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GE Industrial Hackathon - Melbourne
  12 Dec - 10:00 AM
  Carlton, Australia
At GE we make things like jet engines, locomotives, MRI machines, water treatment and power generation equipment. Our customers have complex and large-scale industrial operations, and they face challenges everyday about how to make those operations more efficient, reliable and safe. If you have a mind for innovation and a passion for technology, we invite you to be part of Australia’s first ever industrial hackathon. You will work with industry experts to solve real challenges faced in the industrial world today. Think energy optimisation, fuel efficiency, safety, asset tracking and quality assurance. You will apply your skills and knowledge in a new context to build scalable solutions with software, data and a different approach to problem solving. Entries will be judged on the quality and scalability of the solution as well as the design, business model and market validation.
    Startup Weekend Melbourne 2015
      20 Nov - 06:00 PM
      Melbourne, Australia
    Follow us! Click on this Facebook link to receive updates on the awesome Startup Weekend event we have planned for you! Startup Weekend Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. It is the largest community of passionate entrepreneurs with over 1800 past events in 120 countries around the world in 2014.  The non-profit organization is headquartered in Seattle, Washington but Startup Weekend organizers and facilitators can be found in over 200 cities around the world. From Mongolia to South Africa to London to Brazil, people around the globe are coming together for weekend long workshops to pitch ideas, form teams, and start companies.  Why Participate? Startup Weekend is like the olympics of hackathons. It is a great way to flex your entrepreneurial muscle. No pain, no gain! Soo...If you're an aspiring entrepreneur, coder or designer and are looking to gain more experience, build your networks and get a real life taste of what it's like to be in a startup, then this is a great opportunity to put yourself in that challenging but highly rewarding environment! Format All Startup Weekend events follow the same basic model: anyone is welcome to pitch their startup idea and receive feedback from their peers. Teams organically form around the top ideas (as determined by popular vote) and then it’s a 54 hour frenzy of business model creation, coding, designing, and market validation. The weekends culminate with presentations in front of local entrepreneurial leaders with another opportunity for critical feedback. Whether entrepreneurs found companies, find a cofounder, meet someone new, or learn a skill far outside their usual 9-to-5, everyone is guaranteed to leave the event better prepared to navigate the chaotic but fun world of startups.  Click on the video below to check out other awesome startup weekend events! Prizes up for grabs, with more to be announced soon! First Prize of $1000 Second Prize of $500 Third Prize of $350 Vinomofo's selection of 6  1 month of free co-working space at the York Butter Factory Advisory Sessions with professional services and accounting firm Crowe Horwath Advisory Sessions with early-stage venture capital fund Adventure Capital Village Cinema gift vouchers 
      Hackathon - Movember Edition
        13 Nov - 05:00 PM
        Richmond, Australia
      THE IE x MOVEMBER HACKATHON  The details are: Dates: 18-19th November - from 5pm Friday until 5pm Saturday. Following the presentations there will be a bit of a party at IE! Problems: The Hackathon will be focussed on Movember and their business problems, with 24 hours for our teams to create a prototype and pitch back to judges. A winner will be chosen and an exciting (to be announced) prize awarded! The problems will be shared with you in the next day or so. Teams: Details on how to form these can be found in the Hackathon briefing document (to be shared) Let's change the face of mens health! 
        Unearthed Melbourne 2015
          06 Nov - 05:00 PM
          Melbourne, Australia
        Software developers, data scientists, engineers, UX designers, entrepreneurs, and industry insiders in and around Melbourne, Australia! Participate in Unearthed Melbourne 2015, a 54-hour open innovation hackathon that is focused on the global resources sector. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to develop prototype technology solutions to resource challenges on the theme of "The Internet of Things" (IOT) that are posed by leading industry players including Anglo American, Iluka Resources, and CSIRO. You'll also have the opportunity to work on real industry data, as well as data from government partners. Check our hackathon advice pagefor practical advice for Unearthed Melbourne participants!
