Showing results 21 to 30 out of 35
FTL Robotics Meetup with Magazino
26 Jul - 07:00 PM
München, Germany
Do you love robotics? Would you like to discover how robots are designed, formed and deployed right from the beginning? The FTL Hackathon's Team, in partnership with Magazino, would like to invite you to our first ever meetup, where we can get to grips with real-world logistical problems in warehouses. Join us July 26 at 19:00 for an introduction to their case studies, and how it is used to solve these issues with software, hardware and design solutions!
    Blockchain 4 Business & CIONET presents: Blockchain Update & Prototypes
    17 Jul - 05:00 PM
    Munich, Germany
    Blockchain 4 Business & CIONET present: Blockchain Update & Prototype Pitches Exclusively for CIOs in the CIONET community. We are cordially inviting you to join "Blockchain 4 Business" in July, 2018 in Munich (Germany), a hackathon focused on connecting Hyperledger to real IoT products. You - as CIONET members - will join the hackathon, which is 4 days long, on the evening of the 3rd day. You get an update from speakers in the blockchain area, who will give you an overview about the current developments in blockchain technology. Afterwards you will directly feel the Hackathon atmosphere. You will help the hackathon team members develop pitches for their real IOT Blockchain prototypes. About the CIONET CIONET is a leading community of business and IT leaders. Our mission is to help IT executives become more confident, competent and above all, more successful in their jobs. Our goal is to produce leaders who can not just keep up with change, but make it. CIONET opens up a whole new universe of opportunities in IT management. About the Blockchain 4 Business Blockchain 4 Business is a 4 day hackathon that will have 100 selected participants developing the next generation of IoT product concepts with Blockchain Technology. The title of this event is “Blockchain 4 Business.” The challenge is to connect Hyperledger to real IoT products. And the goal is nothing less than shaping the future of IoT with Blockchain tech. View the trailer to learn more:    The Vision: Shaping the Future of IoT with Blockchain Tech   The products that define the future are built with the technologies that transform today.  Two such technologies are IoT and the blockchain. IoT products are moving us toward an ever more integrated world, with interconnected device ecosystems.  The blockchain is changing the way the world thinks about money, with distributed ledgers that operate without the need for intermediaries.  These two technologies have already changed the world.  But we’re only beginning to scratch the surface of what can be done with these incredible tools. At Blockchain 4 Business, we plan to expand our horizons by developing blockchain-powered IoT products.  Developers will work together to develop tools that advance IoT with blockchain technology.  New concepts will be explored. Prototypes will be developed. And everyone will benefit from working on the products of the future in a collaborative environment. From a business model perspective, this can yield endless possibilities.  The event is supported by CIONET, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, IBM, nexussquared, 21 Digital and more. Timetable 17:00 Opening words by Tobias Frydman (CIONET founder) 17:15 Blockchain Update - what's happening right now? 18:15 Hackathon dinner - Pizza & Beer 18:45 Prototype feedback and your feedback 21:00 Networking & Beer at IBM IoT Watson Tower   Tickets Tickets are available at Eventbrite. If you’re interested in participating, sign up now, because only 50 spots are available and we expect tickets to sell out fast. The regular fee is EUR 49. Food and drinks are included.   Next Camps & Contact Partner & Sponsors: Contact us here for our Partner-Team: For more information visit: # July 2018: Blockchain 4 Business, Munich/Germany, Hyperledger & IoT # November 2018: Ethereum Camp, Frankfurt/Germany, Ethereum & Robotics
      14 Jul - 05:00 PM
      München, Germany
