Showing results 1 to 10 out of 45
Hackathon Betacowork Open Data Sessions
28 Dec - 09:00 AM
Ville de Bruxelles, Belgium
Designers, developers, data scientists, visualisation experts, and anyone into Open Data, code, pixels and prose. Betacowork Coworking Brussels invites you to participate in their Open Data Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution to a city problem such as air quality, city traffic flow, or road accidents. Collaborate with like-minded people to create an awesome smart city mobility project that leverages open data and IoT hardware and sensors. Present your project to the panel of judges for a chance to win a package of IoT stuff PLUS co-working space at
Cours de coding pour enfants et visite de Saint Nicolas !
09 Dec - 09:30 AM
Bruxelles, Belgium
Nous ne pouvons vous inviter à participer à un Hackathon sur le thème de  "Smart Family" sans proposer une activité pour les enfants qui sont au coeur de la famille, et de la sociéé de demain.  C'est dans ce cadre que nous vous proposons une initiation à la programmation pour les enfants de 8 à 12 ans animée par deux Coatchs de The Coding Club, qui est une asbl apparentée à Coderdojo en Irlande, qui promeut l'apprentissage de la programmation auprès de tous les enfants du primaire et du secondaire, par des ateliers gratuits et animés par des bénévoles. A 11H00 nous aurons la visite surprise de Saint Nicolas !!!  Les enfants doivent se munir de leur PC ou tablette, si ils n' en n'ont pas, pas de panique, envoyez nous un email pour que nous puissions prévoir des pc pour eux. Places limitées. Inscriptions obligatoires.  Plus d' infos :  
    Hackathon SMART FAMILY
    08 Dec - 06:00 PM
    Bruxelles, Belgium
    Women technology entrepreneurs and start-up leaders! Women in Tech.Brussels invites you to participate in the iThe Smart Family Hackathon, The focus of the event is family life and you'll be challenged to conceive and develop an innovative startup business and technology idea - driven by the themes of education, well-being, communication, and mobility. Present your developed project to an expert panel of judges for a chance to win prizes that will help you further develop your startup post-hackathon!
    05 Dec - 02:00 PM
    Lens, France
    Envie de développer ou faire émerger un projet dans la culture ?  Prêt à participer à une expérience de nuit blanche unique ?  Cet hackathon est fait pour toi !! Le principe ?  Pendant 24 heures, des artistes, des designers, des passionnés de culture, des codeurs, des entrepreneurs, des étudiants, etc s’associent à un porteur de projet pour faire émerger et/ou booster une idée. Un jury composé d’experts et d’acteurs du monde économique distinguera les meilleurs projets qui seront soutenus par la suite dans leur réalisation. L’organisation ? Vous vivrez pendant 24h dans le cadre exceptionnel du Louvre Lens.  Amène un sac de couchage, un ordinateur, ta créativité et ta motivation ... ! Nous, on s'occupe du reste ! Une communauté dédiée pendant 24 heures Pendant 24h, des coachs, mentors, experts, … se mettent à votre service  et s’appuient sur des méthodes et outils collaboratifs pour faire émerger des projets viables, porteurs de sens et création de valeur !  LE PROGRAMME DES 24H Mardi 5 Décembre 2017 13h30 : ACCUEIL @La Scène 14h : BIENVENUE @La Scène 14h30 : PITCHS @La Scène 16h : FORMATION DES EQUIPES AUTOUR DES PROJETS @Musée 16h15 : WARM-UP @ Musée 16h30 : ICE-BREAKER PAR EQUIPE 17h : AU BOULOT ! 19h : MASTERCLASS @AUDITORIUM (20 MIN) 19h30 : BUFFET 21h30 : MASTERCLASS @AUDITORIUM (20 MIN) A partir de 22h : COACHING INDIVIDUEL DES EQUIPES **** Des surprises ****    Mercredi 6 décembre 2017 6h30 : ON SE REVEILLE !! 7h : PETIT-DEJEUNER 8h : MASTERCLASS @AUDITORIUM 10h30 : ATELIER PITCHS AVEC LES COACHS 11h30 : DÉJEUNER 13h30 : DEPLACEMENT 14h00 à 16h00 : CLÔTURE @LA SCENE LES PRIX PRIX « USEFULL DATAS » Le projet qui permet la meilleure utilisation des données pour créer de la valeur sur le territoire PRIX « NEW TOURISM XPERIENCE» Le projet qui propose la meilleure innovation en matière de tourisme PRIX « BIG IMPACT » Le projet à plus fort impact économique pour le territoire PRIX « I LOVE INNOV » Le projet coup de cœur du jury A GAGNER : L'incubation ou l'accélération et l'accompagnement de votre projet pendant 4 moisUne expérimentation sur le terrainL'accès à un appel à projets Et plein d'autres prix à découvrir !!
