Showing results 21 to 30 out of 46
HIV Hack Workshop #4
28 Aug - 06:30 PM
Bruxelles, Belgium
4th Workshop in preparation of the HIV Drug Resistance Hackathon! A first Dataset on drug resistance cases around the world will be presented. A more specific example based around Tansania will also be shown. First examples of Data Visualisation will be done. TO PARTICIPATE, simply register here on Eventbrite, show up at the following time and place and jump in the think tank!  >> 28th August 2018, 18 : 30, DigitYser (40 Blvd d'Anvers, 1000 Bruxelles). Join us in the fight of HIV Drug Resistance! Agenda: Part1: 20’ - Serge/Annelie - Introduction about the objectives of the hackathon Part2: 20’ - Jenny - How to find data how to selected the valid variables introduction to the first model Part 3: 20’ - Presentation of the dataset of the world database Part 4: 20’ - Serge will explain what he discovered about the Tansanian data Part 5: Start Workshop: Worksession on strategy to find data (for the non-technical people) Hands-On exercise - about visualisation
    VODW Brussels - Digital Design Hackathon
    12 Jul - 05:00 PM
    Brussel, Belgium
    Do you get energy from turning ideas into disruptive prototypes? Do you want to be challenged by Top-Notch design talent and compete head to head in a design sprint? Do you want to learn a thing or two about Innovation & Design Thinking?   Then listen up! VODW Brussels is inviting you to their ‘Digital Design Hackathon’. A secret Top-Notch designer will confront you with a real live design challenge. You’ll be given the opportunity to come-up with a creative, eye dazzling, customer friendly and out-of-the-box solution in teams of two. You’ll present your solution to our jury of designers & innovation consultants. The winning duo will be rewarded a price worth 500 euros. Feel your brain tickling and your fingers itching? Reserve your spot, seats are limited! Entrance: Free of charge (limited) Location: Docks Brussels - Werkhuizenkaai 163, 1000 Brussels (parking available at location), +32 (0)2 503 10 81 Program: 17h00 - Welcome pizza & drinks 17h30 - Intro Design Thinking & challenge 18h30 - Start design challenge 21h30 - Jury presentations 22h30 - Announcement winner Who are we? VODW Brussels is an innovation consulting firm focusing on innovation, strategy & customer experience. VODW was founded 35 years ago in the Netherlands and operates in various industries.  Ps: Look for the Italian restaurant “Il Capriani”, we’re located above.
      Wallifornia MusicTech Hackathon
      04 Jul - 10:00 AM
      Liège, Belgium
      WALLIFORNIA MUSICTECH HACKATHON // english (french below)  COME JOIN OUR WALLIFORNIA MUSICTECH 24 HOUR HACKATHON!  WHEN : 4th to 5th of July 2018 WHERE: Liege, Belgium - at Wallifornia MusicTech event  DEADLINE: 1st of July 2018 WEBSITE INFO The Wallifornia MusicTech Hackathon brings together teams of coders, hackers, artists, designers and tech specialists. It's a stimulating and multidisciplinary way to think about the disruptive innovation fosters! # 1.  This year, the focus will be Virtual Reality, Blockchain, Binaural Sound and Artificial Intelligence. Hackers get acquainted with these technologies to create new applications for the music industry. # 2.  Then, it's time to build a team! # 3.   