Showing results 11 to 12 out of 12
Swiss Re Hackathon, Bratislava 2017
07 Apr - 05:00 PM
Bratislava, Slovakia
Slovakian designers and developers with an interest in creating user-based apps, data science, and cognitive technology. 0100 Campus invites you to sign up to participate in the Swiss Re Hackathon, Bratislava 2017. You'll be challenged to team up with other participants to design and build an innovative "My Personal Risk Advisor” web or mobile app -- and you'll have 48 hours to do it!
Impact Hackathon Wien
04 Apr - 01:00 PM
Wien, Austria
Social entrepreneurs and interested professionals and students! Social Impact Award invites you to participate in the Impact Hackathon Vienna. You'll be tasked to conceive and develop innovative new solutions for problems that have been identified with existing eco-social projects.