Showing results 1 to 10 out of 12
PwC's 1-day Hackathon on AI and Computer Vision
08 Dec - 08:30 AM
Bratislava, Slovakia
Upskill in applying AI, Computer Vision, business analysis and problem solving Join us for a 1-day Hackathon to apply your creativity and solve an incredibly engaging business problem (which seems to be unsolved until now). We believe that we came across a nearly ideal use-case to start with or improve in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing (NLP) – all at once or focus on a part of the problem.  Our experts and seasoned mentors will introduce you to the problem and tools on the day of event and support you in structuring your ideas. Sasha is PwC Consultant focusing on NLP and AI, Mark is ML expert currently involved at AI-powered decision-making platform for semiconductor manufacturing and Marina (will connect online) is PwC Director from US office with extensive business expertise. Disconnect from your routine for 1 day and focus on possibly next big step into your future, all in cosy atmosphere, enjoying Christmas spirit, mulled wine (varené víno) and presents from Mikulás! Schedule: 8:30 – Breakfast 9:30 – Problem statement, its breakdown and ideas for MVP 10:00 – Overview of Computer Vision tools, NLP and AI packages which can be useful during the day 10:30 – Presentation of participants and mentors, creation of teams of 3-5 people, brainstorming 11:00 – Pitching inside each team, selecting the prototype idea 12:30 – Lunch 13:30 – Discussing prototypes between groups and mentors, feedback, finalizing the prototype/design 18:30 – Presenting the design or prototype to all participants and mentors. Each team will have 10 minutes to pitch and a few minutes for Q&A. 19:00 – Informal discussions and after-party Tools and resources worth looking at in advance You are encouraged to propose completely different approaches to address a business case and use tools of your choice (you may use any framework, programming language, RPA tool, low-code platform etc). However, if you have no such experience we recommend to start with the following tools as they are beginner friendly. Google Cloud Vision (OCR) (NLP) FAQs Why attend the hackathon? Learn new technology by doing a prototype Network with seasoned mentors and like-minded people Leverage an opportunity to produce a concept of your idea in just 1 day Receive a valuable prize from Mikulás for a notable result :-)  Who is the hackathon for? If you are specialist in AI, ML, OCR, NLP, Computer Vision – you have probably already signed up! Everyone who wants to learn more about emerging technologies is welcome to join. We will guide you and help to create a design and prototype your ideas How will the winner be determined? We do not expect an end-to-end solution, but concept, design, partly solution or even an elegant and well presented idea would be considered by our jury If you prepare in advance and it helps you to go further than others - it will be taken into account Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? Please, bring your photo ID - it may be required to enter the premises. What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event Please, contact us directly in case you would like to use our parking and we will send you the instructions. What can I bring into the event? Please, bring your good mood ;-) And laptop if you are a developer We will have WiFi, food and drinks for free during entire day How can I contact the organizer with any questions? Please, feel free to come to us on Facebook or write us an email.
    F10 FinTech Meetup Vienna
    28 Nov - 06:30 PM
    Vienna, Austria
    The first F10 FinTech Hackathon in Vienna will take place on November 16th-18th, 2018! Around 100 designers, marketers, bankers, financial experts, lateral thinkers, great minds, students and developers will work on FinTech Challenges, and this might very well be the kick-off of an entrepreneurial FinTech journey for some of the Hackathon participants! Please find more information about the upcoming Hackathon here.  The F10 team warmly invites you to a FinTech Meetup as a follow-up of the F10 FinTech Hackathon Vienna, where the winning teams will once again present their business ideas and prototypes. Learn what the teams have developed during the Hackathon and find out how you might work together to bring their solution forward. Agenda: 6.30 - 7.00 pm: Doors Open7.00 - 7.15 pm: F10 FinTech Hackathon Recap7.15 - 7.45 pm: Hackathon Winners Present Their Projects7.45 - 8.00 pm: Life After Hackathon or How To Build a Startup8.00 - 9.30 pm: Networking, Drinks & Mini-Exhibition See you there! The F10 Team 
      SK Rapid Hack Weekend
      23 Nov - 10:00 AM
      Wien, Austria
      Bewirb dich jetzt und sei dabei, wenn es heißt „Gemeinsam. Hacken. Siegen.“ Alle Infos gibt es hier: Fan-Erlebnisse neu denken, digitale Lösungen im Stadion ausprobieren und Fußball durch moderne Technologien noch lebendiger machen: • Datum: 23. – 25. November 2018 • Ort: Allianz Stadion, 1140 Wien
      F10 FinTech Hackathon Vienna
      16 Nov - 05:00 PM
      Wien, Austria
      48-hours of ideation and programming are waiting at the first F10 FinTech Hackathon in Austria. We aim to generate new ideas - and not to stop there, but to transform them into validated prototypes. Explore new opportunities, be an entrepreneur, and maybe even find your future business partners with whom you can run your Startup. The application deadline is 21st of October 2018.
