Sowing results 5 out of 5
Asset Performance 4.0 - Hybrid conference
  26 Oct - 08:00 AM
  Antwerpen, Belgium
Learn how to take your assets to the next level !
    Summerschool, from concept to practice, a must-do for young developers!
      14 Jul - 09:30 AM
      Antwerpen, Belgium
    A short trip version of Flow Pilots's success journey! Conceptualise an idea, develop and pitch it with confidence with the help of experts!
      Science Hack Day Eindhoven 2021
        29 May - 10:00 AM
        Eindhoven, Netherlands
      Science and techie types in the Netherlands -- artists, engineers, designers, architects, hackers, students, developers, and startup types! You're invited to participate in the Science Hack Day Eindhoven 2021. Come collaborate and compete for prizes as youinvent an innovative hybrid future prototype. Check out the tips pagefor advice on taking part in the Science Hack Day hackathon!
      WomenHack -Brussels Employer Ticket- May 27, 2021
        27 May - 06:30 PM
        Brussels, Belgium
      WomenHack is a community that empowers women in tech through events and jobs. We aim to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace.
        Space Office Hackathon 2021
          26 Mar - 06:00 PM
        Belgian student developers, graphic designers, and space lovers! You're invited to form a multidisciplinary team of 4 or 5 people to participate in the 3-day Space Office Hackathon 2021. You'll participate remotely to design a revolutionary out-of-this-world workspace—the very first office on the planet Mars. Get answers to your hackathon questions on the expert tips page!