Showing results 1 to 10 out of 64
Writing Hackathon December 14 (Free)
  14 Dec - 09:00 AM
  Melbourne, Australia
Got some writing to do? Hate sitting down to it all alone?  Join my Writing Hackathon for two hours on Thursday. Just bring along your writing project, and work in quiet companionship. There is no charge, but you must book using Eventbrite. This is not a workshop. It is an opportunity set aside time to get your writing work done alongside other quiet and purposeful writers. There's how. We have four 25-minute writing sprints with five minutes debrief between. We are focused and task orientated. I hope you can make it. There’s enough room for eight of us. First in, first served. No latecomers. 
    SuperHack 2017
      02 Dec - 09:00 AM
      Melbourne, Australia
    Our website can be accessed here. Once registered, all ticket information can be edited later by going to your profile (top right, just left from "CREATE EVENT") and accessing "Tickets". There can be up to two teams from each school. THE ISSUE Only 14% of the Australian Engineering Workforce consists of women. This shockingly low statistic is something we at MUEEC and Robogals intend to change. That is why this December we will encourage young women to take an interest in engineering with a two day long engineering-fest: a hackathon. THE CHALLENGE On the 2nd and 3rd of December at a brand new venue on the ground floor of 333 Exhibition Street, 20 teams of 3-5 girls in years 10 and 11 will compete to solve real world engineering challenges. THE SUPERHEROES With a superhero theme and supervision by University of Melbourne staff, each team will represent their school and have the chance to bring home awesome prizes, as well as cashing in on free giveaways.
      Writing Hackathon November 30 (Free)
        30 Nov - 08:55 AM
        Melbourne, Australia
      Got some writing to do? Hate sitting down to it all alone?  Join my Writing Hackathon for two hours on Thursday. Just bring along your writing project, and work in quiet companionship. There is no charge, but you must book using Eventbrite. This is not a workshop. It is an opportunity set aside time to get your writing work done alongside other quiet and purposeful writers. There's how. We have four 25-minute writing sprints with five minutes debrief between. We are focused and task orientated. I hope you can make it. There’s enough room for eight of us. First in, first served. No latecomers. 
        Conversational Design : Chatbots, Wearables, IOT and the death of the screen
          29 Nov - 06:00 PM
          Melbourne, Australia
        The explosion of chatbots, wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) devices is changing the way we approach design. Could these new interfaces bring on the death of the screen? Imagine if consumers no longer relied on their phones for information, but relied instead on the integration of technology in all living, working, and social spaces. Amazingly, this is already starting to happen.   Smart speakers like Google Home and Amazon Echo combine artificial intelligence and voice command, integrating design, technology, and information, all wrapped up into one neat product. Devices like these are changing the role of service, product, and user experience designers.   This panel event held on November 29 will look into the future and discuss where the technology and design industry is heading. Is voice command the next big thing? Just like the digital age has seen the decline of consumption of physical media like books, newspapers, and magazines, will the age of IoT see the death of the screen?   We bring you the rise of conversation designers, with a panel of chatbot, IoT, wearable and User Experience Design experts.  Julian Bright : Founder Amelie.Ai Julian is the founder and CEO of Amelie, a mental health startup that uses Artificial Intelligence to connect people with support when they need it most. One in every five people are affected by mental health every year, and Julian is passionate about making a difference. In 2016, Amelie won Hacking Health, an Australian healthcare hackathon. Prior to Amelie, Julian worked in Melbourne as a Data Scientist, where he developed machine learning algorithms for recommendation and search products at job platform SEEK. Suneel Jethani : PHD candidate, Department of Premier and Cabinet (VIC) Suneel is a wearable academic and focuses his research on the convergence of location-aware and body-aware media technology. His research seeks to investigate how body and self is projected through health and fitness tracking devices. Suneel also looks at the marketing side of wearable devices and how self tracking is changing idiosyncratic behaviours and the problems associated with the sharing of personal data. Jacinta McMahon : Exeprience Director at Downstream Jacinta is the Experience Design director at Downstream, a company that specialises in connecting people and places with technology. Her role is to create strategies that make experiences with environment and technology as engaging as possible. Working at the crossroads of Experience Design and technological innovation, Jacinta helps to crJaceate a more connected environment through data visualisation, technology integration and intelligent devices. Matt Sinclar : Senior Technology Specialist at Telstrs Matt is a senior technology specialist at Telstra, specialising in IoT. He focuses on identifying technology trends, and advises and educates on new concepts and products. Part of Matt’s role as an educator, enables him to work closely with customers to design fully-functioning and seamlessly-integrated IoT solutions. So far, Matt’s key achievements at Telstra include launching the IoT lab: Australia’s first publicly-accessible IoT lab, and facilitating the intelligent design of hardware, software and connectivity. Gendry Morales : Founder Style Hacker (moderator) Gendry is an entrepreneur working on creative use-cases for the blockchain. She tries to understand how decentralised management models will impact the future of work, how the fashion industry can leverage blockchain and data science, and the implications of digital asset ownership and collectible art on the blockchain. After graduating with a Computer Science degree, Gendry started her career as a backend developer and has worked in senior technical leadership roles. She has specialised in modern Product Delivery across a number of industries, including Financial Services, which is where her interest in cryptocurrencies began. Gendry also specialises in modern leadership principles including self-organisation and decentralisation and regularly speaks at conferences covering topics of data democratisation, game theory, and new ways of designing governance.