      AR/VR Hackathon
      12 Oct - 08:30 AM
      Wiener Neustadt, Austria
      Die Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt veranstaltet einen Hackathon zum Thema „AR/VR“. Bei diesem 24-Stunden-Hackathon werden geniale Ideen für AR/VR Anwendungen entwickelt. Hierbei sind EntwicklerInnen, IdeengeberInnen oder Neulinge gleichermaßen willkommen. Mehr Details unter folgendem LINK
        06 Oct - 12:29 PM
        Bratislava, Slovakia
        10.000 EUR
        If you are a web designer, a developer, a marketing specialist or an university student in a related field, it’s your time to set free your creative spirit and help us kick-starting the development of new banking solutions!
        EDDI Chatbot Hackathon
        29 Jun - 08:00 AM
        Wien, Austria
        Develop a chatbot using EDDI – the First Austrian Open Source Platform for conversational AI - in one day. When: Friday June 29, 2018 from 8:00 am - 6:00pm Where: weXelerate, Praterstrasse 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria  
          EDDI Chatbot Hackathon
          29 Jun - 08:00 AM
          Wien, Austria
          AI techies! Want to showcase your creativity and skills? Sign up now for the EDDI Chatbot Hackathon in Vienna. Demonstrate how your chatbot expertise can help reshape how humans communicate. Just come in with your idea, and use the EDDI development platform to create autonomous intelligent bots. We take care of all the underlying technology powered by Google Cloud to let you focus on applying it to good use!
          Developer Relations: Best Practices & Experiences
          27 Jun - 08:30 AM
          Vienna, Austria
          Developer Relations: Best Practices & Experiences This event will provide leaders in technology, HR, marketing and sales with practical first-hand insights on how to best connect with, build relations with and of course on how to hire developers. What can this event do for you? We provide a setting which allows us to direct your full focus on developer relations. Meet experts & speakers and draw knowledge from their vast experiences. You are the focal point of our conference. Find solutions for your organization when discussing Developer Relations with the attendees. Join us and learn about the best practices and pitfalls of end-to-end developer evangelism, onboarding and success. Registration will close once capacity (max. 50) is reached, so RSVP early! We are happy to announce the following  speakers & our agenda: AGENDA & TOPICS 8:30-9:00 Registration & Breakfast 09:00- 09:15 Welcome & intro 9:15- 9:40  Natalie Korotaeva, CEO of Tabs or Spaces “How to build a developer community for your company and where to start” 9:40-10.05  Hasib A. Samad, fr. Head of Mobile at N26 "Hiring Tech Talents: Best Practice - Fair Practice - Do's and Don'ts" 10:10- 10:35 Benjamin Ruschin, Managing Director of  WeAreDevelopers “How Tabs or Spaces can boost your visibility in the developers community” 10.35- 10.50 Coffee break 10.50 - 11.15 Martin Schürrer, СTO at PSPDFKIT  "How we attract and hire software engineers." 11.20-11.45   Yoana Dimova, hackathons at Female Tech Leaders will  present “How we built a female-friendly community, what companies and the community can do to promote diversity and how we organize hackathons” 11.45- 11.55 Coffee break 12.00- 12.25  Lubo Drobny, Head of Engineering at Slido ““Main principles we apply when hiring software engineers.” 12.25.-12.45  Ladislav Vašek, University Relations and Internal Community Coordinator at Kiwi “New territories - How we look for developers abroad, why the local communities are so important, how we approach local universities, and why we love beer.” 12.45-13.30 Lunch 13.30-14.30 Round Table If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact  us: E-mail: Mobile:  +43 677 624 154 34