        evolver: sustainable evolution | MELBOURNE SUSTAINABILITY JAM 2015
          30 Oct - 06:00 PM
          Melbourne, Australia
        evolver: sustainable evolution MELBOURNE SUSTAINABILITY JAM 2015   START THE BURN AND A CREATIVE FIRESTORM THAT LIGHTS THE EARTH UP FOR 52 HOURS   Sustainability is complex. There is a lot going on in the world. It is hard to know what to think and where to start. Try starting by putting the people you serve in the middle of your product or service design. This is the cardinal rule of design-thinking. Design-thinking provides a systematic way of uncovering novel, meaningful ways to solve complex problems. The Global Service Jam network are a global non-profit volunteer innovation army committed to spreading the power of design-thinking, and the emerging discipline of “service-design.” And, Melbourne is building up to start the burn that ignites the world for 52 hours with high-octane creativity, empathy and human ingenuity.   Build your “creative confidence” Work more coherently in teams to deliver an outcome Learn design thinking through hands-on application Make an impact on sustainability through generating a user-tested real-life initiative Learn how to apply business innovation models and tools Immerse end-to-end from idea generation through to a tested-solution with clear value proposition   So if you are passionate about building sustainable communities, and creating a sustainable planet, this is your opportunity to do something about it with other open-minded, open-hearted and curious people. You will use the tools of design-thinking to design, prototype, test and deliver a novel service with a team of likeminded strangers in 19 hours of concentrated activity. Learn what it takes to release and harness your innate creative potential. Think by doing, learn by doing, generate impact by doing. Jams change lives. Come and fuel the evolution.   Evolver is ...    The Melbourne’s Global Sustainability Jam event in 2015. The Global Sustainability Jam is the Global Service Jam’s response to our sustainability crisis. The Global Service Jam movement is committed to unleashing the creative and disruptive power of design-thinking to our sustainability individually, in community and on our planet.   Huh, Global Sustainability WHAT movement? This is a non-profit movement that invites people around the world to host simultaneous events that build new and novel products and services in the pursuit of better, human-centred interactions and services in the sustainability space.   What the Jam? Jams are about empathy, collaboration and experimentation. They promote co-design and participation. Come and stretch your understanding of what you are capable of creating in 19 intensive hours. A jam is a human-centred design-led hackathon. It uses the musical metaphor of "jamming" together, where a team of individuals who are unrelated come together to make great and new music. In a service design jam, the people are the musicians, their experience and imagination the instruments and the music made: novel products and services they could not create alone.   You will learn to use design-thinking methods to rapidly define and refine your ideas. Moving your ideas from concepts to prototypes. Prototyping is where the magic happens. Prototypes make your concept real in the world. They provide a reference that you can test with each other and with your market. Other people can play with your prototype, ask questions, add features, remove features, help you make something that others will be delighted to use.   SESSION PLAN     Times   FRIDAY 30 OCTOBER     SATURDAY 31 OCTOBER     SUNDAY 1 NOVEMBER       5.00-6.00pm: Registrations at Level 2, Donkey Wheel House. 6.00-10.00pm: Learn to Jam (Rapid Innovation)   8.00-9.00am: Breakfast/Morning activities   9.00am-6.00pm: Work on your product or service     8.00-9.00am: Breakfast/Morning Activities 9.00am-2.30pm: Consolidate, create your pitch, 2.30pm - 3.00pm: Upload pitch for the world to see. 4.00pm – 5.30pm Final presentations 6.00pm: OUT to RELAX and REFLECT   All up a Jam is about 19 hours of concentrated human activity. The participants, called Jammers, work two and quarter days on their product or service using design-thinking and other techniques to accelerate their learning and deliver a prototype, pitching it globally via video to explain their invention. They prototype rapidly, test, iterate, re-design and deliver their vision.   The creativity is inspired by a globally consistent theme that is shared across the globe following the path of the Sun. Australia and New Zealand kick this event off for the world. All the Jams are run on a non-profit basis by teams of volunteers. The materials and final products are made available to the world under Creative Commons licensing.   You get to hit the BIG RED BUTTON! Well it’s not quiet Guy Fawkes night, but it is All Hallows Eve! Let your inner ghoul and ghast out for a weekend. Start the creative fire that sets the Earth alight with 52 hours of empathy, experimentation and collaboration. The Jamming world watches us to seek where we take the design challenge. Be bold, be brave and inspire the world jamming community to take it to the next level. Be the change you want to see in the world ... and make a start in October. Be part of a global change-making event with sites all over the world participating!!! The motto of the global movement is DOING NOT TALKING! ... and YOU'RE INVITED! IT’S TIME TO EVOLVE!!! Your ticket price includes dinner Friday, a light breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday, and a light breakfast and lunch on Sunday, as well as some beverages ... until we run out of funds! Every dollar raised through tickets and sponsorship is spent on delivering you the best possible experience.  
