Sowing results 4 out of 4
Celonis Hack'a'laus
04 Dec - 07:00 PM
München, Germany
Develop cool stuff at the Celonis Hack'a'laus
We invite you to join us for a magical Christmas Hackathon at Celonis from 4th until 6th of December. We will hack away on challenges around "Data Mining", "Frontend Development" and "Data Visualization".
Want to bring your own idea? Great! We are open to all cool ideas surrounding these topics. Just have fun with like-minded people while building your ideas.
Of course, there will be free food, free drinks, games, Nerf Guns, a kicker table and much more to relax and have a good time during the event. Want to stay overnight at the Celonis office? No problem for us! And of course you will get a free T-Shirt to show the world you hacked with us!
On Sunday evening we will announce the winner of our challenges. If you participate in the challenges you can win a Ferrari drive through Munich!
Day One 4/12
19.00 Check in
20.30 Snack-Dinner and Drinks for Coding Champions
Day Two 5/12
10.00 Breakfast with everything you dream of
11.00 Presentation of the challanges
12.00 Kick off / Get Your Hack On!
14.00 -15.00 Free pause
17.40 Prepare for presentation - Stop hacking
18.00 Intermediate presentation
19.00 Pizza time
20.00 Open End
Day Three 6/12
10.00 Breakfast with everything you dream of
10.45 Hackathon group picture
15.00 Prepare for presentation - Stop hacking
15.30 Final presentation
16:30 Winners announced
Our challenges will focus on adding accessing certain data sources, mining those sources and visualizing the results or dummy data. We will work with java and javascript, access data via SQL and mine with apache mahout. Visualizing on the frontend will be done with D3.js and the famouse angular.js
We want to make sure that you meet like-minded people during the Hackathon. Therefore you will have to answer a few questions while registering. We will send out invitations 1 week before the event. If you need an earlier notice, we will make sure to check your application early on. Just drop us a mail at
Digital Journalism Hackathon
04 Dec - 07:00 PM
München, Germany
Zwei Tage voller neuer Ideen, Konzepte und Prototypen. Beim Digital Journalism Hackathon könnt ihr den digitalen Journalismus weiter revolutionieren. Ihr hattet schon immer die Idee für eine neue News-App? Euch fehlt seit Monaten dieses eine Tool, das den Journalisten-Alltag so viel leichter machen würde? Und wie kann man eigentlich auf Facebook oder Snapchat Geschichten erzählen?
Die Art, wie wir Nachrichten kreieren und konsumieren verändert sich radikal. Beim Digital Journalism Hackathon könnt ihr eure Ideen ausprobieren und an nur einem Wochenende zum Prototypen bringen. Egal, ob ihr Software-Tools baut oder Web-Radio, Webdocs, mobile Storytelling oder Datenjournalismus neu definiert. Hackt los!
Teilnehmen können Journalisten, Programmierer, Webdesigner und alle, die Nachrichten lieben. Los geht’s am Freitagabend, 4. Dezember, mit einem Warm-Up, gehackt wird Samstag und Sonntag, 5. und 6. Dezember.
Weitere Infos unter
Freitag 19 Uhr
Freitagabend treffen wir uns auf ein Bier im Media Lab. Ihr könnt euch schon einmal über Ideen austauschen und erste Teammitglieder finden.
Samstag 10 Uhr – open end
10 Uhr – Eröffnung und Teamzusammenstellung
11 Uhr – Hacking starts
Sonntag 10 Uhr – 17 Uhr
10 Uhr – Hacking continues
15 Uhr – Präsentationen der Hacks
16 Uhr – Verkündung der Gewinner & Preisverleihung
Techfugees Hackathon
02 Oct - 09:00 AM
München, Germany
Moved by the plight of refugees in Europe, a number of technology industry people have formed a small voluntary team to create the free, non-profit, “Techfugees” conference and hackathon.
In the last two weeks, thousands of people have signed up to support and there's clearly a huge desire amongst the tech community to get involved.
This will be an entirely non-profit event to bring together tech engineers, entrepreneurs and startups together with NGOs and other agencies in order to address the crisis in ways where the technology world can bring its considerable firepower.
THE EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE ON FRIDAY 2nd OF OCTOBER in our offices in Wayra Deutschland (Kaufingerstr.15 80331 Munich)
We will provide food and drinks for all the creative minds who show up and join us to help the most needed.
We are very much looking forward to seeing all of you!!
IHK Oktoberhackfest Hackathon
25 Sep - 06:00 PM
München, Germany
What is it about?
TLDR; Beer & Code.
Oktoberhackfest is the European Hackathon Championship. Since the beginning of the year developers have been building and battling in the hackathons from London to Tallinn and Stockholm to Istanbul. And now everyone is coming together in an epic finale in Munich during the Oktoberfest – the most popular event in the world. More than 200 hand-picked programmers with backgrounds in mobile, web, server, and hardware development will unleash their skills to create the future of tomorrow – in 30 hours.
As you probably figured out, this is a hackathon without a theme – apart from Beer & Code ^^. We thought to ourselves, what is better: 1 topic or 7 topics? So we are pleased to announce that IHK Oktoberhackfest will have several tracks: open source, health & fitness, IoT, VR/AR, entertainment (a special cooperation tba), transportation, and fin-tech. It'll be like hackathons-in-a-hackathon.
What are the prizes?
All three hackathon winners will be invited to join their tech idols from Bits & Pretzels' Founders Festival at a VIP Team Table at the Oktoberfest on Tuesday, September 29.
HACKEVENTS KING OF BAVARIA (CHOSEN OF 3 TRACK WINNERS) – Flight to Silicon Valley (4 people) with Hackevents to visit the most innovative companies.
WINNER MOBILE SHOPPING – 4 Seats in the Allianz Arena Lounge at a FC Bayern Munich Bundesliga Match sponsored by Payback + VIP Table at Oktoberfest 29.09.2015
WINNER FINTECH – 1000 EUR Amazon Voucher for the team + VIP Table at Oktoberfest 29.09.2015
WINNER TECHNOLOGY – 4x Parrot Drone + VIP Table at Oktoberfest 29.09.2015
API prizes – TBA API
Special prizes:
– Tickets to the Bits & Pretzels' Founders Festival in Munich sponsored by Hackevents and Bits & Pretzels.
When is the hackathon taking place?
We start on Saturday, September 26, at 10 am. The exact schedule will be published soon. There's a special event already on Friday: registered participants are invited to join the get-together on Friday evening (6 pm) - you will get free drinks and will be able to socialize with other participants and find a team in case you haven't done so (which we strongly recommend) in advance.
Who can apply?
Developers, engineers, and designers are more than welcome! You can come in teams or as an individual.
Do I need a team?
We recommend that you find your team in advance, however this is not a must. We will help you match with other people at the hackathon or at the socializing event on Friday evening. Please note: There is a limit of max. 5 members per team and we recommend that each team has at least 3 persons (e.g. front-end developer, back-end developer, designer).
Where do I register my team?
We will announce the requirements for your team registration and project submission soon. One thing we require, all teams and participants must create a Github/Bitbucket repository of all the code they've written. We do not own your code. Everything you write/create yourself is your property.
Where do I learn more?
You can follow us on Twitter or check out the event at