          Innovation Impact Hackathon
            29 Nov - 10:00 AM
            Melbourne, Australia
          Hackers in and around Melbourne! You're invited to participate in the Innovation Impact Hackathon. You'll get to collaborate as part of a multi-disciplinary team to design an innovative concept that will re-define the landscape around the Queen Victoria Market. Pitch your project to the panel of judges for the chance to win prizes worth over $2,000.
          RHoK Melbourne Summer 2017 Hack Marketplace
            26 Nov - 03:00 PM
            Melbourne, Australia
          Come and meet the amazing changemakers and see what our hacker community built at the 2017 Summer Hackathon This is the best way to come and check out what RHoK is all about if you are involved with a charity and potentially interested in being a changemaker in the future.  We'll be doing a marketplace style event where you can wonder around all the changemaker teams and hear what they have built directly from the source before voting for who you think is the most changemaking changemaker of them all by nominating them in the peoples choice award.  Arrive at 3pm and then come and grab a drink with us afterwards to celebrate the achievements of the weekend. 
            Writing Hackathon November 16 (Free)
              16 Nov - 09:00 AM
              Melbourne, Australia
            Got some writing to do? Hate sitting down to it all alone?  Join my Writing Hackathon for two hours on Thursday. Just bring along your writing project, and work in quiet companionship. There is no charge, but you must book using Eventbrite. This is not a workshop. It is an opportunity set aside time to get your writing work done alongside other quiet and purposeful writers. There's how. We have four 25-minute writing sprints with five minutes debrief between. We are focused and task orientated. I hope you can make it. There’s enough room for eight of us. First in, first served. No latecomers. 
              UX Gatherings October
                31 Oct - 06:00 PM
                Melbourne, Australia
              About the Talk Often in hackathons teams are built with developers, entrepreneurs and maybe even a gun visual designer. UX Designers can find it difficult to contribute meaningfully in the condensed format and fight off the requests for visual design and making things pretty. So how do you show the value a non-visual UXer brings to your hackathon team? Danya Azzopardi will take UX Gatherings through her experiences bringing UX practice into a hackathon team — helping us articulate the value we bring to teams. About Danya Danya is a UX Designer at REA Group predominantly working on the web experience. Her hackathon team won the Girl Geek Academy SheHacks competition in August 2015 and She was a mentor at Girls In Tech's Hack for Humanity earlier this year. Danya runs the Content Guild at REA where she advocates and educates about the importance of great content design. Code of Conduct UX Gatherings is dedicated to harassment-free event experiences for everyone. To attend an event you must follow our Code of Conduct. Acknowledgement of Country UX Gatherings acknowledges that we meet on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people, and pay our respect to elders past, present and emerging. Venue Details This month UX Gatherings is being hosted by the wonderful Academy Xi Melbourne campusThe venue is not accessible for mobility devices
                Energy Hack 2017
                  20 Oct - 06:30 PM
                  Parkville, Australia
                The global energy sector is going through a rapid transition. The way energy is produced, stored and used is changing. New technologies such as solar and batteries promise to turn the traditional, centralised power grid on its head. But will the system be as distributed as current trends suggest? What is needed for a faster, more productive, cheaper and cleaner energy system? As power prices in Australia continue to soar upwards and the threat of a repeat of state-wide blackouts loom – finding the key to unlocking reliable, 24-7, high quality, cheap, climate friendly energy at scale is becoming more and more urgent. The race is on and the question on everyone’s lips is: what will it take for Australia, with its abundant renewable resources, to lead the global marketplace in this space? What Energy Hack 17 is hosted by the Melbourne Energy Institute, with founding partner Powershop. It’s the second year we have brought together a community of hackers, hustlers and hipsters – determined to harness the consumer and technology revolution in energy. With the help and support of this year’s event partners: Victorian State Government, City of Melbourne, AEMO, Citipower/Powercor, Deloitte, Allens, DB Results, ZEN Energy, Clean