Showing results 71 to 80 out of 83
Mobility of the Future '18 - Professional day
23 Feb - 10:00 AM
Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium
Mobility of the Future '18 is the innovation summit about the mobility of the future. On friday the 23th of February you can enjoy a full day of national and international speakers about three topics: "Urban Mobility & City Design", "Smart & Sustainable Mobility" and "Connected & Autonomous Vehicles". With Lukas Neckermann (the mobility revolution), M. Colville Andersen (copenhagenize) and one anonymous guest we have three world class players in the field of mobility. They will share their vision around the three topics of #MOTF18. Afterwards 24 speakers will, divided in three break - out rooms, go into depth around the three topics. Each speaker will have a 15" talk followed by a q&a. We end the summit with an excellent speaker around innovation and a closing debate. Afterwards there will be a diner and networking drink. EXPERIENCE FAIR Leading innovation companies (both strat-ups & larger brands) showcase their mobility solutions in an interactive way. The experience fair makes sure that the attendees can see, feel and use their solutions. PROGRAM 09:00 - 10:00 Welcoming and registration 10:00 - 10:10 Intro by Junction & Moderator 10:10 - 10:40 Lukas Neckermann - The mobility revolution [Smart & Sustainable Mobility] 10:40 - 11:15 Anonymous guest [Connected & Autonomous Vehicles] 11:15 - 11:30 Coffee break & experience fair 11:30 - 12:30 M. Colville Andersen - Copenhagenize [Urban Mobility & City Design] 12:30 - 12:45 Conclusion & announcements afternoon sessions 12:45 - 13:45 Lunch, networking & experience fair 13:45 - 15:00 Three break-out sessions where four speakers per session do a 'deep-dive' around one of the three topics + q&a 15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break & experience fair 15:30 - 16:45 Three break-out sessions where four speakers per session do a 'deep-dive' around one of the three topics + q&a 16:45 - 17:00 Coffee break & experience fair 17:00 - 17:30 Anonymous guest [Algemene innovatie] 17:30 - 18:00 Closing debat 18:00 - 20:00 Diner, networking & experience fair JUNCTION Junction organizes community events centered on innovation. With 20+ hackathons and private innovation tracks Junction is an industry leader in innovation events.  #MOTF18 is made possible with the support of Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken (Vlaamse overheid), WeAreMobility by Febiac, De Cronos Groep, Taxistop, KBC Autolease, LabBox, Febetra and our community partners. All partners can be found on our website. INFORMATIE IN HET NEDERLANDS - INFORMATION EN FRANCAIS Alle informatie kan gevonden worden op onze website op de pagina voor professionals. Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur notre site web à la page pour les professionels.
    Mobility of the Future '18 - The hackathon
    22 Feb - 05:30 PM
    Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium
    Mobility of the Future '18 is the innovation summit about the mobility of the future. From thursday 22nd to saturday 24th of February Brussels Kart Expo will be transformed into the innovation playground around the future of mobility.  HACK-A-WHAT? A hackathon is a place where passionate people with different backgrounds and skillsets come together, form diverse teams, make their pitches, add their expertise and work towards creating a solution. A solution around certain challenges in the field of mobility. FOR WHO For everyone that wants to change something in the field of mobility. You don't need to have a technical background nor be an expert in mobility. All you need is your specific skillset, a lot of enthusiam and be ready to kick some ass. Engineers, marketeers, business people, techies, creatives, ... Come and innovate the world of mobility! CHALLENGES The #MOTF18 hackathon consists of four different challenges, all connected to our three main topics: "Urban Mobility & City Design", "Smart & Sustainable Mobility" and "Connected & Autonomous Vehicles". These challenges are problems on a global scale. Each challenge is supported by one of our partners which will also help during and, even more important, after the hackathon. Find out more on our website page: TRAVEL FEE Attendees from abroad can apply for a travel fee. Attendees from the Netherlands and Luxemburg get 20 euro travel fee - attendees from Europe (outside of Benelux) get 50 euro travel fee - attendees outside of Europe get 100 euro travel fee. Application is done via registration (buy the ticket and write from which country you are coming (prove is required)). Travel fee will be paid at arrival. PROGRAM 10/11/2017 - Registration are open for the #MOTF18 hackathon; 01/01/2018 - Innovation platform will open up to attendees of #MOTF18; 01/02/2017 - 22/02/2018 - Attendees will receive (extra) information about challenges + local events at partners for a deep dive in the challenges and technologies; 22/02/2018 - 24/02/2018 - #MOTF18 hackathon; 24/02/2018 - The winners of each challenge and the overal winner will be selected; After the hackathon - The winners will receive coaching from partners, the network will be opened for new partnerships and possible funding is available (depending on the partner, winners and project). Together with the partners we will help the winners to bring their solution to the market! JUNCTION Junction organizes community events centered on innovation. With 20+ hackathons and private innovation tracks Junction is an industry leader in innovation events.  #MOTF18 is made possible with the support of Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken (Vlaamse overheid), WeAreMobility by Febiac, De Cronos Groep, Taxistop, KBC Autolease, LabBox, Febetra and our community partners. All partners can be found on our website. INFORMATIE IN HET NEDERLANDS - INFORMATION EN FRANCAIS Alle informatie kan gevonden worden op onze website op de pagina voor de hackathon. Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur notre site web à la page pour le hackathon.
      Mobility of the Future '18 - Student day
      22 Feb - 10:00 AM
      Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium
      IT students in and around Brussels! If you're interested in mobility technology, then you're invited to attend the student day of Mobility of the Future '18. You'll get to attend a full day of four workshops in the field of mobility. Later in the conference, be sure to participate in the 48-hour hackathon, where you can design and prototype an innovative solution to your choice of challenge -- Bicycle City, Road Safety, Vehicle Optimization, or Public Transport.
      Uitdagingen voor Ghent in Space - gratis workshop & brainstorm
      22 Feb - 09:00 AM
      Gent, Belgium
      Stel, je zit je vanuit het International Space Station te vergapen op de schoonheid van Gent. Van daarboven zie je op een andere manier hoe de stad leeft, beweegt, evolueert. Waar zou jij op letten? Welke inzichten zou jij willen verwerven? Waar zou jij de satelliet voor gebruiken? Tijdens deze workshop gaan we aan de slag in het stadsmuseum STAM. Op basis van een heel grote luchtfoto van Gent zoeken we naar toepassingen van satellietdata voor de stad. De beste inzichten, uitdagingen, oplossingen… nemen we mee naar de jaarlijke Apps for Ghent Hackathon. Daar gaan teams van hackers aan de slag met satellietdata. Met de workshop in het STAM willen wij de hackers alvast wat inspireren. Wie weet wordt jouw idee wel opgepikt?! Kort programma:  09:00 Ontvangst in de STAM Inkomhal09:15 Introductie workshop Luchtfotokamer09:45 Voorbereiding voorstellen in zaal Placidus11:00 Pitchen van de verschillende uitdagingen en oplossingen12:00 Afronden We laten maximum 20 deelnemers toe, dus wees snel met je inschrijving en geef je ticket vrij indien je toch niet zou kunnen aanwezig zijn.  Deze workshop wordt georganiseerd door Digipolis Gent, in samenwerking met de Stad Gent. 