The mission? Within 24 hours of intense work, debates and brainstorming, each team is invited to formulate solutions to identified problems and help the music industry move forward. It's your chance to create a network of valuable experts. FACILITATORS:  Travis Laurendine and  Luann Williams,  who have presented Hackathons for SXSW, Capitol Music, Canadian Music Week, Outside Lands, Bonnaroo, The White House, The Super Bowl and others. COACHES:  Nicolas d'Alessandro ( CCO, Hovertone),  Anna Xambo (Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London), Tom Mitchell ( Associate Professor in Creative Technologies, UWE Bristol + Gloves). JUDGES : Frederic Mottiat (Proximus EnCo, Innovation and Business Development), Mark Minkman (Paradiso), Bill Gagnon (Universal Music, SVP Business Development at the Universal Music Group), Helen Steer (Do It Kits), Jose Rodriguez Martinez (Amazon Web Svcs). [Note: Possible changes in exact time and exact location. We will keep you updated. ] More questions? Drop an email to or for  Partnerships and Sponsorships: [Version française] REGISTER AT THE HACKATHON OF WALLIFORNIA MUSICTECH THIS SUMMER When?  4th to 5th of July  Where?  Liège, Belgium - at the event Wallifornia MusicTech  WEBSITE INFO Are you ready for 24h intense coding on the theme of MusicTech? # 1   Before entering the heart of the Hackathon experience , you will have the opportunity to experience virtual reality, blockchain, binaural sound and artificial intelligence. You will become familiar with its technologies and their applications in the music industry. # 2   The second step is to train your dream hacker team !  Your mission? During 24 hours of intense work, debate and brainstorming, you will need to formulate solutions to the identified problems and help the music industry move forward. It's also your chance to create a network of valuable experts. The hackathon is a stimulating and multidisciplinary way to think outside the  box to promote disruptive innovation. This year's themes: AI, binaural sound, VR, blockchain  FACILITATORS : Luann Williams and Travis Laurendine, organizers of the SXSW Hackathon!  COACHES :  Nicolas d'Alessandro (  CCO, Hovertone),   Anna Xambo (Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London), Tom Mitchell (  Associate Professor in Creative Technologies, UWE Bristol + Gloves). JUDGES: Mark Minkman (Paradiso), Ty Roberts (formerly Gracenote, now Ty Roberts Innovation), Bill Gagnon (Universal Music, SVP Business Development at Universal Music Group), Helen Steer (Do It Kits), José Rodriguez Martinez (Amazon Web Svcs). Interested?  Register via this event and we will contact you for the next events!  (Note: changes in the times and places are likely to occur and we will keep you informed.)  More questions?  Mail to or
        01 Jul - 02:00 PM
        Luxembourg, Luxembourg
        LTS FINTECH HACKATHON 2018 powered by Temenos and hosted by the LHoFT 29th June - 1st July 2018   What does the bank of the future look like? Last year hackathon has been an eye opener for many professionals in the industry. In just a weekend, 30 students from the LTS came up with unexpected applications and solutions; a bank on the blockchain, an AI for loan application and an App for savings plannification. Read last year article. For this new edition, more than 20 students from the Luxembourg Tech School will work a full weekend to “hack” their concepts for the bank of the future, their bank! For that they will use state of the art banking technology, offered by Temenos.    Watch last year edition video:   Agenda for Sunday 1st July   09:00 Opening + Breakfast 11:00 Mentorship Presentation 12:30 Burger & Friends 14:00 Show Time - OPEN TO PUBLIC 15:00 Jury* deliberation 15:30 Awards 16:00 Drinks and closing   *Jury Members: Nasir Zubairi (CEO @ LHoFT), Ben Davolls (Product Manager @ Temenos), Larissa Best (CEO @ LBAN), Marco Houwen (CEO @ Infrachain), Markus Willms, Andrey Martovoy (Fintech Adviser @ ABBL).  