      New technologies need new ways of innovating! BMW and Siemens joined forces to bring together the best AI talents in town in a cross-industry hackathon to foster open innovation approaches, enrich the AI ecosystem in Munich and bring together the best of two worlds. Participants have worked on one of our seven exciting AI challenges, each supported by experts from both, BMW and Siemens.   On July 14th, 5pm – 8pm we would like to present the results to you!  You will attend the teams’ final presentations and gain insights into our work in Image Recognition with cutting-edge Convolutional Neural Networks  A personal in-car assistant or a smart automation system Object detection for mobile devices Signal Processing to predict free parking spots Affective Computing to develop the emotion recognition assistant of the future. And many other AI topics… Meet the talents, exchange with our data experts, celebrate the event and join us for drinks & dinner. We’re looking forward to seeing you there! With best regards, your BMW and Siemens Hackathon Team Please note: There is no possibility to join the hackathon anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entrance starting from 4:30pm on - access only with registration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I hereby agree that Siemens AG and the company in charge of the event ("Siemens") or third parties on its behalf produce photographs, audio and video recordings (“Recordings”) of my person during the event I am registering for. I hereby agree that Siemens AG and its affiliated companies or third parties on their behalf, may solely and exclusively use or edit the works created during the event. I consent to the storage, editing (including but not limited to recasting or modifying) and the exclusive use of any such Recordings – also in connection with my name – free of charge in unrevised, revised or edited form, in whole or in part, in particular for the purpose of advertising, information and other publication, including commercial purposes, in any way or form and via any communication medium, including on-line and Social Media Platforms use based on individual demand or otherwise, regardless of the type of receiver. I expressly waive any right to remuneration or any other rights regarding the Recordings or copies thereof. I can withdraw this consent at any time with effect for the future by sending an e-mail to
        ActInSpace 2018 in Munich
        25 May - 01:00 PM
        München, Germany
        On 25-26 May 2018, Munich will make its debut as one of over 60 host cities around the world in the international contest ActInSpace! Within this event you receive the opportunity to spend 24 hours working on innovative ideas based on space data/technologies to address international challenges. You’ll have the rare chance to get free access to new data technologies – including the Copernicus App Lab (an H2020 project) – while undergoing helpful business coaching.
        Campus Hackathon München
        04 May - 07:00 PM
        München, Germany
        Young technical students, graduates, and professionals in and around Munich! You're invited to sign up to participate in Campus Hackathon Munich 2018. In this 24-hour event, you'll be challenged to design and code a prototype of a cool and innovative project. Collaborate and network with like-minded individuals and compete for recognition and prizes.
        MSWAG Smart Assistant Hackathon 2018
        03 May - 05:30 PM
        München, Germany
        Du hast Code im Blut? Wir laden dich ein zu einer Challenge der besonderen Art. In kleinen Teams bekommt ihr Einblicke in unseren täglichen Wahnsinn und könnt euch beweisen. Gesucht wird der smarteste Chatbot für Das Gewinner-Team wird von einer hochkarätigen Jury gewählt. Die Preise werden auf unserer Website vor dem Start des Events bekannt gegeben. Agenda Selbstverständlich versorgen wir euch vor Ort mit Catering. Falls ihr beabsichtigt bereits in Teams zu erscheinen versuchen wir das natürlich zu berücksichtigen. Um eine faire Verteilung zu ermöglichen können wir das allerdings natürlich nicht garantieren. 17:30 Uhr – Einlass & Begrüßung 18:00 Uhr – Teambildung 18:15 Uhr – Briefing 23:00 Uhr – Code freeze mit anschließender Projektpräsentation und Juryauswertung Was brauchst du? Natürlich benötigst du einen funktionstüchtigen Rechner Accounts für Github, Heroku und Telegram Lecker Tools für die Entwicklung, idealerweise NodeJS und Visual Studio Code Außerdem kannst du schon mal einen Blick auf unseren GitBook Guide werfen und dich inhaltlich vorbereiten. Solltest du damit Probleme haben helfen dir unsere Kollegen aber auch gerne vor Ort. Worauf wartest du noch? Besorg dir jetzt einen Platz und zeig uns deinen Code! Wir freuen uns auf dich! Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von:
          DConf 2018 Munich
          02 May - 09:00 AM
          München, Germany
          D programming techies! If you're planning to attend The D Language Foundation's DConf 2018 Munich, then don't miss the opportunity to participate in the hackathon at the event. At this day-long happening, you'll get to collaborate with birds-of-a-feather to design and build something "D-awesome"!