        HACK BELGIUM 2018 Meetup Antwerp
        08 Feb - 07:00 PM
        Antwerpen, Belgium
        WELCOME! On February 8th we'll meet up with all Hack Belgium fans in Antwerp. If you'd like an update on what the results of Hack Belgium 2017 were and what we'll do differently in 2018, do join. It's also an excellent occasion to bring your friend/colleague who you think needs a little Hack Belgium in there life. Program: - 18.30: Doors & bar open - 19.00: Why We Hack Belgium. A word from the organizers.- 19.15: Hack Talk. - 19:30: How To Hack Belgium In 60 Minutes Workshop. We'll take you through Belgium's upcoming challenges and emerging technological possibilities. You'll meet 5 new people and together with them think of a whole new appproach to society, technologies, challenges and possibilities. And you'll pitch!- 20.30: Networking Fun and Ticket Sales. We really do make networking fun. And if at the end you want to get your ticket to Hack Belgium, we'll make that happen too. Never heard of Hack Belgium before? It's Belgium's biggest hackathon. Goal is to 'hack' 12 societal challenges. With 1000 participants. Who create & launch new projects. In 3 days time. On 26>27>28 April 2018 to be precise. For individuals, it's the best place to make your professionals dreams a reality. Nowhere else do you have access to so much inspiration, support and technology, packed in a 3-day program, to help you find an idea or turn your existing crazy idea into an amazing project that could shape your professional life for years to come For companies, Hack Belgium is the key to your future success. It boosts all your open innovation capabilities. You'll connect with the cream of Belgium's innovation ecosystem and you'll kickstart collaborative innovation projects that will make you not only survive but thrive in the upcoming wave of technological disruption. PARKING INFO - Gratis Parking (beperkt aantal plaatsen beschikbaar): Antwerp Management School, Sint Jacobsmarkt 9, 2000, Antwerpen - Alternatieve parking (met 25% korting kaart beschikbaar aan de Antwerp Management School balie): Q parking Meir, Korte Klarenstraat 10, 2000 Antwerpen
          Masterclass : Innovez grâce aux pratiques agiles & de design thinking
          06 Feb - 09:00 AM
          Evere, Belgium
          Contexte:Aujourd’hui, l’innovation est incontournable ; les organisations sont constamment sous la menace de nouveaux acteurs disruptifs, de technologies à croissance ultra-rapide et d’environnements business en mutation… Malheureusement, dans la plupart des entreprises, l’innovation est trop souvent appliquée et imposée par le biais de processus “stage-gate” rigides qui ne délivrent que trop rarement les résultats escomptés. Heureusement, il existe aussi des organisations de petite taille et agiles comme les start-ups qui démontrent que d’autres voies d’innovation sont possibles. Ces startups arrivent à créer de nouveaux business models, produits et services capables de changer radicalement la donne au sein de secteurs d’activités existants. Mail il n’y a pas de raison pour que de grandes organisations et PME ne puissent faire de même.Durant cette Masterclass de deux jours, les participants vont se familiariser et appliquer les approches de : l’innovation de rupture, les modèles d’innovation alternatifs, les nouvelles méthodologies, outils et postures favorables à la mise en place d’un écosystème développant l’intrapreneuriat. Processus d’apprentissage :Concrètement, l’objectif de cet atelier de deux jours est de développer chez les participants des capabilités qui leur permettront de répliquer ces nouvelles approches au sein de leur organisation. Pour ce faire, cet atelier se veut concret et pratique en proposant des outils, méthodologies et pratiques éprouvées dans les domaines de l’agilité, du design thinking et du pilotage dynamique.Au travers du processus d'apprentissage par la pratique, les participants devront résoudre des défis durant ces deux jours au travers d’une séance de travail sous forme d’un Sprint ou encore d’un Hackathon.Les étapes de ce processus de co-création sont les suivantes : 1. Entrer en empathie et comprendre 2. Définir & Générer des idées 3. Concevoir & Explorer 4. Construire & Prototyper 5. Pitcher.Les défis abordés durant l’atelier seront sélectionnées par les participants. Ils pourront être en lien avec des enjeux réels apportés par l’équipe ou suggérés par l’équipe de transforma bxl. Les outils et méthodologies suivantes seront mises en oeuvre : méthodes agiles (scrum, sprints, itérations, poker planning,…), Lean Startup ( Solutions Minimales Viables, le cycle « Construire – Apprendre – Pivoter/Persévérer…), le Lean Canvas & le Value Proposition Canvas, le Design Thinking (Empathize – Define - Ideate – Prototype - Test), le pilotage dynamique et participatif des organisations (inspiré des approches comme l’Holacracy ou la Sociocracie 3.0).Les facilitateurs: Philippe Drouillon Philippe est ingénieur en biochimie et en biotechnologie, durant 23 ans, il a occupé différents postes au sein d’une multinationale du secteur chimique. Par la suite, il a lancé sa propre entreprise - Metamorphosis - pour aider les organisations et les équipes dans les domaines qui le passionnent : la durabilité (économie circulaire et fonctionnelle, biomimétisme...), l'intelligence collective, la dynamique des grands groupes et des équipes, les systèmes de pensée stratégiques et out-of-the-box, la gouvernance agile et coopérative, les processus d'apprentissage révolutionnaires et les business models innovants.Philippe participe également activement au co-développement de coopératives dans les domaines de l'agriculture, de l'énergie et des lieux de travail sains / épanouissants.Anis BeddaCo-fondateur de transforma bxl, espace d’innovation durable, Anis est aussi co-fondateur de l’Intrapreneurship Conference ; le premier rassemblement mondial d’intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs d'entreprise, responsables et experts en innovation. Grâce à ces deux initiatives, il aide les organisations à exploiter au mieux le potentiel de leur personnel pour générer en retour de l'innovation : de l'engagement, de l’accomplissement et du bien-être au travail.Anis est un promoteur actif de l'entreprenariat, de l'innovation ascendante, de l'intrapreneuriat, de l'innovation ouverte et de la durabilité.
