Showing results 1 to 10 out of 18
Trality Hackathon 2019: 24 hrs to develop a winning trading algorithm
  07 Dec - 05:00 PM
  Wien, Austria
Trality Hackathon 2019 24 hrs to develop a winning trading algorithm Join us at the first ever Trality Hackathon, where we bring together the smartest Quants, Data Scientists and Software Engineers of Austria to 
hack the secrets of algorithmic trading. The Challenge: 24hrs to develop a high-performing python trading algo in teams of up to 3 people. Maximize given output parameters while trading a number of given assets during a given time frame. The algo will be forward-tested in the form of a trading bot for the duration of 1 week following the event.-Expert insights & inputs from the professional algo trading world!-Pizza and Red Bull supplied in large quantities!-Prizes include Amazon gift cards of up to 750€ per Team! More infos on
    Citizen Science Hackathon
      06 Dec - 05:00 PM
      Wien, Austria
    Hello, world! Do you have a world-changing idea that just waits to be executed? Or maybe you are a coder, programmer or scientist and interested in future of science? Join the Citizen Science Hackathon, form your team and build together a proof of concept for the product! Citizen Science is scientific research conducted, in whole or in part, by amateur (or nonprofessional) scientists. In other words, it is public participation in scientific research, whose outcomes are often advancements in scientific research, as well as an increase in the public's understanding of science. Tickets Types If you have an idea for a project - please choose the Idea Owner ticket. If you are a professional (Software developer, UX designer, machine learning eng, researcher) please choose the Person of Action ticket If you want to volunteer and assist in organizing - please choose the Volunteer Ticket   How does it work? After hearing scientists' and citizen enthusiasts' ideas on the first day, it's up to you to choose and join your favorite project team and work on a prototype during the rest of the weekend (Team size limit may apply). On Sunday, when the prototype is ready, each team will present it to the jury. Amazing prizes are waiting for the winning projects, where both creativity and execution quality are taking into consideration. But that's not it - During the weekend, we'll take care of the fun part with plenty of surprises!   What are the projects? You will choose which project attracts you or challenges you the most. For example, you can work on the app which allows everyone to report landslides that he/she discovers or help to understand how can we use seismological equipment for urban life enhancement.   What are the Requirements? You are expected to know how to code (you don't have to be really good, thou). It can be either front-end (Angular, React, Vue, etc.) or backend - Java/Python/.NET/PHP... knowledge in Data Science and/or any Science is, of course, always welcomed!   Thanks, big time to our sponsors:   Watch the Earth move on the largest Citizen Science powered earthquake monitoring network in the world! Empowering people to start something new and launch their dreams through coding is our mission - and a perfect match with Citizen Science Hackathon! Reliable science tools built custom for your project The project Knowledge Transfer Center East promotes knowledge and technology transfer in all its dimensions The University of Vienna is one of the oldest and largest universities in Europe.   Juries and Mentors: Petra Siegele OeAD-GmbH Petra has been working on public science projects since 2008. In January 2016 she became head of the department for public science in the OeAD-GmbH, a central service center for European and international mobility and cooperation programs in the fields of education, science and research. Karl Horky An Austrian-Canadian programmer with over 15 years of experience in the industry, Karl has worked with international companies of many sizes, in capacities ranging from architect to sole developer. Experienced developers and beginners alike value his presentation and mentorship skills at hackathons, conferences, and workshops. Karl is also Co-Founder of UpLeveled, a Vienna-based coding boot camp that transforms people into job-ready developers in a 12-week program - without the need for upfront knowledge. Philipp Hummer SPOTTERON Philipp is a professional designer with over 20 years of practical experience in the fields of online media, user interface design and digital strategies, who is fascinated by nature, especially by entomology and ecology. In 2014, Philipp has founded SPOTTERON, a leading platform for Citizen Science applications and interactive tools for research projects with public participation. He is an active member of the team of "Österreich forscht", the Austrian hub for Citizen Science.   Time schedule: Friday 17:00 - Gathering 17:15 - Welcome Ceremony 17:30 - Pitch your idea 18:30 - Team Formation 20:00 - Team building & Creativity games Saturday 09:00 - Early Bird Breakfast Free Hacking 12:30 - Lunch 14:00 - Status update Free Hacking 18:30 - Dinner & Activities Sunday 09:00 - Early Bird Breakfast Free Hacking 12:00 - Submission Deadline 12:30 - Lunch 14:00 - Presentations 16:00 - Jury decision 17:30 - Afterdrinks & Pizza We look forward to seeing you!
      Cloud Native Hackathon in Wien
        30 Nov - 09:00 AM
        Wien, Austria
      Cloud Native Hackathon
        Pitch & Party Fintech Hackathon 2019
          24 Nov - 03:00 PM
          Wien, Austria
        What the Hack is going on in the financial industry? Come & find out by joining the final pitches of the Fintech Hackathon 2019!
          FinTech Hackathon 2019
            22 Nov - 04:30 PM
            Wien, Austria
          What the Hack is going on in the Financial Industry? Team up and find solutions for 5 exciting FinTech challenges in this 3-day Hackathon.