          B-Hive FinTech Hackathon
          19 Jun - 10:00 PM
          Brussels, Belgium
          The B-Hive FinTech Hackathon addresses real and urgent challenges in the financial and insurance sector. It’s backed by 6 major European banks, insurers and market infrastructure players. These partners intend to take on and fund the most interesting solutions presented at the hackathon as Proof of Concept projects. The intention of this hackathon is not only to code but to come up with ingenious and well thought out business solutions. THEMES Company Track: Fraud detection Company Track: Industry-wide vendor management platform Company Track: Regulatory reporting & data governance Open Track: Electronic payments adoption & financial inclusion Amazing prizes and pitching opportunities for startups in Europe. Click here to know more and register. **This is only a hackathon listing. By registering for this event you agree to receive the hackathon invite from HackerEarth as the hackathon is hosted on the HackerEarth platform.**
            Beyond Borders - Hack the #datadome Hackathon
            07 Jun - 04:30 PM
            Aachen, Germany
            (English version below) Das Medienhaus Aachen veranstaltet von Donnerstag, 7., bis Samstag, 9. Juni 2018, den euregionalen Hackathon “Beyond Borders - Hack the #datadome”. Das Event rund um das spannende Thema Open Data findet in Zusammenarbeit mit dem digitalHUB Aachen, dem next media accelerator (nma) aus Hamburg und dem Google News Lab statt.  Unterstützt wird die Veranstaltung von NetAachen und der STAWAG. Worum geht’s? Wir suchen Entwickler, Konzepter, Designer und Content-Profis aus dem Dreiländereck, die über nationale, regionale und crossmediale Grenzen hinweg drei Tage lang mit Open Data  tüfteln und gemeinsam Ideen für die digitale Zukunft entwickeln möchten. Kreative Konzeptdenker, Visionäre, Entwickler, Kreative mit Startup-DNA, Medienmacher, Content-Profis und digitale Bastler können zweieinhalb Tage und zwei Nächte in spontan gebildeten Teams neue Konzepte entwickeln und sie gemeinsam umsetzen. Ihr bringt Ideen, Energie, Liebe zum Detail und Spaß am gemeinsamen Ringen um die besten Lösungen mit? Dann findet ihr beim Hackathon in der Aachener DIGITAL CHURCH die perfekte Umgebung für Inspiration und Arbeit! Der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt liegt auf der kreativen Nutzung von Open Data in der ganzen Euregio. Daten bestimmen unsere moderne Welt, Daten sind Nervenstränge des modernen Lebens. Sie sind die Basis für smarte Services, die das Leben erleichtern und Menschen sowie ihren Lebensraum verbinden. Diesen digitalen Schatz wollen wir gemeinsam heben. Wir bieten euch ein Forum, um zu erfinden, zu entwickeln und zu netzwerken. Wer für seine Idee noch Mitstreiter sucht, ist hier genau an der richtigen Stelle und kann sein Start-Up im Zeitraffer-Modus auf die Strecke bringen. Im Sonderpreis “next” geht es um spannende Features und Services für die digitale Zukunft unseres Traditions-Stadtmagazins “Klenkes”.   Watch the trailer.  Wer wir sind? Wir sind das führende Medienhaus in der Region Aachen, Düren, Heinsberg und bringen Menschen zusammen. Auf dem Weg in die digitale Zukunft sind wir offen für innovative Ideen. Wir entwickeln Inhalte und Produkte für unsere crossmedialen News-Angebote und Communitys. Dazu gehören neben Aachener Zeitung und Aachener Nachrichten auch die Wochenzeitungen Super Sonntag und Super Mittwoch und das Stadtmagazin Klenkes. Weitere Geschäftsfelder sind Radio, Druck, Logistik, Messe- und Postwesen. Wie könnt ihr euch einbringen? Bringt eure Ideen mit, konzipiert, hackt, baut, validiert und verfeinert eure Planung so gut und schnell ihr könnt und sichert euch einen der Preise oder Sonderpreise! Trefft bei uns Gleichgesinnte aus verschiedenen Branchen und Fachgebieten – Entwickler, Redakteure, Bastler, Künstler. Im