            Open Demo's VPRO Hackathon: Are you talking to me?
            03 Feb - 04:30 PM
            Eindhoven, Netherlands
            VPRO Medialab Hackathon: Are you talking tome?In the future we will all have a ‘smart device’ in our homes: a digital home assistant, like Amazon Echo or Google Home. Such a device is voice-controlled and it can do all kinds of handy things: order pizza, keep track of shopping or tell you how many inhabitants Ivory Coast has (over 24 million). In return it takes a big bite out of your privacy. VPRO Medialab is curious about the narrative power of such a home assistant. Could it be used to tell fictional or documentary stories? Or to enrich existing stories (such as films, TV programmes, podcasts)? This is the topic covered in the 7th VPRO Medialab hackathon, on 2 and 3 February 2018 in Eindhoven.  Open Demo'sThe teams formed on site will face the challenge of presenting a working prototype or an elaborated concept in two days. At the end of the second day, the teams will present their prototypes to each other and the jury. Like the previous Hackathon, the presentations for will be open to the public. Curious what concepts or solution the hackers come up with? Join us on Saturday February 3rd!Practical informationDate: Saturday February 3rd Time: doors open 16.30, start of Demo's at 17.00 sharp, drinks at 19.00.Location: Entrance at Natlab/Plaza Futura where we will welcome you.More information: 
              Social Impact Lab
              01 Feb - 12:00 PM
              Den Haag, Netherlands
              Techies in the Netherlands! If you're interested in using technology to help advance social good, then you're invited to participate in the Social Impact Lab. You'll be challenged to apply your technical skills and creativity to design digital solutions that will help one or more of four social enterprises from outside The Hague to get up and running in the city and create employment opportunities for residents who are out of work.
              Super Toegankelijk Hackathon
              24 Jan - 07:00 PM
              Eindhoven, Netherlands
              Visio ziet kansen om het winkelen van de toekomst toegankelijker te maken. Door nu in te haken op deze algemene ontwikkelingen en slechtziende en blinde mensen vooraan te plaatsen in het ontwerptraject, zorgen we voor een winkelervaring waar iedereen profijt van heeft!Om die reden organiseert Visio de Super Toegankelijk hackathon: een driedaags evenement, waarin we samen met betrokken partijen de toegankelijkheid van het winkelen een boost willen geven. Een eigentijds format om innovatie, kennis, deskundigheid en creativiteit te koppelen. De snelkookpan van de Hackathon staat garant voor opzienbarende resultaten. 24 januari - shopping experienceAlbert Heijn XL, Eindhoven 25 januari - Hackathon dag 1Igluu, Eindhoven 26 januari - Hackathon dag 2Igluu, Eindhoven
                Super Toegankelijk Hackathon
                24 Jan - 07:00 PM
                Eindhoven, Netherlands
                Developers and designers in the Netherlands! Are you passionate about using technology to help the blind and visually impaired? If so, then Royal Visio and Albert Heijn invite you to participate in the Super Accessible Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution that can help make shopping more accessible to people whose sight is impaired.