Showing results 1 to 10 out of 11
Meet, Connect, and Mingle!
29 Nov - 06:30 PM
Calgary, Canada
An opportunity to meet new people, make connections, and be part of a loving community. It is fully facilitated, but still casual and fun.
    Learn and Educate Hackathon 2018
    17 Nov - 10:00 AM
    Calgary, Canada
    THIS EVENT IS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR JUNIORS! This Hackathon is a great opportunity for Junior-High, High school and first-year students to take part in a REAL HACKATHON. REGISTER TODAY! WHAT Learn and Educate 2018, is a great oportunity for students to identify gaps in the education sector and work to imrpove them. These gaps could be something as simple as introduing mandatory coding classes to something as complex as changing the grading system.  Never been to a hackathon before? Not even sure what they are? No sweat! During the Hackathon, your team of up to 5 hackers, will work together to invent and build a software project. At the time of presenation, the software project does not need to be complete but a prototype is encouraged. You would then be required pitch your idea to a panel of judges, as well as fellow hackers. Judges will include faculty members from the University of Calgary and industry professionals. With a focus on creation and problem-solving, you'll have the opportunity innovate, learn, and build something incredible! Join us on Sat & Sun, November 17-18, 2018 at the University of Calgary. We’ll keep you fueled, fed, and entertained while you code your way to winning great prizes. This event is free, so sign up fast! WHO This event is primarily designed for Junior High, High School and First-year university students.  All Hackers will Receive the following: Food and drinks The opportunity to interact with and learn from industry professionals. A fun experience with peers and creative entrepreneurs. Hands-on experience in problem-solving, creative thinking, and (of course) programming PRIZES Will be announced at a later date. STAY TUNED ON OUR INSTAGRAM AND TWITTER CHANNEL FOR MORE INFORMATION. SCHEDULE Saturday, November 17: 10:00 am: Doors open/Sign-in 10:15 am - 10:45 pm: Opening Remarks & Sponsor Presentations 10:45 am - 12:00 pm: Prehack Workshop 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm: Release the Problem 12:30 pm: HACKING BEGINS 1:00 pm: Lunch (Hacking ongoing) 4:00 pm: Snacks  5:00 pm: Closing Remarks Sunday, November 18: 10:00 am - 10:30am: Opening Remarks and Tips  10:30 am: Hacking ongoing 1:00 pm: Lunch 3:00 pm: GET READY TO PITCH 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Pitching/Judging 5:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Judges Deliberation 5:15 pm - 5:45 pm: Awards Presentations & Closing Remarks Spread the Word! REGISTER TODAY FOR THIS FREE EVENT! A BIG THANK YOU TO THE HUNTER HUB FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL THINKING FOR SPONSORING THIS EVENT! LOGISTICS: Parking: PAID parking is available on-site. FREE parking is available on the streets surrounding the University of Calgary and at the Brentwood LRT station. Navigating to the ICT: The ICT building is located in the inner depths of the University of Calgary Campus. There will be volunteers at strategic locations to provide assistance. This interactive room finder is also useful: .
      Hack Mobile - Calgary's Premiere Mobile Hackathon
      16 Nov - 06:00 PM
      Calgary, Canada
      100% of Hack Mobile proceeds will go towards supporting SozenTech's efforts to teach mobile development to youth in India. REGISTER TODAY! WHAT Hack Mobile, Calgary’s first mobile app focussed hackathon, is a 24-hour hackathon that is set to drive innovation and encourage entrepreneurial thinking. Never been to a hackathon before? Not even sure what they are? No sweat!  During the hack period, your team of up to 5 hackers, will work together to invent and build a software project. Which you will then be pitch to a panel of judges, as well as fellow hackers. Judges will include faculty members from the University of Calgary and industry professionals. With a focus on creation and problem-solving, you'll have the opportunity innovate, learn, and build something incredible out of nothing. Join us on Fri, Sat & Sun, November 16-18, 2018 at the Hunter Hub for Entrpreneurial Thinking, at the University of Calgary. FOOD IS PROVIDED! We’ll keep you fueled, fed, and entertained while you code your way to winning great prizes.  WHO Everyone - the Curious, the Hackers, Innovators, Entrepreneurs, Ideators, Creatives, Builders, Students, Techies, and Social Disruptors, Designers...everyone! All Hackers will Receive the following: Food and drinks A sweet Hack Mobile t-shirt Hack bag Workshops/Various Activities A fun experience with peers and creative entrepreneurs Hands-on experience in problem-solving, creative thinking, and (of course) programming PRIZES - $500 FIRST PLACE - $300 SECOND PLACE - $200 THIRD PLACE SCHEDULE Friday, November 16: 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm: Mix and Mingle 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm: Introduction and Keynote Speeches 7:30 pm - 8:15 pm: Team Assignment (Get into teams) 8:30 pm: Networking & Nachos offsite (location TBA) Saturday, November 17: 9:30 am: Doors open/Sign-in 10:00 am: Kick-off 10:15 am - 10:45 pm: Opening Remarks & Sponsor Presentations 10:45 am - 11:30 pm: Prehack Workshop  11:30 am - 12:00 pm: Release the Problem 12:00 pm: HACKING BEGINS 1:00 pm: Lunch  (Hacking ongoing) 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm: Activity/Workshop 1  (Hacking ongoing) 6:30 pm: Dinner  (Hacking ongoing) 8:00 pm: Activity/Workshop 2 Sunday, November 18: 1:00 am: 'Midninght' Meal (Hacking ongoing) 7:00 am: Breakfast (Hacking ongoing) 10:00 am: Activity/Workshop 3 (Hacking ongoing) 12:00 pm: HACKING ENDS 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm: Lunch 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm: GET READY TO PITCH 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm: Pitching/Judging 3:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Judges Deliberation 3:45 pm - 4:15 pm Awards Presentations & Closing Remarks 4:15 pm: GO HOME AND SLEEP :)  Spread the Word! 100% of Hack Mobile proceeds will go towards supporting SozenTech's efforts to teach mobile development to youth in India. Register today!  