Showing results 1 to 10 out of 62
Hackathon "Hack for Future Talent"
  08 Dec - 10:00 AM
  Tilburg, Netherlands
  € 1,000
We are looking for people brave enough to participate in the hackathon “Hack for Future Talent” #Hack4futureTalent. This Hackathon is to initiate a data-driven and fact-based education policy. The aim is to develop preventive insights, profiles and patterns with the help of Big Data. With the use of various open data sets, participants are challenged to provide insights into the overarching theme "Talent Optimization / Equal Opportunities in Education". Accept the challenge and join us! There are prizes to be won. For more information please visit:
Workshop "Hackathon #1" (part of #dataforbetterhealth initiative)
  07 Dec - 02:00 PM
  Bruxelles, Belgium
We invite you to "Workshop Hackathon #1".  The workshop introduces the first of a series of hackathons, each with a different dataset from the National Institute for Sickness and Invalidity Benefit (RIZIV/INAMI)). Attendees of the workshop can take part in the hackathon, which will take place in January 2019. The hackathons can identify the obstacles in the FAIR use of data, and help formulate, test and implement solutions to these obstacles. The initiators are convinced that invitees can use these hackathons to discover and use the potential of these data for their own objectives. This includes scientific research, but also a more effective development of medicines and medical devices, better patient care, improvement and support of clinical trials, support for personalized care, support for prevention, patient-oriented care, and lower medical costs. Invitees are primarily, but non-exhaustive: all service providers and knowledge institutes active in the field of health care (including drug development, development of medical devices, ...), health economics, information management, privacy and safety, legislation (colleges, ...) both public and private organizations, profit and non-profit (data science communities, open data communities, open knowledge communities, ...) organizations.
    Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Healthcare and Life Sciences (SWAT4HCLS)
      03 Dec - 08:00 AM
      Antwerpen, Belgium
    DESCRIPTION Since 2008, the SWAT4(HC)LS Workshop has provided a platform for the presentation and discussion of the benefits and limits of applying Web-based information systems and semantic technologies in the domains of health care and life sciences. Growing steadily each year as Semantic Web applications become more widespread, SWAT4LS has been in Edinburgh 2008, Amsterdam 2009, Berlin 2010, London (2011), Paris (2012), Aveiro (SWAT4LS School organized in 2012), Edinburgh (2013) and Berlin (2014). Since 2015 SWAT4LS changed format and has been organized as a 2 day conference in Cambridge (2015), Amsterdam (2016) and Rome (2017). SWAT4(HC)LS aims at providing an open and stimulating environment that brings together researchers, both developers and users, from areas as diverse as eHealth, medical and clinical informatics, bioinformatics, cheminformatics, drug discovery, drug safety, systems biology, medical physics, data science, and biocomputing, to discuss goals, current limits and real experiences in the application of Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies to challenges in health care and life sciences. The meetings are typically very interactive and are accompanied by tutorials and a hackathon. You can register for the Tutorials (December 3), Conference (December 4 & 5) and Hackathon (December 6), as well as a combined registration.
        30 Nov - 05:00 PM
        Loos, France
      DESCRIPTION Tu es étudiant et certain voire extrêmement motivé à participer à RespirH@cktion ? ;) Demande ton code promo -100% en envoyant un mail à Inscris-toi dès aujourd’hui à RespirH@cktion 2018. Les places sont limitées. 1. L'inscription comprend les repas du vendredi soir au dimanche midi. Les frais de déplacement et de logement ne sont pas inclus. Si tu souhaites dormir sur place apporte ton duvet car des espaces de repos seront mis à ta disposition. 2. Pour suivre Respirh@cktion inscris toi à la newsletter en cliquant ici et suis nous sur les réseaux sociaux (Facebook et twitter : @respirhacktion). 3. RDV le 30 novembre 2018 à 17h à la faculté de médecine pour assister aux pitchs des porteurs de projets et entre dans l’aventure en rejoignant le projet qui te séduira le plus ! RESPIRH@CKTION C’EST QUAND ? Du vendredi 30 novembre à 17h jusqu'au dimanche 2 décembre 2018 à 17h. RESPIRH@CKTION C’EST OU ? Faculté de Médecine de Lille Université Lille 2, Avenue Eugène Avinée, 59120 Loos RESPIRH@CKTION C’EST QUOI ? RespirH@cktion est le premier hackathon dédié aux pathologies respiratoires : 48 heures d’émulation collective au service de 20 projets digitaux innovants (les consulter ici : améliorer la prise en charge et le parcours de soin des patients atteints de pathologies respiratoires. Pour plus d’infos, tu peux te rendre sur le site internet : RESPIRH@CKTION C’EST POUR QUI ? RespirH@cktion est ouvert à tous, patients, professionnels de santé mais aussi étudiants et professionnels de tous secteurs et compétences variées. Si tu as des compétences informatiques (digital makers), en ingénierie, en droit, en marketing ou si tu es simplement un amoureux de la tech et des start-ups, inscris-toi dès maintenant à RespirH@cktion 2018 ! En participant tu viendras enrichir les projets sélectionnés et aider les porteurs de projet dans leurs défis. Qui sait, il s'agit peut-être d'une future start-up ? RESPIRH@CKTION QU’EST CE QUE L’ON GAGNE ? 3 prix de 5 000 € remis à 3 projets à l’issue du passage des équipes devant le jury de RespirH@cktion. 6 prix d’accompagnement de projets remis par les sponsors et les partenaires de RespirH@cktion. A toi de jouer ! L’équipe RespirH@cktion
