Showing results 11 to 20 out of 85
First Logistics Challenge Hackathon by OTM & Dockflow
16 Nov - 04:00 PM
Antwerpen, Belgium
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Solve one of the logistics & supply chain challenges by Colruyt Group, Knauf Belgium, FrieslandCampina, ArcelorMittal and Carglass during 24 hours of brainstorming, keynotes, new technologies, networking and more.
Professionals, students, consultants, ... everyone is welcome to participate. Also, did we mention that participating in the hackathon is free?
First Logistics Challenge Hackathon by OTM 16-17/11/2018 Make It Happen!
16 Nov - 04:00 PM
Antwerpen, Belgium
Take part and meet the challenge!
Five exciting logistic challenges entered by five different big shippers: ArcelorMittal, Carglass, FrieslandCampina, Colruyt and Knauf-Isolava. The key is conceptual thinking. Supply chain related problems will be presented, which can be tackled in different ways. That is the challenge! Who will develop the most creative, innovative and workable solution?
Register your team on the website
DevCamp - die Informatiktage
16 Nov - 10:00 AM
Aachen, Germany
DevCamp is your platform for developers, computer scientists, IT enthusiasts, and those who want to be became them. DevCamp is a conference with an open agenda about the topics that are moving digital minds in 2018. Make new contacts, connect with experts in a relaxed atmosphere and participate in exciting workshops.
Hackathon Juridique
09 Nov - 10:00 AM
Bruxelles, Belgium
Le 9 novembre et le 10 novembre 2018, lâOrdre français des avocats du barreau de Bruxelles,  le Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten Bij de Balie te Brussel organisent Ă lâintermĂ©diaire de lâIncubateur europĂ©en du barreau de Bruxelles et en collaboration avec le Centre Perelman de lâUniversitĂ© libre de Bruxelles le premier hackathon juridique belge.
Le hackathon est un concours rĂ©unissant des personnes disposant de compĂ©tences juridiques ou informatiques. Il prend la forme dâune compĂ©tition entre des projets prĂ©sentant des aspects informatiques et destinĂ©s Ă faciliter le travail des avocats. Ces projets sont rĂ©alisĂ©s par des Ă©quipes en fonction dâun cahier des charges. Le thĂšme du concours pour lâannĂ©e 2018 est la rĂ©cupĂ©ration de crĂ©ance. Les meilleurs projets sont rĂ©compensĂ©s par des prix dâun montant total de 6000 Euros.
Les Ă©quipes sont formĂ©es par les organisateurs afin de garantir une rĂ©partition Ă©quitable des compĂ©tences. Les langues de travail sont lâanglais ou le français en fonction de la composition des Ă©quipes. L'anglais et le français pourront ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s dans la prĂ©sentation finale.
Lâinscription et la participation au Hackathon est gratuite. Toutefois, afin de sâassurer du sĂ©rieux des inscriptions, une caution de 5 euros est demandĂ©e lors de celle-ci, dont la restitution est garantie Ă tous les participants effectifs au concours. L'impossibilitĂ© pratique de procĂ©der au versement de la caution (par exemple pour les Ă©tudiants ne possĂ©dant pas de carte VISA) ne doit pas constituer un frein Ă la participation au hackathon et un arrangement pourra toujours ĂȘtre trouvĂ©.
Le texte complet du rÚglement est consultable ici :
Inspirational Event BrightHack (Kick-off)
30 Oct - 05:00 PM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
KVK and Brightlands Smart Services Campus joined forces to organize BrightHack, an exciting hackathon weekend (48 hours) on issues concerning Crime, Health, Education and International Trade from Friday November 30 until Sunday December 2 at the Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen.
Prior to the BrightHack marathon, an inspirational event will be held on Tuesday, 30 October at the KVK in Eindhoven (John F Kennedylaan 2). An evening of networking, pitches and inspirational workshops. Â We will prepare you for the upcoming hackathon and give you more information about the Heerlen-event. Our main goal is to inspire and kick start your idea generating.Â
Are you a passionate developer, analysts, entrepreneur or creative? Then join the inspirational event (for free). Development skills are useful but not required. You donât have to be a programmer and you certainly donât have to be majoring in Computer Science.
17:00Â Drinks & Pizza
17:30Â Welcome
17:45Â Pitches (4 tracks)
Crime by Police
Health by Zuyderland
Education  by Province of Limburg
International trade by KVK
19:00Â Workshops
20:00Â Q&A with drinksÂ
If you are not signed up for the BrightHack marathon (from November 30 â December 2) upon arrival, you can do it at the Inspirational Event (October 30). For more information take a look on the website: and follow BrightHack on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
We eager to see all of you!
*Pictures will be taken and used for marketing purposes, when you sign up for the event you allow us to publish pics online. Do you not agree on this? Get in touch with us prior to the event / upon arrival at the venue.
Smart Rurality Hackathon - CSLabs - UNamur
26 Oct - 05:30 PM
Namur, Belgium
Le thĂšme Smart Rurality nâa pas Ă©tĂ© choisi au hasar. Cette problĂ©matique cruciale, tout particuliĂšrement en Wallonie, est pourtant dâactualitĂ© Ă lâheure oĂč lâon se focalise sur le dĂ©veloppement durable, la mobilitĂ© en milieu rural et les autres sujets liĂ©s Ă lâĂ©cologie⊠Notre objectif est de provoquer chez les Ă©tudiants une rĂ©flexion sur lâintĂ©gration des TIC dans le domaine du dĂ©veloppement rural et, ainsi, susciter des idĂ©es innovantes.
HIVHACK - Workshop #6 - HIV Drug Resistance
24 Oct - 06:30 PM
Brussels, Belgium
Last extensive workshop one month from the hackathon that will take place on November 23rd & 24th.
VR LearnAthon. Build a VR experience in 48 hours.
19 Oct - 06:00 PM
Brussel, Belgium
A full hands-on coding weekend for newbies in VR, organized around workshops, exercises & coaching. 3 different tracks (Unity3D, WebVR & Blender) to chose from. If you got what it takes, you might succeed. This is an original program specifically tailored for this weekend, based on VR & coding teaching experience. Join in !
d-fine Hackathon
19 Oct - 12:00 PM
DĂŒsseldorf, Germany
Du liebst es Daten zu analysieren und daraus innovative Ideen zu entwickeln? Du bist interessiert an den neuesten Entwicklungen und Trends in den Bereichen Bilderkennung, Natural Language Processing und Neuronale Netze? Du hast bereits Erfahrung in datengetriebener Modellierung? Dich erwartet ein spannendes Wochenende zusammen mit vielen motivierten Talenten in einem anregenden Umfeld. Triff interessante Leute, tausch Dich aus und miss Dich mit ihnen in einem Wettstreit um attraktive Preise.
DĂSSELDORF: DCI Hackathon #2
19 Oct - 09:00 AM
DĂŒsseldorf, Germany
Hey fellow hackers,
We are delighted to host our first exciting hackathon in DĂŒsseldorf. The event is hosted by Digital Career Institute. Outsiders are most welcome! Join us for a day full of interesting teamwork, building your own projects and coding! Even if you are not experienced with programming, still join â there will be something to do for everyone, from beginner to expert!
Hackathon Program:
09:00 â 10:00Â Â Introduction to the format, pitches and team formation
10:00 â 18:00Â Â Designing, coding and building the projects
18:30 â 19:00Â Â Hackathon presentations and award ceremony
19:00 â 20.00Â Â Food and afterparty
If you still have questions please get back to: Sergio Cardeal at