Energy Council, and Intelligent Energy Systems (IES) we are excited to bring you an even bigger and better event. Join us for two dynamic days to discover and engineer opportunities in the brave new world of connected, low carbon energy. Get access to data, experiment with new forecasting and machine learning methods, explore commercial applications of block chain technology, test your ideas with business mentors, collaborate with the Powershop and Melbourne Energy Institute team, learn about the aspirations that motivate consumers, discover emerging technologies, tap into Melbourne’s entrepreneurial fire power and shake up your thinking. This two-day hackathon will bring experts in industry and policy together with researchers and students from diverse disciplines. Unlock ideas, educate influencers and stimulate entrepreneurship in the energy industry. Sign up to our newsletter for updates Pre-requisites Anyone with a passion for learning and solving problems is welcome. Energy Hack format 1. Two-day energy hack in Melbourne.2. Collaborate with other innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs and end users.3. Build and test your ideas.4. Pitch to the panel. What to bring Please bring your own laptop and any tech you wish to use and of course, your creative mind, ideas and passion to shake things up! Prizes There are some excellent prizes up for grabs, including $5,000 cash, Powershop power credits  and a cosy dinner with leaders in the energy and start-up community, just to name a few. Panel of Judges Michelle Groves - CEO, Australian Energy RegulatorJo Witters - Executive General Manager, Office of Innovation, Australian Energy Market Operator Simon Holmes à Court - Energy EntrepreneurMelissa O'Neill - General Manager Corporate Affairs, Citipower/PowercorMichael Brear - Director, Melbourne Energy Institute Sabiene Heindl - Director, Strategic Engagement & Corporate Counsel, Energy Consumers AustraliaMichael Benveniste - Head of Commercial & Strategy, Powershop Participation costs $25 entry fee includes lunch on both days and snacks to see you through. Please note spaces are limited, so hustle hackers. Times Friday: 6:30pm-10:00pm - Launch & team formationSaturday: 10:00am-10:00pm - Full day hackingSunday: 10a:00am-7:00pm - Half day hacking & pitching to judging panel Themes Community Power There have been some great examples in Australia of community owned and run energy production. Wind turbines and large solar arrays have been purchased by community groups and boards of directors set up to run these mini power plants. But do Australian towns really want to purchase their own energy production infrastructure? Does a suburb want to run its own zero-carbon power plant? Should a community set up its own micro-grid? Communities are becoming increasingly keen to take control of their own energy production. With distributed storage and production technologies becoming more and more accessible, community spaces such as school and town hall roofs are being utilised to produce energy. Whether a battery bank, a solar array or a modest wind farm, unused spaces are being revitalised and income generated from community power production is being invested back into schools and other services vital to the community. The Virtual Power Plant Can you imagine if grid infrastructure was provided as a trading platform, allowing you to buy solar energy from your neighbour? Energy has never been deemed sexy, but neither was car transport, and look how the Uber business model has taken the world by storm. What if energy was traded via peer-to-peer interactions utilising a Blockchain system? Consider the growing Internet of Things connecting things-to-things and people-to-things and people-to-people. What could a virtual grid look like and what sort of social and hardware interactions would eventuate? What happens if we compensate people who invest in batteries of distributed generation on their side of the meter, and we create a two-way system – a more productive system, meaning we don’t have to invest in generation that is only going to be used a few hours a year – because you can use the load itself as a balancing resource?
                  Blockchain and Smart Cities Hackathon
                    20 Oct - 05:00 PM
                    Melbourne, Australia
                  Hackers, designers, strategists in and around Melbourne! The Blockchain Association of Australia invites you to sign up to participate in SmartCitiesHack Melbourne. You'll be challenged to use technologies such as Blockchain to develop an innovative solution that enables smart cities in Australia. Come as a team or join one at the event. Teams should comprise between two to six members -- including a developer and a designer, plus additional members such as a strategist and a marketer.