Showing results 61 to 62 out of 62
Super Toegankelijk Hackathon
24 Jan - 07:00 PM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Developers and designers in the Netherlands! Are you passionate about using technology to help the blind and visually impaired? If so, then Royal Visio and Albert Heijn invite you to participate in the Super Accessible Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution that can help make shopping more accessible to people whose sight is impaired.
OdacioUS meet-up : Build your own crew to accelerate your career transformation
18 Jan - 06:00 PM
Bruxelles, Belgium
- 18.00: Doors & bar open - 18.30: Why Odacious Tribe ? A word from the organizers. - 18.45: Odacious Talk by Michel Duchâteau. Michel will share his inspiring journey from civil engineer to coach in innovation and entrepreneurship. He has animated +60 public and private hackathons to bootstrap team projects. He created the ParticipAgile method to improve performance and collaboration within teams and organizations, and he is actively involved in +40 initiatives supporting entrepreneurship in Europe. - 19:00: Live the Odacious Tribe experience. In small groups, you meet other Odacious people and you use the crew’s creativity to reach the next step of your journey. You will leave with concrete actions and maybe already your crew members. - 20.30: Discover the Odacious platform and how it works + Q&A - 21.00: Networking Fun