        Hackathon - HIVHACK - HIV Drug Resistance
          23 Nov - 01:00 PM
          Bruxelles, Belgium
        The hivhack is the data4good initiative driven by the data science community of Belgium supported by Johnson-Johnson Global Public Health. The HIV epidemic has claimed numerous lives since its discovery in the 80’s. Over the years, the efforts and coordinated work of national programs, the civil society and development partners have allowed to achieve tremendous progress. Even though there is still no cure for HIV, effective treatments have been developed and they can offer to patients long and healthy lives. However, treatments must be rigorously followed throughout life to successfully contain the virus. Failing to adhere to the treatment can lead to a mutation of the HIV into a form resistant to the available treatments. This is how HIV Drug Resistance can emerge.  Following the massive increase of people on treatment (from less than 800 000 in 2000 to more than 18 millions in 2016), a non-negligible rise in the prevalence of resistant HIV strains has emerged and threatens the global commitment to end the HIV epidemic by 2030. If no action is taken now, and this problem left unaddressed, HIV Drug Resistance could lead to a new crisis in the HIV epidemic. About the hackathon: more info Phase 1: Gather Data from now till Nov 24th. Obtain a comprehensive understanding of the situation by rallying active medicals, data scientists and commercials in the HIV fight and share their knowledge.  Phase 2 : Hackathon On November 23rd & 24th 2018, with the acquired information, dive into the heart of the question and devise solutions with your team. Phase 3 : Deliver solutions locally - 1 week February/March 2019 Winners of the hackathon will test and apply their solutions/method in the field with a local expert research team. The optimised solutions will be applied on the long term.  For those who will use the free passes for Azure we would like to point out that  'Yes, (the organizer) may share my contact details with Microsoft to contact me with information and news about Microsoft products, services and events. You can unsubscribe at any time. Please read the Microsoft Privacy Statement  ( .'
          HIVHack Workshop 21th Nov: Build first-draft models and dry-run the Hackathon
            21 Nov - 05:00 PM
            Bruxelles, Belgium
          Both nights will be largely open, supported work-time.  The first night will focus on building and validating the models. The second night will focus on defending and presenting their pojects.
            HIVHack Workshop 20th Nov: Build first-draft models and dry-run the Hackathon
              20 Nov - 05:00 PM
              Bruxelles, Belgium
            Both nights will be largely open, supported work-time.  The first night will focus on building and validating the models. The second night will focus on defending and presenting their pojects.
              Hackathon: co-create the future of Health@Work
                17 Nov - 08:00 AM
                Leuven, Belgium
              ---------- CANCELLED ---------- Zaterdag 17 november belooft een leerrijke en spannende dag te worden! Dan organiseren we namelijk een Health@work Hackathon voor IT-studenten. Ben je een designer, developer of hustler, schrijf je dan nu in! Breng zelf ideeën mee, kies mee welke ideëen potentieel hebben en werk ze mee uit. We stellen open datasets ter beschikking om elk idee vorm te geven. Misschien bedenk jij wel dé website of applicatie om beweging op het werk te stimuleren of om burn outs tegen te gaan? Een professionele vakjury zal jullie uitgewerkte prototypes en innovatieve concepten evalueren. Het beste concept, gekozen door de vakjury, krijgt een unieke prijs! Wat kan je verwachten? Een  van A tot Z georganiseerde dag, inclusief begeleiding door IT professionals Al het nodige materiaal om er een leuke en leerrijke dag van te maken Brain food & drinks, zodat alleen de beste ideeën opborrelen Een tof prijzenpakket Praktisch?  Zaterdag 17 november Esperantolaan 8, 3001 Leuven Je bent welkom vanaf 8 uur. Om 9 uur start de hackathon. Later bezorgen we je nog een gedetailleerd dagprogramma. Meebrengen: je laptop Inschrijven? Kan je niet wachten? Schrijf je dan snel in, want de plaatsen zijn beperkt. Inschrijven kan tot 27 oktober Je kan individueel inschrijven of met een team van 5 personen. In dat laatste geval bestel je 5 tickets en vul je per ticket de gegevens van de deelnemer in. Heb je nog vragen? Of wil je meer weten? Een adres:
                First Logistics Challenge Hackathon by OTM 16-17/11/2018 Make It Happen!
                  16 Nov - 04:00 PM
                  Antwerpen, Belgium
                Take part and meet the challenge! Five exciting logistic challenges entered by five different big shippers: ArcelorMittal, Carglass, FrieslandCampina, Colruyt and Knauf-Isolava. The key is conceptual thinking. Supply chain related problems will be presented, which can be tackled in different ways. That is the challenge! Who will develop the most creative, innovative and workable solution? Register your team on the website
                First Logistics Challenge Hackathon by OTM & Dockflow
                  16 Nov - 04:00 PM
                  Antwerpen, Belgium
                ⛓🚛 THE FIRST LOGISTICS HACKATHON FOR BELGIUM ✈️🚢 ➡️ ⬅️ Solve one of the logistics & supply chain challenges by Colruyt Group, Knauf Belgium, FrieslandCampina, ArcelorMittal and Carglass during 24 hours of brainstorming, keynotes, new technologies, networking and more. Professionals, students, consultants, ... everyone is welcome to participate. Also, did we mention that participating in the hackathon is free?