcharts will be available for each team. The event will also be fully catered with lunch and snacks on the day. And most importantly, there is a coffee machine! How long is the Hackathon? You will have 7 hours to create your solution (10am - 5pm). The whole event will run from 9am to 7pm including the introduction and post-event celebrations. What's up for grabs? Prizes will be announced via our social media channels leading up to the event so stay tuned for updates.  
      01 Dec - 05:00 PM
      Ipswich, Australia
    Barkathon2017 We love our canine companions, but barking from some dogs can be a nuisance. In fact, barking dog complaints represent one of the largest service request types for Ipswich City Council!  Traditional ways of addressing barking dog complaints can be resource intensive treated on a case-by-case basis, and interventions can inconsistent or short-term fixes. We invite you to help us discover and develop solutions that will benefit dog owners, their neighbours and the wider community through technology and innovation. Are there new ways to capture grievances? What tools can we put in the hands of our residents? Are there new technologies, platforms, or applications we can introduce that would make it easier for customers? What else can we and our systems do to help make people’s lives in our cities more connected and enabled to enrich quality of life? Barkathon2017 is the concept of using ideas and technology to fix the pesky problem of noisy dogs via a 48-hour weekend hackathon. Ipswich City Council has partnered with Fire Station 101 to connect entrepreneurs, developers and environmentalists with a unique opportunity to create a digital solution to solve the barking dog problem. This Hackathon is open to any individuals or groups with a great idea, and with the passion and motivation to make it happen. Winner/s will receive up to $30,000 in product development funding plus mentoring support to grow their idea through a Fire Station 101 Innovation Hub membership. Once the product is developed and launched, the winner/s will retain intellectual property ownership and will be enabled to further commercialise their product with Ipswich City Council becoming their first customer. Join us at Fire Station 101 for a unique 48-hour collaboration opportunity as Ipswich City Council offers technologies and data to hack a solution and possibly even start a new business! What to expect We begin the weekend on Friday evening with dinner and networking, followed by presenting the challenge and forming teams around ideas.   Some teams will come in already knowing each other, and other teams will find each other on the night. What follows will be 48 hours of developing business models, designing, maybe coding, building, and engaging actual customers to validate your ideas. Build networks and relationships: You will work alongside people from diverse skills and experience in a supportive community focused on helping each other achieve outcomes. Mentor support: You will be supported by mentors from diverse backgrounds including successful entrepreneurs, IT, animal management, data, and more. Actual Data: You will have access to council data related to animal management and community data Learning support: Education sessions will run Saturday and Sunday to provide tips and tricks on business models, development of minimum viable products, customer engagement, and pitching. Food!: Great quality meals and drinks provided through the weekend to keep you fuelled and caffeinated. Limited Edition T-shirt and a water bottle The weekend will wrap up with a pitch to expert guest judges who will decide on the project selected for funding for the next stage of development. You bring the ideas and the energy, we provide the space, mentors, data, food, and drink through the weekend. Come along to not only help our community and our pets but start a new globally scalable business in the process! Registrations essential About Ipswich City Council Located 40 minutes from Brisbane with a population of 200,000, Ipswich is the fastest growing region in Queensland.  Ipswich is leading the way in smart technology, ranked as one of the Top 7 Intelligent Communities of the world as assessed by the New York-based smart cities think tank, the Intelligent Communities Forum (ICF). About Fire Station 101 Fire Station 101 helps entrepreneurs build, grow, and scale their ideas to ignite innovation in Ipswich and beyond.  We bring together mentors, investors, corporate partners, volunteers, and service providers all focused on one thing: the entrepreneur’s success. An initiative of Ipswich City Council, we are passionate about impacting our local community with solutions that can scale globally. KEEN TO FIND OUT MORE? Come along to our Barkathon2017 Info & Ideation Night on Tuesday 28 November 2017 from 6 – 8 pm Register HERE for the Ideation Night
      The EyeSyght Hackathon
        25 Nov - 09:00 AM
        Brisbane, Australia
      Come along to the EyeSyght hackathon to help make history and enable vision-impaired people (VIP) to see and enjoy greater opportunities! The Problem Vision impairment affects more than 285 million people globally and makes it extremely challenging to, amongst other things, interpret complex visual information, including signs, charts, maps, and graphs. This, in turn, creates disadvantage and obstacles to opportunities. QUT engineering student Santiago has lived this experience, being vision impaired his whole life, and has had to overcome challenges along the way to realising his dreams. Whilst he is fortunate to receive support and early access to complex visual information in his engineering studies at QUT, he knows that not all are so lucky. As an entrepreneurial problem solver, he also believes that technology could enable a better solution for vision impaired people to be able to ‘see’ complex visual information - and he wants to bring such a solution to the world as co-founder of EyeSyght.   