      01 Dec - 05:00 PM
      Brussels, Belgium
      LifeTech Brussels, MLOZ, Partena & HealthCare Futurists are organising an entrepreneur venue specially dedicated to the fields of Life Science, Medicine and Healthcare. - The Continuum of Care 2017 is a hackathon for everyone passionate about disrupting health care with progressive ideas, creative thinking and active doing. Why We believe that innovation is magic that happens when people with no blinders on and from different backgrounds meet in a stimulating environment to dedicate time to a specific field of interest. For us, this is health-care. This is why we are trying to create the perfect ecosystem where we think we will see innovation happen right in front of us. Our goal is to provide you with the best minds and tangible challenges to really make a difference in healthcare and patient care. Who is behind We are a small group of dedicated individuals who crave for excellence and innovation in healthcare, life sciences and medicine. We bring a considerable number of years in the industry and in patient care to the table. With this background, we have teamed up with partners from politics and industry to make our vision real: Patient empowerment and patient centricity. What is the goal of is a hackathon and a networking venue. Our goal is to bring bright minds and great ideas together in a stimulating environment. We want people to interact and interchange ideas, thoughts, and wishes and beliefs for this is the cradle to new entrepreneurial endeavours. We want you to interact with each other on eye level and we want the participants to be able to go out after this event and start founding their own company in health-care. FAQs What should I bring to the event? Ideally, bring your laptop and charger. WIFI will be provided for free at the venue. You will also need your printed ticket or an ID-card to get in. Other than that you just need a fresh mind and the passion to get involved and do. Where can I contact the organiser with any questions? You will find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) on our website: For other questions, please contact us via Is my registration/ticket transferrable? Unfortunately, your ticket is not transferrable. What are my transport/parking options getting to the event? Please have a look here: Parking space will be provided for free in the basement.
        FEAR&FAIL Conference Brussels vol.6
        30 Nov - 07:00 PM
        Ixelles, Belgium
        Fear&Fail Conference is champions' stage - for courageous and daring.3 powerful stories by 3 people on their personal journeys to freedom from their fears and failures.  Each story reveals the path of the speaker - their beliefs, challenges, limits and breakthroughs. It's real, authentic stories all of us can relate to, learn form and use as a tool for personal growth.  While failure is only a perspective of looking at things, fears are our underlying forces that shape our realities.  Fear and Fail method is  transformative in nature as it involves sharing deep emotions in an intimate safe setting.  Each speaker has 15 minutes to share their story and take us on the journey we've perhaps also experienced, but didn't reflect on in such a way.  Fear&Fail is about witnessing the transformation process of someone daring to get up and tell their personal story to get over or discover the fears that drive us all. We as audience, help the speakers by asking further questions in the Q&A session which uncovers even more about the mindset - how we deal with adversity and how we find ways to persist and move on. We talk about it because we believe that creativity and innovation can thrive only in an environment where trust and authenticity exist. Showing our vulnerable sides is therefore not a sign of weakness but of great courage and capability for leadership and entrepreneurship. Come to be inspired! Come to grow! Come to connect with others in a meaningful way! Meet our brave speakers and book your spot to witness their incredible journeys live: Evert Desmidt Evert  is a Belgian entrepreneur, life coach, and adventurer. He held management positions in corporates and startups, both in Europe and the US, and now runs his own coaching and consulting practice based in Brussels. As a founder of The Life Bootcamp, Evert aspires to combine personal development and outdoors, challenging people to connect the mind and the body for reaching their full potential. Inspired by Oscar Wilde, Evert believes that "The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for." Evert’s definition of success is to be able to spend your life in your own way. Brigitte Jacobs Brigitte was born in Belgium discovering at an early age that challenge will be her long term companion in life.  At the age of 16, she suffered from rheumatic fever, had to quit school and did not finish secondary education. She worked as a beautician, receptionist, car rental agent, administrative assistant, secretary to end up as Senior Management Assistant. Most of her career took place in large international organisations based in Brussels. Since her childhood, she is passionate about puppets, drawing, theatre, handicrafts. Brigitte dedicated all possible free time to put her passions into practice: theatre classes and workshops, costumes and masks design, acting, sculpture, singing classes, writing. All this despite a troublesome, insidious and ruthless partner: persistent physical pain. Ali Sohail  Ali Is passionate about innovation and the future of work. He is an innovation and marketing consultant, a startup mentor, a multiple-time hackathon organizer and facilitator, an entrepreneur, a pitch coach, maniac foodie and also casually crazy about travelling. In his daily routine, he is switching roles between running his startup, doing a speaking or hosting gig and consulting. He co-founded deskOteque - a tool via which flex workers can browse and select from a long list of spaces (coworkings, bars, cafés, restos) and check-in to work from that space on a pay-per-use basis. Ali also cofounded Co-Create, an end-to-end innovation consultancy. Prior to his entrepreneurial spark was ignited, he worked with corporate offices of multinationals in Belgium and Germany, in Marketing, Finance and PR roles.  The plan for the evening: 19:00 - 19:30 Welcome, drinks&snacks, introduction 19:30 - 20:30 The event: 3 genuine stories from brave speakers (Evert, Brigitte & Ali)  20:30 - 21:30 Networking, drinks&snacks
          InQbet Hackathon FINALS
          27 Nov - 11:30 AM
          Grimbergen, Belgium
          The finals of our InQbet Hackathon 2017 have arrived! If you would like to attend the finals at our P&G site in Brussels on the 27th of November at 12.00, please register and get your seat here. The agenda of the day can be found below. AGENDA 11.30-12.00: Hackers arriving 12.00-13.00: Welcome lunch 13.00-13.15: Introduction (agenda of the day, jury presentation, prizes overview) 13.15-13.55: Pitches: part I  13.55-14.00: Icebreaker I 14.00-14.40: Pitches: part II  14.40-14.45: Icebreaker II 14.45-15.25: Pitches: part III 15.25-16.25: Company pitches and coffee 16.25-17.00: Winner announcement & awards  17.00-18.30: Reception + Networking 
            Introduction to Blockchain - What could be disrupted?
