Showing results 21 to 30 out of 83
VR LearnAthon. Build a VR experience in 48 hours.
12 Oct - 06:00 PM
Bruxelles, Belgium
1 weekend/ 48 hours to build a VR experience from a coding or a 3D design point of view !2 technologies will be proposed : WebVR or Unity3D - stick to the one that suits you.1 hardware : Oculus Go Friday 12 October - 6pm, bring your computer, download your pack with the essential code scripts, 3D assets & scenarios - you have a full weekend (on your own, or as part of a team) to cross the finish line on Sunday 4pm with an operational/ working VR scene. Throughout the whole weekend, numerous workshops on dedicated tech topics will be given any time of the day / night in order to help you out, and coaches will deblock you on these expected "ahaaaaa-I'm-blocked" moment. Coaches/ experts will be actively participating on their own challenge : get at least 75% of the participants crossing the finish line of a working experience & improving their coaching/teaching skills. Sunday 14 October - 6pm, go home and get some well deserved sleep - you got some new tech skills to test a growing industry. This program is completely tailored for participants eager to increase their tech skills. This is not a start-up weekend,  a hackathon nor a linear workshop - but more a coding "bootcamp" program organized around exercises and coding challenges. Part of a team or alone, deliver on time & beat the LearnAthon ! Certificates will be delivered after the session. An original program initiated from a collaboration between Elewa Bootcamps, Altheria Solution & Immersive Reality Hub of DigitYser. Any questions - Photo by AJ Colores)
    chainPORT hackathon 2018 - Antwerp Edition
    11 Oct - 05:00 PM
    Antwerpen, Belgium
    About the chainPORT initiative Curious to know how world leading ports enable collaboration throughout global supply chains? Discover chainPORT, initiated in 2016 by several world ports to create value to global port end-users and customers. They do so  by developing leading-edge processes & technology and advocate & shape industry policy. Since then no less than 10 port authorities play an active role in this unique collaboration! ​ Do you want to be part of it? Enter the first edition of the chainPORT hackaton where participants from all over the world will work on well thought out global and local port challenges! ​This fall, the Port of Antwerp and Los Angeles will be the playground of innovation during the first simultaneous chainPORT hackathon! Antwerp chainPORT hackathon Organizing partners The chainPORT hackathon is organized by the Port of Antwerp, AlfaPort Voka and NxtPort. 5 challenges chainPORT hack will focus on 5 different challenges, each having a place in the port of Antwerp. These challenges are selected by NxtPort, port of Antwerp and AlfaPort Voka. 3 days - 2 nights 3 inspiring days and 2 nights of developing innovation on logistics in the port. You can hack day AND night from 11 – 13 October 2018. Participation fee To participate you just need to register and buy your ticket. Tickets have a no show fee which means the fee will be refunded after participation at the hackathon. More information at
      I4NATURE Hackathon Vlissingen
      08 Oct - 07:00 AM
      Vlissingen, Netherlands
      I4NATURE Hackathon Vlissingen Leer over duurzaam ondernemen met een leerzame hackathon.  Wil jij leren over duurzaam ondernemen? En kennis vergaren van ondernemers uit het vak? Op 8 en 9 oktober van dit jaar organiseert I4Nature in samenwerking met SPIE Nederland een 48 uur durende hackathon in Vlissingen. Op een industriële locatie ga jij aan de slag met vraagstukken die spelen binnen het bedrijf SPIE over energie transitie, zorg&welzijn, data safety en sustainability. Van het bedenken hoe een product op de markt profileren op een duurzame manier tot aan het bedenken van een nieuw verdienmodel.  Tijdens deze twee dagen is er een afwisseling tussen hard werken, ontspanning en muzikale optredens van (lokale) artiesten. Aan het einde van deze hackathon heb jij indirect je steentje bijgedragen aan de natuur door je kennis te delen om een vraagstuk op te lossen. Je kan je al laten zien aan de arbeidsmarkt, en wat ook een interessant punt is bij deze hackathon is dat je met jouw deelname je een aandeel krijgt in het bedrijf van SPIE.   Programma 8 oktober08.00 uur: ontvangst.09.00 – 17.00 uur: start programma. 20.30 - 22.00 uur: hapje, drankje en een optreden.  Programma 9 oktober 08.00: begin van de dag.09.00 – 17.00: werk aan de cases. 18.00 – 20.00: Afsluitende borrel.   Mis het niet & reserveer snel je ticket. Meer informatie ontvang je dan persoonlijk over financiele bijdrage (jouw aandeel in het resultaat), huisvesting, topacts en andere topbedrijven die mee gaan doen! Tot maandag 8 Oktober!