          Unearthed Melbourne: Info Session
            29 Oct - 06:00 PM
            Melbourne, Australia
          Software developers, engineers, data scientists, designers, and industry insiders in Australia's energy/resources sector! If you're planning to participate in Unearthed Melbourne, then you should mark your calendar for the Unearthed Melbourne: Info Session. You'll get to learn about this weekend-long hackathon and network with your potential teammates and collaborators. Understand the challenges you'll face and form your team for the hackathon. Visit the hackathon expert advice page for practical advice on participating in Unearthed Melbourne!
          HealthHack 2015 - Melbourne
            23 Oct - 06:00 PM
            Melbourne, Australia
          Data analysts, data visualisers, problem solvers, software developers, testers, business analysts, storytellers, and journalists in Melbourne and across Victoria! If you are great at understanding and communicating complex medical science concepts, then HealthHack Australia invites you to participate in HealthHack 2015 - Melbourne. You'll get to work with a multi-disciplinary team to dig into copious amounts of medical research data and come up with innovative ways to analyse, visualise and communicate it. Maximize your HealthHack event experience with help from our hackathon tips page!
          Microsoft More Personal Computing Hackathon
            23 Oct - 05:00 PM
            Hawthorn, Australia
          Official Website Update 2: Thanks to generous sponsorship from Microsft, we are able to extend the early-bird pricing up to the date of the event. We also have a number of discount codes to give away. Tweet @OpaqueMM to get a code. Update 1: VicHealth has sponsored 2x $1000 prizes for using the technolgy and skills at the hackathon to answer their challenges. The Microsoft More Personal Computing Hackathon is a unique opportunity for coders, designers and hacking enthusiasts to acquire hands-on experience with some of the most exciting technologies of recent times: the Microsoft Band, Kinect, Windows 10, Cortana, Azure and more. Bring your own ideas and see how the technology can make them real, or use your skills to address one of our health challenges, posed by local and global health industry experts. Kicking off Melbourne International Games Week, the Microsoft More Personal Computing Hackathon will be held at Swinburne University of Technology from 23 - 25 October. Over 48 hours, participating teams will have exclusive access to Microsoft technologies AND the engineers who built them. The best applications have the chance to win thousands of dollars in prizes, including two $1000 prizes sponsored by VicHealth. Prizes will be given at an awards ceremony on Monday at the Hawthorn Town Hall in front of some of Victoria’s top entrepreneurs, businesspeople and government agencies. You and your team will have the opportunity to develop new software, from initial concept through to working prototype. Over the two fully catered days you’ll be brought up to speed on how to use the technology through exclusive workshops and then use your skills and knowledge to develop apps worthy of the prizes for each category. Developing a successful application prototype requires more than just coding skills – being the best requires designers, artists and business minded team members. Building a team with broad skills will give you an edge over the competition. What will your team develop?   The Tech Microsoft Band Making its first appearance in Australia, the Microsoft Band is the first device powered by Microsoft Health, featuring heart rate, steps, calorie burn, and sleep quality tracking. It also helps you be more productive with email previews and calendar alerts - right on your wrist. Kinect With Kinect for Windows, you can control applications using your just body, voice, and gestures. Developers and businesses worldwide are using Kinect to address challenges across a wide variety of industries. Development for the Kinect has been re-invigorated by its move to Windows and Unreal Engine 4. The developers of the Kinect 4 Unreal plugin will show you how Unreal Blueprints allow anyone – not just programmers – to develop sophisticated apps and games for the Kinect. Cortana and Azure Cortana is the personal assistant included with Windows 10. Cortana is also more than this - the Cortana Analytics Suite delivers big data and advanced analytics capabilities from the cloud, including machine learning, big data storage and processing as well as perceptual intelligence such as vision, face and speech recognition. Discover Azure and its machine learning capabilities that power Cortana and Cortana Analytics and see how the same backend can power your app. Windows 10 Windows 10 is the Operating System that enables development and innovation across all of these devices and platforms and more. With new SDKs and the best development tools available, Windows 10 allows developers to target over a billion devices and users across the world, from IoT devices to phones to the PC. With Windows 10, you’re ready to either create a new Universal Windows app or explore how you can use your existing app code on Windows.     