Showing results 41 to 44 out of 44
MPID Healthcare Hackathon
25 Feb - 09:00 AM
Sydney, Australia
Healthcare technical professionals, students, entrepreneurs! by Macquarie Park Innovation District (MPID) and National Australia Bank (NAB) invite you to participate in the MPID Healthcare Hackathon. You'll be challenged to use NAB’s data-sets and APIs to design and build a digital solution that helps support, empower and provide insights to healthcare consumers and organizations.
Enabled by Design-athon
24 Feb - 08:30 AM
Darlington, Australia
Developers, designers, entrepreneurs! Are you interested in creating accessibility solutions for people with disabilities and their therapists and caregivers? Remarkable invites you to sign up to hack solutions for some of the everyday challenges that those people have identified! It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an experienced business person, you'll be able to network and collaborate with innovative, creative and like-minded individuals. You'll be part of a team that will create functioning prototypes of radically great accessibility solutions. Winning's not everything, but the winning team will get cash and cool prizes and a slot in the Remarkable Accelerator!
Challenging Inequality @ UNSW Hackathon
21 Feb - 06:00 PM
Kensington, Australia
Hackers in the greater Sydney area! Are you interested in combatting inequality where it exists? You're invited to sign up to participate in the Challenging Inequality @ UNSW Hackathon, which will be held at the Michael Crouch Innovation Centre. Come and collaborate to help solve some of the biggest challenges facing humans. Pitch your project to a panel of judges for the chance of a prize and recognition as the creator of possibly the world’s next big innovation!
Hackathons Australia January Meetup 2017
17 Jan - 06:00 PM
Sydney, Australia
You're invited to Hackathon Australia's first meet up.
Currently we're an online community and we feel 2017 will be a year of collaboration. To faciliate this, we're holding a session for hackathon participants, organisers, partners and those who have an interest in coming and participating in a hackathon. Find along to find out more!
Our first one is special and we hope to make these gatherings interactive.
6:00-6:30 - Food and games
6:30-6:50 - Hackathons in 2017, Angela Bee
6:50-7:10 - Social Change, Anne Marie Elias
7:10 - 7:25 - Project Pitch - 2 projects from StartCon's Code for Australia will be presenting their achievements and learnings from the weekend
7:25 - 7:30 - Hackathon noticeboard - if anyone has a hackathon coming up, feel free to let the community know
7:30- 8:00 - Networking and drinks
Venue, food and drink generously supplied by Freelancer.
Speaker Profiles
Angela Bee is the Founder of Hackathons Australia and an ARN Women in ICT Award winner. After uni, she attended plenty of hackathons and fell in love with technology: the speed of how it evolves, the way it influences our lives, and the benefits it brings to simplify processes and help those in need. To date she's participated and mentored at over 50 hackathons, inspiring others to inhabit an innovative mindset. Her advice: make a difference to the way we live — not only now but make a mark on the future.
A devotee of entrepreneurship, startup and tech, Anne-Marie Elias is a Social Change Connector, Strategist and Innovator, her passion and enthusiasm for collaborative disruption is undeniable. Anne-Marie preaches the gospel of collaboration, innovation and collectivism, and provides others the tools to do the same and her following is growing exponentially because the world is ready for some serious disruption for social change.
This event is brought to you by Hackathons Australia.
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