Showing results 1 to 10 out of 22
Telstra Cloud Hackathon #2
  09 Dec - 05:30 PM
  Melbourne, Australia
Innovators, techies, entrepreneurs! Come and participate in Telstra Cloud Hackathon #2. This event is a venue for you to showcase your creativity and technical skills to create digital solutions limited only by your capacity for innovation. Come and show what you've got — wearables, mobility, internet of things, etc. etc.
Spotless Hack @ the G
  21 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Melbourne, Australia
IoT Hackers! Professional coders, hackathon veterans, university students. Come one come all and strut your stuff at Melbourne's premier IoT Hackathon — the Spotless Hack @ the 'G. You'll be challenged to build an awesome IoT or data solution that will enhance the customer experience in one of the following key service areas for sponsor Spotless: »Catering and Food Services »Facility Maintenance »Cleaning and Waste Management »Security
Energy Hackathon
  21 Oct - 04:00 PM
  Carlton, Australia
Interested in making waves in the energy sector? Come participate in the Energy Hackathon. You'll get access to data, experiment with new forecasting and machine learning methods, test your ideas with business mentors. Collaborate with like-minded hackers and experts from the Powershop and Melbourne Energy Institute teams. You'll have the opportunity to create solutions to challenges such as: »The Virtual Powerplant »Electric Vehicles, and »Community Power
HealthHack 2016 Melbourne
  14 Oct - 06:00 PM
  Melbourne, Australia
Data visualisers, designers, UX-pros, developers, and all healthcare techies in the Melbourne Area! HealthHack Australia invites you to participate in HealthHack 2016 Melbourne—a weekend-long event focused on creating solutions in the health and medical research fields. Come on your own or with a team and participate in a 48-hour frenzy of coding, building, hacking, and presenting with like-minded individuals! Each team will work together—building mashups, data visualisation, and apps—on a challenging medical research problem. If you need answers to your hackathon questions, then visit the tips page!
Unearthed Melbourne 2016
  14 Oct - 05:00 PM
  Melbourne, Australia
Software developers, engineers, data scientists, designers, and industry insiders in the energy/resources sector in and around Melbourne! Unearthed Solutions invites you to participate in Unearthed Melbourne 2017. At this weekend-long hackathon, you'll get to collaborate with like-minded professionals. With access to proprietary industry data, as well as data from government partners, you'll be challenged to solve a meaningful global resources challenge. Come with a team, or join one at the event and compete for awesome prizes. Winning projects will also be given the opportunity for support for accelerated growth. Prepare yourselfwith the best hackathon advice!
ITS 2016 Mastercard Smart City Hackathon
  08 Oct - 09:00 AM
  Melbourne, Australia
Interested in solutions for Smart Cities? Sign up for an ITS Mastercard Smart City challenge, using Mastercard & Partner APIs: »Green Challenge: Build an intelligent transportation solution to facilitate or encourage the use of sustainable, eco-friendly methods of transport & payments for residents, commuters, tourists, or transportation of goods. »Demand Management Challenge: Build an intelligent transportation solution that can help cities like Melbourne manage demand for transport services for passenger and freight. »Future City Challenge: Build an intelligent transportation solution that can help cities like Melbourne make better use of the wealth of data available.
Hearing Focused E-Sewing/Wearable Technology Hackathon
  17 Sep - 09:00 AM
  Melbourne, Australia
Interested in how technology can help assist people with hearing impairment, or even prevent the loss of hearing? Come participate in the Hearing Focused E-Sewing/Wearable Technology Hackathon. You will have access to sewable microcontrollers and associated components that you can use to work on your own designs ideas you will be presented. There will be prizes for the best designs.
MEDevice - Medical Device Innovation Hackathon
  15 Sep - 06:00 PM
  Parkville, Australia
Medical and engineering postgrad students at the University of Melbourne! If you're interested in medical device innovation, then come participate in the MEDevice - Medical Device Innovation Hackathon. Over the course of four weeks, you'll have the opportunity to network and form teams, learn computer-aided design skills to 3D print and rapidly prototype your ideas, culminating in a business pitch to a panel of experts and judges for the chance to win an awesome prize! Students will be aided in their product innovation by mentors in weekly sessions.
Monash MYHACK: Countering Violent Extremism
  09 Sep - 05:00 PM
  Melbourne, Australia
Monash GENERATOR is bringing in the MYHACK team to Melbourne to run a hackathon on countering violent extremism (CVE). In teams, participants will address the issue of CVE by coming up with innovative solutions to the problem. The winning team will receive a trip to Google in Sydney and training in Monash's ACCELERATOR program.
  08 Sep - 08:30 AM
  Footscray, Australia
Are you keen to address some of society’s biggest, hairiest and most audacious problems? Come and participate in WestHack. You can come with a team, an idea or both. Collaborate on ideas positively impact the world around you through business: »community »sustainability »immigration »arts »sport »cultural blending »local business »health »climate change.