Showing results 11 to 20 out of 38
Open Sea Lab - Hack European Marine Data
15 Nov - 08:00 AM
Antwerpen, Belgium
Yearly DataCamp Subscription
Apply by October 16! Are you excited by the potential of marine open data? Are you aware of the vast resource of European marine open data made available by EMODnet ? Join us at the 1st EMODnet Open Sea Lab to explore EMODnet's marine open data! During a three day open data bootcamp from 15-17 November 2017 in the vibrant Startup Village in Antwerp Belgium, we will ideate and co-create innovative solutions to unique problems using EMODnet’s wealth of marine data and services.
Consulting Skills in Data Science: The Art Analytics Challenge [Data Science Bootcamp 2017, session 13]
13 Nov - 09:00 AM
Bruxelles, Belgium
Ready to join the Data Science Bootcamp 2017? We are pleased to open our 24 Data Science Bootcamp's sessions to the public! In this session, Eric Lecoutre, from WeLoveDataScience, will take all the participants in a hackathon mode to perform a data analysis on paintings related data. An art expert will be present and contribute to the totally non-objective evaluation, showing the relevance of qualitative input in data related projects. Team working, collaboration and sharing will be encouraged. Moreover, it is expected from the participants to act as consultant. The dynamic will allowing determining key questions and topics a consultant must consider when dealing with analytical projects. Target Data Science professionals interested to improve their consulting skills. Prerequisites Knowledge of one of these technologies: Python, R or SAS. The participant must come with his own working environment. Session outline 1. Consulting skills2. Pitch3. Data analysis4. Presentation Practicalities Lunch is included in your ticket. Doors are open at 8.30 am. Accesibility: public transport (stop Yser / Ijzer ). We do not have parking but normally there are some parking slots at Rue de Commerçants. Training partners and can contact us via e-mail to request their discount code ( // If you want to avoid the EventBrite fee and pay directly to us, drop a message confirming your attendance and providing your full details (company name, address, TVA # and # of seats) to asap//
    InQbet Hackathon kick-off
    27 Oct - 09:00 AM
    Strombeek-Bever, Belgium
    Robotics techie enthusiasts in Belgium! Are you planning to participate in the InQbet Robotics and AI Hackathon? If so, then you're invited to attend the Hackathon kick-off at the Procter & Gamble in Brussels. You'll learn about the current and future state of robotics from leading experts in the field. Partner companies will also explain their challenges and answer any questions you may have. You'll learn about the logistics and support for the hackathon. Finally, you'll get the chance to network with experts from partner companies and with other attendees.
    InQbet Hackathon - Robotics and AI
    27 Oct - 09:00 AM
    Grimbergen, Belgium
    Robotics techie enthusiasts in Belgium, the United States, and Singapore! You're invited to participate in the InQbet Robotics and AI Hackathon. In this 4-week hackathon, you'll be challenged to design and build a viable prototype in one of the following areas: Bots for consumers, Bots in laboratories, Bots in production processes and Bots in logistics. You can register as a team or join a team at the kickoff. This is an international event -- you can participate at home, or in one of three locations in Brussels, Singapore, or Newark, NJ.
    Inspirational Event - Hack4SmartServices - MaaS (Mobility as a Service)
    26 Oct - 05:30 PM
    Heerlen, Netherlands
    Join us on October 26th for an evening of networking and inspirational workshops before the hackathon takes place to prepare and gain insights.  At this event, we will give you more information and details of the hackathon challenges.  This event is not mandatory-- the goal is to inspire and kick start your idea generating. If you are not signed up for the hackathon upon arrival, you can do at the inspirational event! We do hope to see all of you there-- we would hate for you to miss out on the free drinks and food! 