          eTourism Hackathon Seefeld 2018
          26 Apr - 08:00 AM
          Seefeld, Austria
          Motivated hackers in Austria! If you're interested in innovation related to tourism, you're invited to come and compete in the second 24-hour eTourism Hackathon Seefeld 2018. You'll get to collaborate with like-minded individuals and build something awesome that will help the tourist sector in Seefeld. Your project can be in one of the following categories -- data quality, maps, social media, chatbot, wiki, or voice assistant.
          #SMCMUC: Data-Driven Social Media
          23 Apr - 07:00 PM
          München, Germany
          Social Media Experten fragen sich trotz der prominent geführten Debatte zu Social Media Data nach wie vor: Wie kann ich (Social Media) Daten in meiner Kommunikation sinnvoll nutzbar machen? Welche Daten sozialer Netzwerke kann bzw. sollte ich verdichten, auswerten und in meine künftigen Maßnahmen einfließen lassen?Gerade mit der aktuellen Änderung des Algorithmus wird es für die meisten Unternehmen noch wichtiger mit datenbasierter Kommunikationstaktik die relevante Zielgruppe zum richtigen Zeitpunkt zu erreichen und möglichst effektiv wie effizient Conversions zu erzielen.Wie das gehen kann, zeigen euch unsere Speaker: Christoph Assmann gibt Tipps & Tricks zu Herausforderungen und Umsatzpotentialen von Facebook Ads und lässt euch hinter die Kulissen blicken, wie man mit Social Media Daten seine Kunden und Nutzer noch besser kennen lernen sowie individuelle Anzeigen in Echtzeit auf die einzelnen Bedürfnisse der Kunden optimieren und hochperformant schalten kann. Vlad Kraeuter stellt vor, wie eine Community-basierte Content-Planung aussehen kann. Nicht erst seit der Anpassung des Facebook-Algorithmus ist es ist die Priorität eines jeden Social Media-Experten die eigene Online-Community zu verstehen und Social Media-Kanäle mit Themen zu bespielen, die sowohl bei der eigenen Zielgruppe als auch bei deren erweiterten Freundeskreisen gut ankommen. In der Praxis zeigt sich jedoch, dass viele Unternehmen an den Interessen und Bedürfnissen ihrer Online-Community komplett vorbei kommunizieren. Vlad Kraeuter zeigt, wie Unternehmen mit einem datengetriebenen Ansatz bessere Ergebnisse erzielen können. Und: Zeit zum Netzwerken bei einem kühlen Getränk und kleinen Snacks ist natürlich auch wie immer eingeplant. Wir freuen uns auf euch!Wir freuen uns mit dem Social Media Club Teil der Münchner Webwoche 2018 zu sein. Hier findet ihr alle weiteren Veranstaltungen. Programm:  Einlass 19 Uhr Beginn der Vorträge 19.30 Uhr +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Speaker Christoph Assmann – Sixt SE Christoph Assmann arbeitet seit fast fünf Jahren im Social Media Team von Sixt. Nachdem er zunächst die deutschen Kanäle des Unternehmens betreute, verantwortet er seit 2016 als Senior Social Media Manager den Bereich Social Performance Ads. In diesem Aufgabenfeld liegt der Fokus hauptsächlich auf Social Advertising in internationalem Umfeld – tägliches Ziel ist die Social Media Anzeigen in 23 Ländern zu optimieren. Vlad Kraeuter – Crowdalyzer Vlad Kraeuter hat gemeinsam mit seinem Team am Media Lab Bayern das Social Listening Tool Crowdalyzer entwickelt, das Unternehmen eine Community-basierte Content-Planung für die eigenen Social Media-Kanäle ermöglicht. Der Softwareentwickler hat seinen fachlichen Schwerpunkt auf Business Intelligence und Big Data gelegt und entwickelt seit mehreren Jahren Technologien zur Auswertung von Online- und Social Media-Informationen. Location Wayra Deutschland GmbH ist die Venture-Einheit des spanischen Telekommunikationskonzerns Telefónica. Der in München ansässige Accelerator betreut und entwickelt Jungunternehmen in fortgeschrittenem