EyeSyght's Mission EyeSyght's mission is to harness technology to help overcome disadvantage and enable vision impaired people to better see complex visual information, with a focus on ‘touch to see” technology development. They have been working on developing touch to see technology and now hope to harness hackathon people power to manifest their mission, with support from Google, Vision Australia, QUT and other organisations.   EyeSyght Hackathon If you would like to help EyeSyght solve challenges for the world's vision impaired, and have the chance to win prizes, come along to the EyeSyght Hackathon on November 25 2017! A key challenge for participants is to answer "How can we enable vision impaired individuals to feel graphical information such as maps, charts and pictures in real-time?" Hackathon participants will work in teams to develop solutions to this challenge:             • Guided by mentors             • Inspired by technology experts             • Fueled with delicious food and beverages             • AND... there is the chance to win prizes, including $500 cash for the most innovative solution. The EyeSyght Hackathon seeks to bring together a diversity of people to work on solutions. The winning team will receive a $500 cash prize for the most innovative idea, thanks to Bluebox, who are supporting this event. The EyeSyght team will also be looking to connect with a diversity of talent to work with them in the future to help bring their solution to market. So far, attendees include: Passionate problem solvers Students from diverse disciplines : This includes engineering, software, hardware, mechanical,  electrical, mechatronics, design, business, material scientists. Researchers Entrepreneurs Resentatives from Vision Australia and vision impaired people Santiago’s Guide dog, and Buddy Lockie   Event Details The event will be held at QUT on Saturday 25th November from 9am-5pm. We Hope you can join us, and take part on making history. We look forward to seeing you at the event. Please note: There is a Queensland State Election occurring on the same day as our event and we know you'd rather be with us! To make sure you don't miss out please consult the ECQ website ( for details on how you can pre-poll. There is a polling station available at the Brisbane City Hall on the day but that is a 20-30 minute walk each way from the QUT location so we strongly advise you pre-poll. This event has been sponsored by:
        Brisbane Airport Corporation Hackathon
          24 Nov - 07:00 AM
          Brisbane City, Australia
        Entrepreneurs, marketers, developers, designers! The Brisbane Airport Corporation invites you to participate in the 2017 BAC Hackathon. You'll collaborate with a team to design and prototype an innovative solution that will help encourage more arriving and departing passengers to do more duty-free shopping at the airport.
        The Aaron Swartz Day Internet Freedom Hackathon
          17 Nov - 05:30 PM
          Brisbane, Australia
        The Internet Freedom Hackathon is a celebration of the life and work of Aaron Swartz. Join us to celebrate Aaron Swartz Day as we further his work and create things that improve privacy for the powerless and transparency for the powerful. We need developers, experience designers, visual designers, quality analysts, business analysts, puzzle solvers, ideas people, managers, and anyone else with an interest in collaborative development, or the causes of privacy, digital rights, transparency, or accountability. We'll form teams – you don't need to be an expert in any field. The event will take place on the weekend of 17th-19th November 2017 at ThoughtWorks' Brisbane office and all meals and drinks will be provided.  Please read our code of conduct before registering. Much more information is available at 
          EnergyLab Brisbane Hackathon
            10 Nov - 05:30 PM
            Brisbane, Australia
          The energy sector is being disrupted, and with technological change come new opportunities. Who will be the Facebook, Amazon and Uber of the emerging smart energy sector? If you want the answer to be 'you' then come along to the EnergyLab Brisbane Hackathon! New energy technologies such as solar panels, batteries, electric vehicles and over-the-internet metering and control systems are rapidly becoming cheaper and more ubiquitous. At the same time there have been great advances in adjacent areas such as artificial intelligence, drones and telecommunications. The convergence of all these trends makes new innovations and business models possible. The EnergyLab Brisbane Hackathon is designed to bring people interested in energy innovation together to brainstorm, develop and demonstrate new business concepts. We have partnered with Wattwatchers which will provide access to its API for any teams that wish to build their solution off the Wattwatchers energy management platform for homes and commercial buildings. How it works Inspiration: We'll kick off with a couple quick presentations about problems you might consider solving, as well as an explanation of how to make the best use of the Wattwatchers API and data. Team forming: You can register as a team if you want, but if you're missing a team member or registering as an individual then we'll help you find teammates.  Ideation: Once teams are formed the brainstorming begins! Come up with a bunch of ideas and pick the one you want to work on for the rest of the hackathon.   Developing: We'll leave lots of time for you to develop your ideas, build a prototype if possible, and prepare your presentation.  Presenting: Each team will present to a panel of judges, who will pick the winning teams.  Celebrating: Unwind and celebrate what you've achieved in less than 24hrs over a drink and something to eat. Key Information Where: Fishburners, 155 Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland  When: 5:30pm Friday 10 November to 8:00pm Saturday 11 November Who: Students, entrepreneurs, designers, engineers, hackers, professionals, and anyone else interested in energy startups. You can register as an individual or as a team. Cost: Free and all meals provided! Prizes The winning team will receive a prize package to help them get their idea off the ground.  