      Hackathon Polytech
      22 Oct - 10:00 AM
      Charleroi, Belgium
      Vous avez des idées pour améliorer la manière dont les compétences techniques et manuelles sont enseignées? Le Hackathon Polytech vous attend ! Dans le cadre du Pacte d'Excellence et de la réforme du tronc commun, le Consortium C5 (Polytechnique), dédié à l'enseignement des disciplines technologiques, techniques, manuelles et à l'éducation aux médias, et rassemblant l'HEAJ, l'UNamur, l'ULB, l'UMons, la HE2B et la Promotion sociale, organise un Hackathon pédagogique le dimanche 22 octobre 2017 de 10h à 15h (max) dans le village Ecole numérique du Salon de l'éducation qui se tient à Charleroi Expo. L'objectif de ce Hackathon pédagogique consacré à l'enseignement polytechnique est d'identifier des idées, nouvelles ou hybrides, d'activités d'apprentissage, de scénarios pédagogiques, d'exercices pratiques, etc. Programme: 10h00 - Accueil chocolat 10h15 - Conférence introductive 10h45 - Activité individuelle 12h30 - Sandwiches 13h00 - Activité de groupe 14h00 - Présentation des idées, jury et remise de prix Qui? Ouvert à toute personne (enseignant, futur enseignant, ingénieur, citoyen...) intéressée par la réflexion autour des tâches polytechniques Quand? Dimanche 22 octobre 2017 de 10h à 15h (max) Où? Village "Ecole numérique" du Salon de l’éducation à Charleroi Expo, 21 Avenue de l'Europe à 6000 Charleroi
        Smart Family | Exclusive pre-launch
        10 Oct - 05:30 PM
        Bruxelles, Belgium
        HACKATHON "SMART FAMILY" | EXCLUSIVE PRE-LAUNCH EVENT  Une soirée exclusivement dédiée aux femmes désireuses d'en savoir plus sur le hackathon "SMART FAMILY". SMART FAMILY - C'EST QUOI? Un weekend de trois jours où des hommes et des femmes - designers, marketers, financiers, développeurs - se rassemblent pour imaginer et développer des solutions tangibles à des grands défis de société. Du 8 au 10 décembre 2017, nous nous attaquerons à un challenge de taille: la vie de famille ! Autrement dit, nous chercherons à développer des idées de business qui permettent de faciliter la vie des parents, enfants, grands-parents et tous les aspects de leur vie quotidienne en se basant sur les nouvelles technologies et les nouveaux modèles économiques (circulaires, collaboratifs, coopératifs). SMART FAMILY - POUR QUOI? L'objectif du weekend est de stimuler l'entreprenariat féminin, de mieux faire connaitre le potentiel des nouveaux modèles économiques et d'amener plus de femmes à partager leurs expériences dans les secteurs techniques et digitaux. Mais le hackathon SMART FAMILY, ce n'est pas que ca. C'est aussi une expérience humaine inoubliable: une occasion unique de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, de stimuler sa créativité, de se faire coacher par des experts talentueux et de se rendre compte du potentiel de l'intelligence collective lorsqu'elle est mise au service d'une cause commune. SMART FAMILY - POUR QUI ? Ouvert à tous, cette édition 2017 initiée par Women in Tech vise à stimuler la création de startups digitales menées par des femmes. Nous espérons donc une grande participation de femmes même si toute personne désireuse d'apporter son énergie et sa créativité est la bienvenue! SMART FAMILY - COMMENT ? Curieuse d'en savoir plus sur le fonctionnement du Hackathon SMART FAMILY ? Rejoins-nous ce mardi 10 octobre dans les bureaux de Sharify (Rue Lens 20, 1050 Ixelles) pour rencontrer tes potentielles futures co-équipières et découvrir tous les secrets d'un hackathon réussi ! Obtiens ta place en avant-première et recois une bonne bière fraîche pour fêter ça :)
          Meet Magento Belgium 2017
          26 Sep - 08:30 AM
          Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Belgium
          Meet Magento Belgium will re-unite the whole Magento ecosystem in Belgium! Are you working with are planning to work with Magento? Then you cannot miss this 2 days event! This is the overview of what is on the schedule:  Tuesday 26th of September Hackathon: Hack your Magento knowledge Belgian Evening: networking with Belgian Beers and Fries Wednesday 27th of September Business tracks in 2 separate breakout rooms Technical tracks in 2 separate breakout rooms Network evening Type of tickets Belgian Hack: Entrance for the hackathon and Belgian evening on Tuesday 26th Simple Track: Entrance for the business and technical tracks + networking on Wednesday 26th Belgian Track: Entrance on Tuesday 25th for the Belgian evening and on Wednesday 26th for the business and technical tracks + networking Hack the Belgian Track: Full conference entrance: Hackathon + Belgian evening (Tuesday 25th) and business + technical tracks + networking (Wednesday 26th) FAQs How can I contact the organizer with any questions? You can contact with your questions.  What's the refund policy? We don't offer refunds. As an organiser we cannot afford us that people will cancel their presence a couple of days before the event.  
