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Code Samurai 2019
  01 Nov - 09:52 AM
  Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bangladesh-Japan venture company BJIT and department of CSE, University of Dhaka is going to organize a day-long hackathon, Code Samurai 2019. The venue of the event is CSE-DU. The 4th generation industrial revolution is the most current technological revolution in which disruptive trends and technologies such as the robotics, IoT, AI, and VR are changing the way we live and work. The goal of this hackathon is to prepare the students for the upcoming revolution and so that they can make a better contribution to society. Like any other prestigious hackathons, students of winning teams of Code Samurai 2019 will get attractive awards. The first winning team will get 150,000 BDT, the second winning team will get 90,000 BDT, and the third team will get 30,000 BDT. JETRO - Bangladesh, the Japan External Trade Organization and major Japanese IT companies like Samurai IT Academy, Forval Corp., Ultra-X-Asia Pacific, Dream Online Inc., and CHOWA GIKEN Corp. will join and sponsor this event. And of course, these Japanese IT companies are interested in recruiting young talented IT engineers in Bangladesh. This event might be an opportunity to connect directly with Japanese IT companies as well.