The Organisers Microsoft Microsoft's mission is to empower individuals and organisations in every part of the world to achieve more. Microsoft's vision of a more personal computing experience unifies software, hardware and the cloud to empower people to invent and create. Opaque Multimedia Opaque Multimedia is a premiere experience development and technology consulting company. We merge VR, AR, games and web technologies to create training, games and marketing material of unparalleled immersion and sophistication. Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne is a world-ranked university leading the way in innovation, industry engagement and social inclusion. Our education, high-quality research, and industry partnerships, create positive change for students, staff and the community. Creative Victoria Creative Victoria is a government body dedicated to supporting, championing and growing the state’s creative industries, spanning arts, culture, screen, design and more. VicHealth The Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) is a pioneer in health promotion – the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health. Their primary focus is promoting good health and preventing chronic disease. They create and fund world-class interventions. They conduct vital research to advance Victoria’s population health. They produce and support public campaigns to promote a healthier Victoria. They provide transformational expertise and insights to government.     The Prizes Every attendee will receive a 30% discount pass to Future Assembly, Australia’s newest emergent technology festival. The best overall application will receive a trip to Sydney for the opening of the first flagship Microsoft store outside the US. The best Kinect application will receive a Kinect for each team member. The best Kinect 4 Unreal application will receive a Kinect 4 Unreal development support package. The best Health application will receive a stand at Future Assembly. The best applications to answer the VicHealth Challenges will win $1000 each. The Band or Cortana applications will win an Xbox One for each team member.     FAQs What are my transport/parking options getting to the event? The best way to get to the hackathon is train or tram. Take the Alamein, Burwood or Lilydale line trains or the #16 tram to Glenferrie Station. If you are travellign by car, parking is plentiful around Burwood and Glenferrie Rd at the weekend. Most parking is timed until mid-afternoon on Saturday. What can/can't I bring to the event? Computers/Laptops: For teams working with the Band or Kinect, we'll be providing 1 device and an associated PC per team. Each team member should otherwise bring a computer or laptop. We will have a limited number of Windows To Go drives for participants with Mac or Linux devices that would like to use Windows specific tools. Food/Drink: The event is completely catered, but feel free to bring your own food & drink. No alcohol or drugs and legal stimulants only, please. Will the event go for the full 48 hours? Yes. You are free to go home and sleep, or to grab a nap on a couch at the event, if you'd like to settle in, dedicated sleeping areas will be provided - bring your kit. We will be instituting a midnight to 06:00 lockout - during these hours, you'll be able to leave, but noone will be allowed in. If I go to sleep or duck out for a coffee, will my equipment be safe? We will have security onsite for the entire event so we'll do what we can to prevent anything bad from happening, but we can't accept any liability for items going missing or being broken. Who owns the application I develop at the hackathon? You and your team own any idea or applications you develop during the hackathon. Whether you win or not, your ideas belong to you. This event is conducted under the Event Code of Conduct and the Swinburne Code of Conduct.