            NGO Hackathon
            26 May - 08:00 AM
            Bratislava, Slovakia
            Nie každú sobotu máš šancu zanechať #impact na zlepšenie situácie na Slovensku.  Venuj svoje know-how a jednu sobotu neziskovým projektom a pomôž k riešeniu niektorých z problémov, ktoré na Slovensku vidíme, akými sú školstvo, ťažká situácia ľudí bez domova či málo príležitostí pre hendikepovaných ľudí. Zapojené projekty Teach for Slovakia Teach for Slovakia ponúka full-time program intenzívneho osobnostného a profesionálneho rozvoja pre aktívnych absolventov vysokých škôl, ktorí chcú posunúť Slovensko vpred. Teach for Slovakia je najintenzívnejší program osobnostného a profesionálneho rozvoja na Slovensku, budujúci komunitu lídrov pre dosiahnutie vízie: „Aby raz všetky naše deti mali šancu v živote uspieť“ Depaul Depaul Slovensko je nezisková organizácia. Poskytujeme verejnoprospešné služby zamerané na pomoc ľuďom bez domova. Depaul Slovensko je súčasťou medzinárodnej skupiny Depaul International, ktorá okrem Slovenska operuje aj v Anglicku, Írsku, USA, Ukrajine a Francúzsku. HendiKup HendiKup je unikátny e-shop občianskeho združenia go-ok. Jeho cieľom je zviditeľnenie produktov a služieb, no nejde však o hocijaké produkty. Ide o výrobky vytvorené šikovnými a talentovanými ľuďmi so zdravotným postihnutím, ktorých spoločnosť stále úplne nerešpektuje. ► Ako bude podujatie prebiehať? - Podujatie trvá od 8:00 - 20:00 kedy budeš v tíme riešiť vybranú výzvu - Usmerňovať ťa budú aj mentori, ktorých sme starostlivo vybrali - Večer nás čaká odprezentovanie návrhov a možnosť vyhrať hodnotné ceny - Čaká ťa aj super atmosféra, zabezpečená strava a večerný networking s inšpiratívnymi ľudmi ► Program: ·        08:00 príchod a registrácia + raňajky ·        08:30 otvorenie hackathonu + predstavenie výziev od vedenia zapojených organizácií ·        09:30 začiatok práce ·        12:30 obed ·        13:15 talk - Ako pripraviť dobrú prezentáciu? ·        13:30 práca + mentoring session ·        17:00 Večera ·        17:30 záverečná prezentácia tímového riešenia ·        19:30 vyhlásenie výsledkov ·        Networking/feedback ·        21:00 Dobrovolna afterka v podniku ► Čo je hackathon? Jeho názov vznikol spojením slov „hack“ a „marathon“. Ide o podujatie, na ktorom sa vytvorí niekoľko teamov (aj z ľudí, ktorí sa prvýkrát v živote vidia), ktoré intenzívne pracujú na zvolenom zadaní (riešení problému) v krátkom čase (zvyčajne niekoľko málo dní).  Zadaním môže byť: - vyriešenie nejakého problému, - kreatívne využitie dostupných dát a informácií, - použitie novej technológie inovatívnym spôsobom Je to kreatívna a rýchla forma, ako hľadať nové možnosti, nové riešenia.  ► Pre koho je určený? Pre 50 aktívnych mladých ľudí, ktorí nechcú problémy len pomenovávať, ale chú prispieť k ich riešeniu. Počas hackathonu sa každý názor ráta. Registrácia je zdarma, no je potrebné sa prihlásiť tu:  Využi možnosť stať sa na deň pomyselným super hrdinom a poskytni svoj pohľad a skúsenosti pri riešení výziev, s ktorými sa NGOs pasujú. Možno práve tvoja myšlienka bude kľúčová.