Idealfall hat jeder eine Idee im Gepäck - hier ist die einmalige Gelegenheit, um sie in Rekordzeit auf die Beine zu stellen. Aber auch wer keine eigene Idee in petto hat: Bringt einfach eure Fachkenntnisse, Fähigkeiten und euer Netzwerk in die Teams ein! Falls eine eurer Hackathon-Ideen zum Medienhaus Aachen passt oder uns restlos überzeugt, wollen wir sie zusammen mit euch bis zur Produktreife weiterverfolgen. PREISE Diese Preise kannst du bei uns gewinnen: Best Overall - 1.500 Euro  + 6 Monate Coworking Space in der CHURCH Most Innovative - 1.000 Euro + 3 Monate Coworking Space in der CHURCH Best Pitch - 500 Euro + 1 Monat Coworking Space in der CHURCH Sonderpreis Medienhaus Aachen: “next” für die beste Idee oder Weiterentwicklung zum digitalen Stadtmagazin - 1000 Euro JURY Alle Ideen und Ergebnisse werden von unserer Jury mit ausgewiesener Digital-Expertise bewertet: Dirk Zeiler, next media accelerator Vani Sütcü, Google News-Lab Stefan Fritz, Experte für digitale Plattformen Iris Wilhelmi, digitalHUB Aachen Carlo Matic, Interactive Pioneers Andera Gadeib, Digital-Visionärin und Serial Entrepreneur Andreas Müller, Medienhaus Aachen Amien Idries, Chefredaktion Aachener Zeitung / Aachener Nachrichten LOCATION Hier findet der Hackathon statt: Wir laden euch ein in eine spannende neue Location. Die DIGITAL CHURCH ist der Digital-Treffpunkt und Coworking-Space in der ehemaligen St.-Elisabeth-Kirche an der Jülicher Straße 72a in Aachen. PROGRAMM Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2018, 16.30 bis 24 Uhr - Los geht´s Begrüßung Keynotes Team- & Ideenfindung Kickoff Imbiss & Getränke Start Working Freitag, 8. Juni, 9 bis 24 Uhr - Let´s hack Entwickeln, Designen, Programmieren Begleitung durch Mentoren Essen & Getränke Samstag, 9. Juni, 9 bis 18 Uhr - Win the Prize Hack & Pitch Training Präsentationen Jury-Beratung Preisverleihung Essen & Getränke Networking FRAGEN Mehr Fragen? Schreib uns an: TICKETS Die Teilnahme am Hackathon ist kostenlos. Bitte wählt ein Ticket pro Person aus der Kategorie, die am besten zu euren Fähigkeiten passt. Wenn ihr ein Team habt oder Gäste mitbringen wollt: sehr gern (alle müssen sich aber einzeln anmelden!). Zeigt, was ihr könnt - nehmt mit, wen und was ihr mögt. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Was ist ein Hackathon? Ihr wart noch nie bei einem solchen Event? Hier erfahrt ihr, was euch erwartet: Auf einem Hackathon arbeiten Programmierer, Designer, Entrepreneure, Marketers und kreative Köpfe über mehrere Tage gemeinsam an einer Idee zu einem bestimmten Thema. Ein Geschäftsmodell und ein erster Prototyp werden in kleinen Teams entwickelt und anschließend einer Jury vorgestellt. Es geht um Leidenschaft fürs Hacken und Produkte, um die Lust auf Ergebnisse, neue Kontakte und sehr viel Spaß. Woher kommen die Ideen? Zu Beginn der Veranstaltung kann jeder Teilnehmer seine Idee vorstellen. Wenn ihr also jetzt schon eine spannende Idee habt, könnt ihr diese vorstellen. Aber auch wenn euch während der Ideen-Pitches spontan eine Idee kommt: Immer her damit! Nach den Ideen-Pitches kann jeder Teilnehmer entscheiden, an welcher Idee er gerne arbeiten möchte. Anschließend werden Teams gebildet. Was kostet mich das? Unser Hackathon kostet für Teilnehmer nichts. Was muss ich mitbringen? Ein Notebook, im besten Fall eine Idee und Motivation. Den Rest bekommt ihr von uns. Ihr werdet über die Dauer des Hackathons mit Essen und Getränken versorgt. Auch Bier wird kaltgestellt sein, um das Gehirn zu späterer Stunde zu motivieren. DESCRIPTION Medienhaus Aachen hosts the euregional hackathon "Beyond Borders - Hack the #datadome" from Thursday, 7th to Saturday, 9th June 2018. The event around Open Data takes place in cooperation with the digitalHUB Aachen, the next media accelerator (nma) from Hamburg and the Google News Lab.The event is supported by NetAachen