            Pakathon Melbourne Hackathon 2015
              09 Oct - 06:30 PM
              Hawthorn, Australia
              Event Details:  Opening Night: Friday 9th Oct, 2015 1800 – 2030 hrs (Don’t forget to bring along your pitch!!!)  Day 2: Saturday 10th Oct, 2015 1000 – 2000 hrs  Day 3: Sunday 11th Oct, 2015 1000 – 2000 hrs (The day of judgement!!!)   What is Pakathon? Pakathon is a global movement that connects entrepreneurs, researchers and technologists from around the world to catalyse collaboration and inspire individuals to work on their “startup” ideas. We aim to create sustainable and profitable projects and companies that make a social impact and shape the future of Pakistan. Pakathon’s Annual Hackathon: Pakathon's flagship event is a three-day hackathon – a part of a week of synchronised hackathons held across our global chapters. Pakathon MELBOURNE is inviting you to their first hackathon. We're hoping you'll join us as one of the many bright minds around the world in this movement using their skills and resources to address challenges in Pakistan and beyond. Why should you attend? We will have individuals from diverse backgrounds coming together to unleash untapped opportunities and build business and/or digital solutions to frontline challenges in Pakistan. The winners of Melbourne Hackathon are in with a chance to win USD10,000, exposure on a global scale and mentorship from renowned business leaders from around the world. To find out how, join us for our opening night! Who should attend? People who are passionate about using technology and business to address problems in developing countries, whether it be developers, designers, business professionals or development workers. If you have a great idea, or a skill that can help bring an idea to life, Pakathon is the perfect way for you to spend your weekend.   Why Pakathon? Pakathon empowers people around the world to be change agents for countries like Pakistan, across geographical boundaries and despite resource constraints. We are creating a ‘global nervous system’ that is open to anyone with an idea and entrepreneurial spirit. If you have an existing connection with Pakistan, we provide you with a platform to contribute to its development. If you are someone who wants to explore new frontiers, Pakathon provides a platform to share your skills for good and you also gain exposure to different cultures and perspectives. Our unique international program consists of a number of events and educational resources to help the Pakathon community launch your idea into a sustainable startup, collaborate with a global network, and connect with funding and mentoring opportunities. Terms and Conditions: By registering for Pakathon Melbourne’s hackathon event, you agree to the following terms and conditions: I hereby grant Pakathon Melbourne and Pakathon Global permission to use my likeness in a video, photograph, or other digital reproduction in any and all of its publications, including website, without payment or any other conditions.   FAQs What is a Hackathon? A Hackathon is an event where people come together for an intense and fun weekend of collaborative problem solving and rapid prototyping of ideas.  Are there ID requirements? Photo ID (eg. your university ID or your driver’s license) is required for entry into the event venue.  What are my transport/parking options getting to the event? Train: 2 minute walk from Glenferrie Station (Alamein, Belgrave & Lilydale train line) Tram: Take No. 70 from Russel St/Flinders St towards Wattle Park via Swan Street. Get off at Stop 32 Glenferrie Rd/Riversdale Rd. 3 minute walk to Hawthorn Town Hall Car: Plenty of car park available near the Glenferrie Station and around the town hall. What type of support is provided during Pakathon?  A key part of Pakathon’s support is the valuable advice and assistance provided by the event’s Mentors to the teams. Mentors consist of experts in various fields ranging from software development, entrepreneurship, industry expertise, and local knowledge of Pakistan who dedicate their time to providing feedback and guidance and working with teams. In addition, a public speaking coach will be provided on Sunday morning to assist with final pitch rehearsal.  What are the streams I can participate in at Pakathon? Some of the suggested streams are: - Education - Healthcare - Women’s Development - Energy - Gaming - Law and Order However, you don’t have to restrict yourself these streams. Where can I contact the organizer with any questions? For more information, please email or contact us on Volunteers are welcome! 
                26 Sep - 09:00 AM
                Melbourne, Australia
              CodeBrew is a hackathon run for university students and will be held at York Butter Factory, between the 25th-27h of September 2015. Ps. The weekend doesn't just consist of developing ideas and turning them into reality but also involves mentoring and workshops run by industries leading experts and members!!