            22 Nov - 06:00 PM
            Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
            UStart & USIC ont le plaisir de vous inviter à notre conférence sur la technologie du Blockchain et le Bitcoin, une cryptomonnaie. Selon Oxford dictionnaries, le Blockchain est "un système dans lequel un enregistrement de transactions faites en bitcoin ou une autre cryptomonnaie sont maintenues sur plusieurs ordinateurs qui sont reliés par un réseau peer-to-peer."Notre invité, Jean-Luc Verhelst est l'auteur de Bitcoin, Blockchain and Beyond (2017), travaille comme consultant en stratégie et blockchain pour Monitor Deloitte, et a donné des formations de plusieurs jours en EMEA et aux USA. Il a gagné le plus grand hackathon blockchain du monde en 2016 et son mémoire de fin de Master concernant le Bitcoin a reçu le prix du meilleur mémoire financier de 2014 en Belgique. Il a fondé le "think-thank BlockchainHub Brussels" et possède un diplôme en IT et en Business. Le plus important, Jean-Luc a une réelle passion pour le Bitcoin, blockchains et comment cela va façonner notre futur.Vous aurez l'opportunité de mieux comprendre cette révolution dans le monde financier ainsi que comprendre comment cela peut affecter l'économie actuelle.Après la conférence, Besos vous offrira une bière gratuite pour etre dans l'état d'esprit parfait pour discuter avec tout le monde.Rendez-vous le 22 novembre !P/s : la conférence se donnera en français.Pour en savoir plus à propos de Jean-Luc Verhelst : d'informations sur son livre : www.bitcoinblockchainbook.comUStart and USIC
              Hackathon Tout bien - Okidoki
              18 Nov - 09:00 AM
              Antwerpen, Belgium
              Tout bien - Okidoki en Junction, organiseren een hackathon van 18 - 19 november 2017. Tout bien-Okidoki is een vzw die het taboe wil doorbreken dat zelfdoding nog altijd is en suïcide bespreekbaar maken. Niet alleen voor mensen met suïcidale gedachten, maar ook voor al wie hen omringt.  Met de hackathon willen we iedereen samenbrengen die iets wil bijdragen aan dit onderwerp. Iedereen is welkom, of je al een idee hebt of niet. Tijdens het weekend vormen we teams, is er coaching voorzien en er worden oplossingen uitgewerkt. Deze oplossingen kunnen bijdragen aan preventie, maar kunnen bijvoorbeeld ook dienen ter ondersteuning van familie en vrienden. Dit kunnen zowel IT als niet-IT oplossingen zijn. Spread the word! ---- Together with Tout bien - Okidoki, we organise a hackathon in november. Tout bien-Okidoki is a non-profit association which aims at breaking the taboo around suicide and wants to adress the issue. Not just for people with suicidal thoughts, but also those surrounding them.  With the hackathon, we want to bring everyone together that wants to contribute to this matter. We welcome everyone, whether you already have an idea or not. During the weekend, we form teams. There is coaching foreseen as well. Solutions and ideas are developed. These solutions can contribute to prevention, but can also be helpful for family and friends. These can be IT as non-IT related solutions. Spread the word!
                17 Nov - 05:00 PM
                Loos, France
                All who are interested in fighting respiratory diseases -- patients, health professionals, students, and professionals! You're invited to participate in RespirH@cktion -- the first hackathon dedicated to respiratory diseases. In this 48-hour event, you'll be challenged to collaborate on helping find ways to advance one of 15 innovative digital projects that improve the management and care of patients with respiratory diseases.