A free legal consultation with Marque Lawyers to set up a strong foundation for your startup A guaranteed place in EnergyLab's Springboard Program Preferential access to EnergyLab's Acceleration Program Agenda Friday 10th November 5:30pm: Arrive, have something to drink and eat, and start to get to know your fellow participants 6:00pm: Presentations to provide inspiration, resources and information on what the next 24 hours will entail 7:30pm: Dinner, team formation, and team registration 8:30pm: Go home and rest (or work if you really want to) Saturday 11th November 8:00am: Doors open and breakfast served Work in your teams 12:30pm: Lunch served 3:45pm: Submissions due 4:00pm: 5-minute presentation by each team followed by questions from the judges 5:30pm: Presentation on the EnergyLab Acceleration Program while the judges deliberate 5:50pm: Winners announced! 6:00pm: Drinks to celebrate all you've achieved in 24 hours 7:30pm: Doors close Judging panel Philip Livingston, Founder & Managing Director, Redback Technologies Sandra McCullagh, Director, The Impact Suite Stephanie Moroz, CEO, Nano-Nouvelle Fraser Power, Stakeholder & Advocacy Manager, Australia Pacific LNG Frequently asks questions (FAQs) How many people are allowed in a team? Teams must contain 2, 3 or 4 people. Teams with 5 or more people in them must break into two or more smaller teams. Individuals can't compete but we will help you find at least one other person to form a team with (see below). I already have teammates, can I just participate with them? Yes! As long as you have at least one other person on your team (and your team doesn't have more than four people in it). I don't know anyone else attending, how will I form a team?  We have your back! We have built in a number of ways for you to meet other people in the same boat and will help you form a team with people you want to spend Saturday with. Before the event you will be invited to a Facebook Group and Friday night will start off with some casual networking over drinks. During the presentations, everyone will introduce themselves so you know who else is looking for team members. During dinner, the organiser will help match individuals together and make sure no one is left out. If you have any questions or concerns please send an email to About EnergyLab EnergyLab is Australia’s leading platform for launching new energy businesses. Our integrated approach draws on the community of clean energy entrepreneurs and offers a range of ways to engage and leverage their ideas, technologies and resources. To read more about EnergyLab head to Our Sponsors The EnergyLab Brisbane Hackathon cannot happen without the generous support of our sponsors. A big thank you to Wattwatchers for sponsoring the event and providing participants with access to their API and datasets. Thank you also to Marque Lawyers for sponsoring a prize and to PythonAnywhere for providing participants with free accounts to use the Wattwatchers API. And last but not least, a big thank you to Fishburners who have provided the space for this hackathon. Fishburners is Australia’s largest community of tech startups and a not for profit organisation. They support over 300 startups in their communities in Brisbane and Sydney and host more than 500 events around Australia. They offer a free one week trial which you can take up here: Volunteers needed! If you don't want to participate, but still want to be involved, we'd love some people to help out on the day. If you're interested in volunteering please email James Tilbury at
            IWS-Hackathon 2017
              03 Nov - 06:30 PM
              Meadowbrook, Australia
            We're going to break ground on developing a collection of sharable and freely available STEM teaching resources based around the construction and operation of open source Intelligent Watering System. Our goal is to start producing a open, freely available toolkit for the IWS that includes teacher instruction, connections to the Australian Curriculum, assessment and extension opportunities. We want create a shared portfolio of ideas around a wide variety of topics including where the IWS fits into the curriculum, what lesson plans will look like, how assessment will work, how to physically install an IWS in a classroom or school and how to extend students using the IWS. Unlike many other hacking events we don’t intend to sit down and write any code so there’s no requirement for participants to have prior experience in coding or electronics. Instead, we’ve created an event specifically for educators that have a passion for developing ‘practical’ STEM projects for teachers. We've finalized the schedule for the event, you can view it herePlease visit for more information.
              Big Data, Big Heart Hackathon
                28 Oct - 08:00 AM
                Brisbane, Australia
              Big data architects, developers, and techies in and around Brisbane! CloudTrek invites you to participate in the Big Data, Big Heart Hackathon. You'll team with like-minded big data and automation enthusiasts to use AWS cloud-based technology to create an awesome solution to a given big data challenge for our global village.
              Tanda Hackathon - Brisbane 2017
                27 Oct - 06:00 PM
                Brisbane, Australia
              Techies in and around Brisbane! Tanda -- a workforce management software company -- invites you to sign up to participate in the Tanda Hackathon - Brisbane 2017. You'll be challenged to use Tanda's upgraded API and their new Webhooks Platform to conceive and develop an innovative app that extends the reach of workforce management! You'll compete for prizes in a number of categories including overall winner, best technical project, and best no-code project.
              Big Data Big Heart - Ideation evening - AWS Offices
                18 Oct - 06:00 PM
                Brisbane, Australia
              Are you planning to participate in the Big Data, Big Heart Hackathon? If so, you're invited to come along to the event Ideation evening. Form your team, register and hear directly from the challenge providers - Diabetes Queensland, Epilepsy Queensland, and Life Flight.