and the STAWAG. WHAT’S THIS ABOUT? We are looking for developers, business minds, designers and content professionals from the region who work across national, regional and cross-media borders for three days with Open Data and want to develop ideas for the digital future together. Creative thinkers, visionaries, developers, creatives with startup DNA, media producers, content professionals and digital hobbyists can develop their ideas in spontaneously formed teams for two and a half days (and nights) and implement them together. You got ideas, lots of energy, attention to detail and fun finding the best solutions? Then you’ll find the perfect environment for inspiration and work at the hackathon in Aachen DIGITAL CHURCH! The focus is on the creative use of Open Data throughout the Euregio. Data form our modern world and life, they are the base for smart services that make life easier and connect people and their environment. We want to make use of this digital treasure together. We offer you a forum to invent, develop and network. If you're looking for supporters for your idea, then you've come to the right place and can launch your start-up in no time. The special prize "next" is about exciting features and services for the digital future of our traditional city magazine "Klenkes". Watch the trailer.  Prizes Best Overall - 1,500 Euros + 6 months Coworking Space in the CHURCH Most Innovative - 1,000 euros + 3 months Coworking Space in the CHURCH Best Pitch - 500 Euro + 1 Month Coworking Space in the CHURCH Special Prize Media House Aachen: "next" for the best idea for the digital city magazine - 1000 Euro Jury Dirk Zeiler, next media accelerator Vani Sütcü, Google News-Lab Stefan Fritz, expert for digital platforms Iris Wilhelmi, digitalHUB Aachen Carlo Matic, Interactive Pioneers Andera Gadeib, Digital Visionary and serial entrepreneur Andreas Müller, Media House Aachen Amien Idries, editor-in-chief Aachener Zeitung / Aachener Nachrichten What is a hackathon? Never been to an event like this? Here’s what to expect: In a hackathon, programmers, designers, entrepreneurs, marketers and creative minds work together on an idea over several days (and nights, if you’d like). A business model and/or a first prototype are developed in small teams and then presented to a jury. It's all about passion for hacking and products, the desire for quick results, new contacts and friends - and lots of fun. At the beginning of the event, each participant is allowed to present his or her idea. So, if you already have an exciting idea, bring it on stage! But even if you spontaneously come up with an idea during the other Idea Pitches – you’ll get your opportunity. After the idea pitches, each participant can decide on which idea he/she would like to work – the teams are formed around the ideas. Our hackathon is free of charge to attend – we provide food, drinks, working space and an internet connection. Bring a notebook or any other things you’d like to work/tinker/hack with, lots of motivation (and an idea, if you got one).
              Demo Day .NET
              06 Jun - 10:30 AM
              Uccle, Belgium
              À la recherche de développeurs .NET ? Venez assister au Demo Day à Bruxelles Formation, le mercredi 6 juin de 10h30 à 12h30. Après 6 mois de formation intensive, 6 candidats spécialisés en applications web ASP.NET et certifiés MCSA Web Applications sont prêts à rejoindre vos rangs pour un stage ou un emploi ! Ces candidats ont pris part à la formation organisée par Bruxelles Formation, Cefora et Business Training. Ils ont également pris part à notre hackathon sur le thème des Smart Cities et de l'IoT organisé conjointement avec le Microsoft Innovation Center et le CIRB. Ils présenteront leurs applications développées pendant leur formation. Venez les rencontrer !
                Blockchain Garage Hack-Day!