Stadium aus den Bereichen Internet of Things, Datenanalytik, Cybersicherheit und Künstliche Intelligenz. Pro Jahr plant das Unternehmen so bis zu zehn Start-ups mit einer vier-monatigen Förderung fit für den Markt zu machen. Münchner Webwoche Die Münchner Webwoche ist Münchens inspirierendes Digitalevent auf Initiative des Vereins Isarnetz. In ihrem Rahmen versammeln sich einmal im Jahr Münchens Unternehmen und Organisationen, die den digitalen Wandel aktiv gestalten. Sie veranstalten Events rund um die Themen Technologie und Digitalisierung, organisieren Netzwerkveranstaltungen, führen Hackathons, Barcamps, Podiumsdiskussionen, Workshops und Seminare durch und zeigen, welches digitale und kreative Potenzial die Metropolregion München bietet. Die 7. Münchner Webwoche findet vom 19. bis 28. April 2018 statt.  +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bitte beachtet, dass auf der Veranstaltung (Live-)Video- und Fotoaufnahmen gemacht werden, die im Rahmen der Berichterstattung über das Event und der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Social Media Club München auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen verwendet werden.
            Voice meets IoT/Smarthome Hackathon - Munich
            13 Apr - 07:00 PM
            München, Germany
            Build Actions for your Community Hey everyone, Welcome to the Voice meets IoT Hackathon for Google Assistant & Amazon Alexa. Get ready for two days of fun and building cool stuff for Google Assistant & Amazon echo dot. Get insights from experts and start building actions & skills. Never wrote a single line of code? Don't worry! You don't have to be a coding ninja! We'd like to invite every creative person and of course you'll get an intro how to get started. Our Mission In the era of voice-controlled devices like Amazon Echo and Google Assistent, we’re boldly going one step further. Merging voice and IoT/Smart Home – combining the two innovative technologies – to create exciting possibilities. Speakers Johann Romefort - Technical Evangelist Stylight, Organizer of da.hoam Liz Myers - Wolfgang Rittmeyer -  Google Developer Experts Alexey Vidanov - Voice User Interface Designer Schedule April 13, Hackathon Day 1 19:00 - Kickoff19:30 - Home-Smart-Home – Liz Myers, TheAlexpert.io20:00 - IoT with the Google Assistant - Wolfram Rittmeyer, Google Developer Experts20:30 - Create Amazon Alexa skills without code using Storyline – Alexey Vidanov, Voice UI Designer21:00 – 22.00 - Team Building & Socializing April 14, Hackathon Day 2 09:30 – 10.30 - Registration & Breakfast 10.30 – 11.30 - Workshop 1  11.45 – 12.45 - Workshop 2 12.45 – 13.30 - Lunch 13.30 – 20.00 - Hacking 20.00 – 22.00 - Code Freeze & Presentations   Our Ambition Developing new, useful skills for leveraging the technologies of Amazon Echo and Google Assistent and applying them to IoT/Smart Home Bringing together innovative companies and talents Improving the collaboration between developers, designers and product manager Elevating the culture of hackathons with healthy food, friendly atmosphere and great networking Applying the technologies to advance social causes (for elderlies and disabled people) in addition to hackathon challenges from our Gold Sponsors Social Responsibility Adding to our Gold Sponsor Challenges, our plan is to introduce a social challenge category. By combining the voice assistance and IoT technologies, we aim to bring forth innovative ideas to help elderlies and disabled people. We’re working to partner with a non-profit organization to accomplish this goal. Who is this for? You don't have to be a coding ninja! Developers, Designers, Product Managers, Marketing Managers ... everyone is welcome! Prizes Conference tickets & more