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#dataforbetterhealth - Preparation Workshop for the eHealth hackathon
10 Jan - 01:00 PM
Bruxelles, Belgium
HACKATHON #1 (voorbereidende Workshop):
10 januari 2019 (doors open 13h00; start program 14h00 – until 18h00) :
The workshop introduces the first of a series of hackathons, each with a different dataset from the National Institute for Sickness and Invalidity Benefit (RIZIV/INAMI)). Attendees of the workshop can take part in the hackathon, which will take place in January 2019. The hackathons can identify the obstacles in the FAIR use of data, and help formulate, test and implement solutions to these obstacles.
During this information session the administrative database Documents PH will be presented by the responsible data managers and primary users. The metadata is made available and explained during the information session. The current use of the database is also explained, as well as possible challenges for the hackathon.