Sowing result 1 out of 1 Sarajevo Hackathon
13 Oct - 10:00 AM
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Calling all developers, hackers, creatives, geeks and anyone else who wants to come and build cool apps, insights and personalised experiences on the Consent Access (CA) private sharing platform. Join 24 hours of fun and get playful with a data set permissioned directly from a user with structured data from across their life. Teams will be building apps using the CA SDK available on iOS (Swift) and Android (Java). Unlock the full value of personal data while allowing individuals to stay in control, we provide the tools, and our CA platform enables secure and private access to consented user data! Grand prize 2500EUR cash to the winning team. *** More prizes to be announced ***  Registration and attending this event is free. Places are limited sign up now to avoid disappointment.