            Ready2Order Ideas Hackathon
              04 Oct - 02:00 PM
              Wien, Austria
            Hello, world! Do you have a world-changing idea that just waits to be executed? Or maybe you are a coder or a programmer and interested in a CHALLENGING and FUN event? Join the ready2order Hackathon, form your team and build together a proof of concept for the product! Tickets Types If you have an idea for a project - please choose the Idea Owner ticket. If you are a professional (Software developer, UX designer, machine learning eng, researcher) please choose the Participant ticket If you want to volunteer and assist in organizing - please choose the Volunteer Ticket  How does it work? After hearing entrepreneurs ideas on the first day, it's up to you to choose and join your favorite project team and work on a prototype during the rest of the weekend (Team size limit may apply). On Sunday, when the prototype is ready, each team will present it to the jury. Amazing prizes are waiting for the winning projects, where both creativity and execution quality are taking into consideration... But that's not it - During the weekend, we'll take care of the fun part with plenty of surprises! What are the projects? Many ideas have been submited! You will choose which one attracts you or challenges you the most. Here are a few examples: - Machiine Learning based solution for real-estate - where should one rent or buy an apartment - A game that encourages people to use green energy, recycle and consume less- Recommendation system engine for seminars- Automatic custom forms filling based on computer vision and NLP- Speech recogntion and transcription for podcasts with german dialect... And many, many more What are the Requirements? You are expected to know how to code. It can be either front-end (Angular, React, Vue, etc.) or backend - Java/Python/.NET/PHP... knowledge in Data Science is of course, always welcomed! Time schedule: Friday 14:00 - Gathering 14:30 - Welcome Ceremony 15:00 - Pitch your idea 16:00 - Team Formation 20:00 - Team building & Creativity games Saturday 09:00 - Early Bird Breakfast Free Hacking 12:30 - Lunch 14:00 - Status update Free Hacking 18:30 - Dinner & Activities Sunday 09:00 - Early Bird Breakfast Free Hacking 12:00 - Submission Deadline 12:30 - Lunch 14:00 - Presentations 16:00 - Jury decision 17:30 - Afterdrinks & Pizza Big thanks to our sponsors: Upcloud, WeAreDevelopers, and Ready2Order We look forward to seeing you!
              The Brainstorms Festival - Human Future Tech
                27 Sep - 09:00 AM
                Wien, Austria
     and A.I. are the cornerstone of innovation in digital health, business, and technology.We are entering a new era of innovation in which Neuroscience and AI are reshaping traditional industries like healthcare, business, and communication. It is an exciting time, but also poses new ethical and workflow challenges. Such technologies require a large number of different expertise and an interdisciplinary view of the field: Scientists and Techmakers- uncovering the human physiology and behaviour, developing new algorithms and applicationsStartups - pushing the bounderies of innovationBusinesses - responding to consumer demands Investors - empowering innovative projects These stakeholders speak very different “languages” and the information is often “lost in translation”. Our aim is to facilitate their dialogue by bringing the key players together and helping them to understand each other better through scientific talks and hands-on workshops to bridge the gap between business, academia and industry.For this reason, we are launching the Brainstorms Festival, a two-day business and human-oriented tech event, where scientists, start-ups, investors, and the curious can mingle, learn, and discuss what currently is in the making, and what the future will look like when it is done right. Dozens of medical innovations, panel discussions, workshops and a brain-computer interface hackathon for the curious.• Lushi Chen – Using AI to detect mental health issues among social media users• Clement Gilles – NASA, experiments made in the international space station• Johannes Passecker – decision making under risk, lessons for business• Sofie Valk – anatomical changes in the brain after meditating• Cosima Prahm – prosthesis, using A.I., VR and video games to control robotic arms• Fabrizio Benedetti – world expert on the placebo effect• G-tec engineering / BR4IN.IO – 2-day brain computer interface hackathon• David Berry – microbiome and the brain• Lucanus Polagnoli – SpeedInvest (biggest Austrian VC fund)• Alexis Matthieu – Founder and CEO FeetMe (smart sole)• Isabella Hillme – Co-Founder of Ghost (haptic glove)...More details on:
                Raspberry Jam
                  07 Sep - 09:30 PM
                  Krems an der Donau, Austria
                Zum ersten Mal wird auch auf der Donau Uni Krems ein Raspberry Jam veranstaltet – ein Treffen für alle die mehr über Raspberry Pi und ähnliche Boards lernen wollen, und natürlich auch selber damit herumspielen wollen. Egal wie viel man schon weiß – von Anfänger*innen bis hin zu Profis sind bei der Jam alle herzlich Willkommen. Materialien werden zur Verfügung gestellt. Wer möchte, kann jedoch auch gerne eigene Komponenten und Projekte mitbringen. Das Event wird vom Zentrum für Angewandte Spieleforschung der Donau-Universität Krems veranstaltet und von Klaus Conrad geleitet. Klaus Conrad organisiert in Malta den MaltaPi Jam und widmet sich besonders der Ausbildung von Lehrer*innen im Technologiebereich.
                Hackathon #2 Slovensko.Digital
                  08 Jun - 08:30 AM
                  Bratislava, Slovakia
                Návody.Digital vznikli ako komunitný projekt a dnes pomáhajú občanom zorientovať sa v džungli e-governmentu na Slovensku. Ak si programátor, používateľ e-govenment služieb, vieš to s textom a peknými vetami, alebo ti niečo hovorí UX a chceš sa podieľať na zmysluplnom projekte, poď snami ukázať, že portál plný užitočných informácií nemusí stáť milióny.
                data4good Hackathon Wien
                  27 Apr - 09:00 AM
                  Wien, Austria
                Data4good – Applying data science to human needs and generating social impact