Showing results 31 to 40 out of 52
MolenGreen — Hackathon Green IOT
27 Mar - 06:00 PM
Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, Belgium
MolenGreen — Les objets connectés au service du développement durable!
Holy Hack 2020
27 Mar - 05:00 PM
Leuven, Belgium
HolyHack is Belgium’s most epic student hackathon. Gather with students from engineering, business and beyond to bring your ideas to life in 24 hours. More info about cases and topics:TBA.
hackAtech : pitchs et cocktail de clôture
25 Mar - 07:00 PM
Lille, France
Tech professionals and execs in and around Lille! The Inria Lille - North Europe center invites you to attend the closing pitch sessions by participants in the hackAtech event. You'll get to see the results oftwo days of work on startup projects, as the participating teams present their projects to a panel of judges. The pitch sessions will be followed by a cocktail hour.
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Startup Business
25 Mar - 01:00 PM
Bryssel, Belgium
Learn to Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
Apps For Ghent X - Hack The Mobility
20 Mar - 07:00 PM
Gent, Belgium
10 jaar Apps For Ghent kan maar één ding betekenen! Een feesteditie!
Dit jaar gaan we all the way!
Food Hack : Quelle place pour l’entrepreneuriat dans l'agroalimentaire ?
20 Mar - 06:30 PM
Charleroi, Belgium
Conférence de sensibilisation des citoyens et des entrepreneurs aux problématiques liées à l'alimentation locale et durable
Food Hack
20 Mar - 06:30 PM
Charleroi, Belgium
Conférence de sensibilisation des citoyens et des entrepreneurs aux problématiques liées à l'alimentation locale et durable + Hackathon
Hack'Apprendre 2020
17 Mar - 09:00 AM
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Imaginons ensemble comment développer les compétences pour les métiers de demain !
14 Mar - 08:30 AM
Bruxelles, Belgium
Nous organisons ce Hackathon sur le thèmes de l'accessibilté au numérique, nouvelle norme européenne.
BorgerHub Startup Marathon
13 Mar - 06:00 PM
Antwerp, Belgium
Startup and entrepreneurial types in and around Antwerp! Borgerhub invites you to participate in their first Startup Marathon in the new MolenGeek HQ in the center of Borgerhout. This weekend event is open to all motivated people, regardless of their age, gender or professional background! You'll get the opportunity to develop and test your project idea quickly so that it may become fully operational and profitable.