                01 Jun - 09:00 AM
                Evere, Belgium
                The first ever Bitcoinference will also feature a hackathon! Come join us to meet like-minded people and work on exciting projects using the blockchain technology. The two challenge themes we’ll work with are: Blockstack open source ID management on blockchain Ethereum sidechain   (more on these themes below) This event is open for all who want to get hands-on with the possibilities of blockchain technology. You don’t have to be a blockchain developer to join! Agenda flow: We’ll kick off the day at 9AM with registration and a welcome coffee. Soon after, the challenge owners will introduce the themes from stage and you’ll have the choice to join either group. We’ll organize well-balanced teams per challenge theme to hack away on creating meaningful solutions that you’ll get to present at the closing ceremony, around 6PM. The closing audience will include the full conference participants and speakers (listed here: So, you’ll have a good chance of meeting potential supporters (e.g. investors) for the next steps in your projects. We’ll end the day with a nice reception and party with a live DJ! We have very limited complimentary spots so grab yours now before they run out! Blockstack: Blockstack is a new internet for decentralized apps where users own their data. A browser is all you need to get started. Our open-source community is building protocols & tools that make it easy to build scalable decentralized apps. Blockstack comes with authentication, user data portability, decentralized storage, mobile SDKs (software development kits), a testnet, and more! During the day, the challenge is to get to know the technical aspects of blockstack, create your identity, start using it and decentralize an existing (open source) application. There is a guide for you to get started: Ethereum sidechain: Ethereum has recently become one of the most prominent blockchain technologies, now serving close to one million transactions per day! A particularity of Ethereum is its ability to run ‘smart contracts’, which are programs that run on the the blockchain. Besides trading, these programs can be used for a wide range of potential applications, from crowdfunding to identify management to gaming. This hackathon track will aim at exploring the possibilities of Ethereum, and at imagining and developing new applications by means of smart contracts. Basic knowledge of Ethereum programming is desirable to participate to this hackathon track. If you have not yet acquainted with Ethereum, we recommend to follow the excellent Cryptozombie tutorial of the Loom network, which will quickly get you started with the main Ethereum concepts. Alrightie, grab your complimentary tickets and see you on June 1!
                  HACK BELGIUM
                  26 Apr - 09:00 AM
                  Bruxelles, Belgium
                  It's Belgium's biggest hackathon. For individuals, it's the best place to make your professionals dreams a reality. For companies, Hack Belgium is the key to your future success. It boosts all your open innovation capabilities. You'll connect with the cream of Belgium's innovation ecosystem and you'll kickstart collaborative innovation projects that will make you not only survive but thrive in the upcoming wave of technological disruption.
                  20 Apr - 06:00 PM
                  Bruxelles, Belgium
                  #### TICKETS GRATUITS #### avec le code promo ECM2004 ############################ Hack2Act, le 1er hackathon sur la citoyenneté mondiale en Belgique ! Ensemble, apportons le changement les 20 et 21 février prochains ! Rassembler des jeunes, des profils tech, créatifs et innovants pour que le numérique aide les jeunes à agir en citoyen·ne·s du monde, conscient·e·s de l'importance de la solidarité internationale. Ensemble, contribuons à un monde plus juste et plus durable ! Plus d’info : Un hackathon, c’est quoi ? C’est une occasion unique de venir tester votre idée ou simplement développer votre projet. En 24 heures, les participant·e·s se retrouvent pour relever un défi : constituer une équipe soudée autour d’une idée et créer une solution en un temps record. Après un marathon de créativité, soutenu dans une ambiance conviviale, chaque groupe présente son projet devant un jury composé de professionnels, entrepreneurs·euses confirmé·e·s et de partenaires. Vous êtes étudiant·e ? graphiste ? marketer ? BizDev ? entrepreneur·euse ? ingénieur·e? développeur·euse ? architecte ? data scientist ? boulanger·ère ? ... Qui que vous soyez, vous aurez votre place dans cet événement si vous avez au moins 16 ans. Pas de limite de compétence, d'origine, que vous ayez des idées de projets ou non, si vous êtes motivé·e·s, vous êtes les bienvenus ! Votre ticket vous donne droit à : - Votre participation à l'évènement - Des prix et cadeaux - Un accès aux meilleurs expert·e·s et coaches sur place et à distance - De bons repas pour vous donner des forces - Du café, du thé et des snacks à grignoter - Un cocktail networking - L’envie de continuer votre projet et de changer le monde - Plein de nouveaux amis Facebook et LinkedIn ! En résumé, vous ne devez pensez qu'à votre ordinateur, votre sac de couchage et votre tête. Le reste, on s'en occupe ! Attention : participer à un hackathon peut donner envie d’entreprendre ! Cet événement est organisé par WikiCM, le centre de connaissances en éducation à la citoyenneté mondiale coordonné par Annoncer La Couleur, et le tout est possible grâce au soutien de fantastiques partenaires. :)