        05 Oct - 10:00 AM
        Heusden, Netherlands
        [Let op: De hackathon is uitgesteld. De nieuwe datum is nog niet bepaald. Mocht je voorkeur hebben voor een datum in September of Oktober, laat dit dan even weten!] Kom meedoen in Heusden Vesting Met trots nodig ik je uit om deel te nemen aan de eerste echte sociaal maatschappelijke hackathon in Nederland. Heb je zin om twee dagen intensief oplossingen te verzinnen voor uitdagingen in de publieke ruimte, verkeer, bestuur en sociale verbanden? Meld je dan aan! Wat valt er te verdienen? Tijdens twee leuke, intensieve dagen maak je kennis met bewoners, ondernemers en studenten van allerlei richtingen. Door samen te werken kun je van elkaar leren en leer je perspectieven kennen die je tijdens je studie niet zult krijgen! De hackathon wordt door de inwoners en ondernemers gedragen en geeft je een unieke kans de vesting echt te beleven. Uiteraard zijn er prijzen te winnen: Juryprijs €1500 2x runner-up €500 *Publieksprijs €500 *De publieksprijs zal door de inwoners van Heusden vesting worden toegekend en kan dus bovenop de Juryprijs of de runner-up prijzen komen! Waarom een hackathon? Een eeuwen oude stad zoekt haar weg door de geschiedenis. De huidige tijd van versnelling en ideeën vraagt om een creatieve aanpak om de toekomst van de stad te verzekeren. We willen ideeën buiten de gebaande paden. Geen vastgeroeste ideeën en geen beladen verleden. Ideeën die zijn bedacht door een nieuwe generatie op een nieuwe manier. Een generatie waar ook Heusden aansluiting mee wil houden. Wat willen we bereiken? We willen komen tot een visie op de toekomst van Heusden. Heusden heeft een uniek karakter. Het is door de mengeling van ondernemen, wonen en recreëren een mini-gemeenschap waar veel diversiteit heerst. Dit maakt Heusden niet alleen uniek maar biedt ook kansen voor een vergaande vorm van “zelfbestuur”, een nieuw participatiemodel.
          HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! Brussels
          03 Oct - 07:00 PM
          Brussels, Belgium
          Cash prizes worth € 5.000
          Student hackers in Belgium! You're invited to apply to participate in HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! in Vallendar, Germany. You'll get to design and build an innovative mobility project and present your prototype to a panel of top investors at Europe’s premier student-led startup conference. Compete to win cash prizes worth € 5.000 and showcase your skills for career opportunities with Amazon, FreightHub & Co, and others.
          The Challenge 2 - #Hack4Steel
          22 Sep - 08:00 AM
          Brussel, Belgium
          Our Challenge Take part in 'The Challenge 2', the second edition of our ArcelorMittal Belgium' hackathon.  The topics of this years' Challenge are: ‘Chatbots’, 'Vision AI’ and 'Natural Language Processing'.  What can be expected? The topic Your challenge this year consists of creating a safety assistant of the future. Do you have what it takes to design a chatbot that raises safety awareness? Can you train a system to automatically detect if everybody is wearing his/her personal safety equipment? Or/and can you structure unstructured data to give a simple answer to a question asked? #Industry4.0 - The techologies we expect you to use are Chatbots, Vision AI and Natural Language Processing. What's in it for you? Up to €6.000 in prize money, experts at hand & of course a healthy dose of fun moments.  Who can participate? The Challenge is open to (BE residents), to students, young entrepreneurs with a strong interest in IT, design, …. Registration only as a team (min 3/max 5 p). If you don’t have a team, have a look at our Slack channel to find kindred spirits, also eagerly awaiting others to form a team with. (see By registering to the event you accept the Terms and Conditions. More info:
            Hackathon: Technology vs Life - Sign Up for Volunteers
            21 Sep - 06:00 PM
            Rotterdam, Netherlands
            Would you like to volunteer to help run and support the Hackathon: Technology vs Life? Designers, analysts, coders, and creative types in the Netherlands are being invited to participate in the event. They will be challenged to come up with an innovative solution to the issue of the shortage of talent with 21st-century skills in the current job market. Sign up now, if you would like help in a role such as managing the food vendor, checking-in participants, speakers etc., making sure that the mentors, challenge leaders, and hackers are happy, making sure all the technical tools are present and working, etc.