            SAP BELUX Hackathon
            02 Sep - 09:00 AM
            Evere, Belgium
            SAP BELUX Hackathon             Uberize an SAP Customer Case with SAP Leonardo Dates     June 26th      17pm                      Announcement Event (web meeting)          Join     August 23rd:  9am - 18pm           Design Thinking Workshop     September 2-3-4                          Hackathon Location:     Avenue des Olympiadenlaan 2 1140 Brussels – Belgium Let’s reimagining business in a digital world on a real business case and for a specific SAP Customer. Imagine, create and innovate using unique SAP tools and latest technologies such as Design Thinking, IOT, Big Data, SAP Cloud Platform, UX, Machine Learning and SAP Leonardo…to help this Customer Uberize and Innovate his business! The SAP Customer want new ideas to innovation his business processes and business models. He's interested to discover how his businesses could run simple and better, in areas such as connected objects, retail, manufacturing, transportatio. Leave no stones unturned. Break existing barriers! Join Prizes The winner of the Hackathon will be shown on TV during SAP Forum Sept 6th in front of up to 2.000 participants. SAP Partners are hiring the best developers.The best students will receive an opportunity to work and receive training by SAP Partners after the event Experience Wold Leading Technologies from SAP Design Thinking, Mobile, IOT, Big Data, Machine Learning, Blockchain, SAP Cloud Platform, UX, SAP Leonardo Who can participate? Students, free of charge Individual students or student teams should consist of 3 to 5 students. They can be from the same or different schools of IT, Business, Engineering and others. Innovative Startup companies active in Benelux in areas of IOT or Big-Data  SAP Eco System interested in developing using SAP Cloud Platform Questions: contact organizer: FAQ What should I bring with me on the Hackathon?              For Students bring  a valid 2017 student ID card and do not forget your Laptop.   Access and Parking?           Free parking is available close to the SAP Office. There is a direct Bus from Brussels CEntral Station to                 the Office, (Use App for all transportation questions)details)   Lodging?          We do not foresee nor sleeping, not lodging, ther are plenty low costs hotel (see   Technology          Participants will develop using SAP Cloud Platform (Developer Edition) or SAP Lenardo          Participants will be allowed to develop on SAP cloud Platform using languages including  JAVA EE,             JavaScript, Java, HTML5, UI5, Web_IDE, SAP Moble Development environment, SAP XSJS. We recommend to register for trial SAP cloud Platform developer account prior the event .Link: Should I bring my entrance ticket with me Yes, we would appreciate  
              Hackathon / Wallifornia MusicTech / 2.000€ Cash Prize
              05 Jul - 09:00 AM
              Liège, Belgium
              Hackers, innovators, tech specialists, artists, makers, coders, and other music tech fans in Wallonia! GOTORO ASBL invites you to participate in the 24-hour Wallifornia MusicTech Hackathon. You'll be challenged to create the next game changer in the music-tech industry. Collaborate with like-minded individuals and showcase your skills and creativity -- compete to win a €2,000 cash prize.