            Hackathon: Technology vs Life - Sign Up for Hackers
            21 Sep - 06:00 PM
            Rotterdam, Netherlands
            Designers, analysts, coders, and creative types in the Netherlands! You're invited to participate in the Hackathon: Technology vs Life. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative solution to the issue of the shortage of talent with 21st-century skills in the current job market. You can choose one of the following challenges for your project: →Local: Talent mapping by creating a profile, →Organizational: Upgrading an individual's profile by developing new skills, →Individual: Rewarding people based on newly developed skills.
            Make Tech Social – hacking global goals
            21 Sep - 05:00 PM
            Eindhoven, Netherlands
            Hack Global Goals aims to create a special experience for creative, curious, and skilled people who are committed to solving global challenges. We invite all to participate.  We expect to see daring solutions that consists of a perfect combination of Tech and Social, Global and Local, Mind and Matter.  –     Technical, creative a/o business professionals will be part of a team who work together to solve a local challenge. –     Along two days, ground-breaking concepts are developed into proof-of-concepts, prototypes or demos.  –     The 'invention game' is concluded in a pitch for a professional jury that awards serious prizes. –     The follow-up program gives a perspective on further development of the concepts.  The challenges. The challenges in this hackathon are social a/o environmental issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals framed by the UNDP. These are plugged by the partners that are involved: Colour Kitchen, High Tech Campus, Circulo, Hiber, and more.  Joining Eindhoven Maker Faire for free. Included in the program are presentation and access to the Eindhoven Maker Faire weekend on 29 and 30 September. A special booth will present the results of the winners of the hackathon. So your participation includes a full weekend pass to Eindhoven Maker Faire!  The program:  Friday 21 - Kick off of the event and warm up session start at 17:00 Saturday 22 – start hackathon at 10 o'clock. Sunday 23 – event ends at 18:00.  Sign up for this challenge and experience the best weekend of the year! The inspiring location Grand Café Colour Kitchen at High Tech Campus offers you an excellent environment, including great free food and drinks. You do not lack anything... Register now to assure your place!  Frequently Asked Questions Do you need an ID or is there an age limit? Everyone from the age of 16 is welcome. It is an English-spoken event, so the unique requirement is that you able to communicate in this language. What are the transport/parking options for the event? Good public transport from Eindhoven Centraal Station and other towns around. There is free parking. More info What can I bring to the event? Your laptop, smartphone, chargers, sleeping bag, electronics, tools. How can I reach the organizer if I have questions? Contact MAD emergent art center
              HoloLens Workshop
              14 Sep - 09:30 AM
              Bruxelles, Belgium
              Mixed reality encompasses a wide range of experiences that previously were considered to be only augmented reality or only virtual reality. In mixed reality, people, places, and objects from your physical and virtual worlds merge together in a blended environment that becomes your canvas.  Interacting with holograms in mixed reality enables you to visualize and work with your digital content as part of your real world. Realize mixed reality’s promise with Microsoft HoloLens. In this developer session, you will learn about Mixed Reality and the HoloLens and get a hands-on introduction to developing applications for the Windows Mixed Reality platform. Your host of the day will be Nick Trogh, Senior Technical Evangelist at Microsoft. A lunch will be offered during the session.  Prerequisites: This is a hands-on developer session so bring your developer laptop. If you already have a HoloLens, make sure to bring it too! :) We will be using the Unity middleware to develop applications – this session is not an introduction to Unity, so make sure you’re proficient with Unity development. There are great learning resources available on the Unity website. Make sure your laptop has the necessary software installed on it – you don’t want to miss out on the hands-on exercises because you need to install the tools! Agenda: 9:30-12:15:  Introduction to Mixed Reality and the Hololens. Developing for Windows Mixed Reality. Hands-on-lab: introduction to Windows Mixed Reality development.  12:15-13:00: Lunch (included) 13:00-17:00: Hackathon