LOGISTICS: BYOD: Hack Mobile participants are expected to bring devices they require for their projects. This includes laptops, peripherals (mice, keyboards, etc.), smartphones, and the likes. Parking: PAID parking is available on-site in lots 10,11, 16, and underground at MacEwan Hall.  FREE parking is available on the streets surrounding the University of Calgary and at the Brentwood LRT station. Navigating to the Hunter Hub: The hacking will be happen at the Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking, located in the basement of MacEwan Hall next to the Bookstore. If you take the stairs near Dairy Queen (in MacEwan Hall), you can't miss it.
        Virtual Reality Hackathon at UofC
        22 Sep - 09:00 AM
        Calgary, Canada
        JunioTech calls for students 14-18 years old to participate in the Virtual Reality with Unity Hackathon that will take place at the UofC on September 22-23, 2018. Teams of 3-5 students will compete for top 3 prizes. No experience needed! We will teach you how to use Unity for this competition, design your own Virtual Reality and we even provide laptops to the teams if needed. We are looking for artists, designers and programmers for this competition! Remember, no experience is totally OK, just bring your passion and learn cutting-edge technology with us! To sign up go to:
          2018 Calgary PIMS Datathon
          23 Jun - 08:09 AM
          Calgary, Canada
          Our city is made up of hundreds of communities like ours, and we believe it is the responsibility of these communities to contribute to the city’s overall success. This datathon will create an opportunity for Calgarians to evaluate the open data provided by the City of Calgary’s Open Data Portal, and propose solutions to enhance the infrastructure for improving data connectivity, suggesting the collection of new and relevant data points, and optimizing data usability.
          YYC Carbon Hackathon
          15 Jun - 06:00 PM
          1301 16 Ave NW, Calgary, Canada
          Come hack with us - on the ways that Carbon can build our world with carbon as the basis of construction materials, Hack to the Future. Use the development of the Rainforest AB,  New-Space "PLATFORM" in Downtown Calgary, to imagine how we might build it out of Carbon based materials rather than our traditional building materials? In a Future with 9 billion people,  carbon will be far too valuable for us to be released into the atmosphere. The chemical value of Carbon will be far greater than its thermal value alone, Carbon will be the element we will need to make food, fuel, and building for the expected global population. Let's start a carbon economy here in Alberta that is not based on combustion of Hydrocarbons but on the more valuable use of our carbon resources. We need to hack a better future and change the narrative on oil & gas. Let's start now by hacking a Carbon Design Platform! If you believe as we do that this might be a better way to vent / sequester carbon by making & finding better new productive uses for it then please join us to from groups around - how we - collectively-  could come up with ideas solutions and ways to mimic the natural environment in the built environment.  Perhaps we could determine how to use the hydrogen fossils fuels for energy and the carbon to build and feed our world so CO2 is seen as to valuable to release in the atmosphere... for more click here  and/or info email to
            Student Startup Success
            06 Jun - 05:30 PM
            Calgary, Canada
            Are you a high school or junior high student who wants to start their own business one day? Then join us for this free event that shares how students can improve their odds of Student Startup Success. Created specifically for high school students and junior high school students, the free Students Startup Symposium is a great place to: Learn new business skills from four international speakers Meet local resources available to aspiring and first-time entrepreneurs Be inspired by student entrepreneurs showcasing their businesses and pick your favourite This event coincides with a special session for teachers, counsellors and parents on Helping Students Successfully Build an Entrepreneurial Career Path. Speaker Topics  During the evening, guest speakers will present on "how to" topics. When you arrive, you will pick two of the following four sessions to attend:  Adam Berk: How to know if your idea is a potential winner Cathy Han: How to grow yourself and your business Jonathan Gottfried: How to come up with better business ideas Seah Sheppard: How to get customers Speakers Adam Berk: New York A head mentor for the global Google Launchpad Accelerator, Adam has helped 1,000’s aspiring entrepreneurs validate their business ideas. Cathy Han: San Franciso A native Calgarian and a Y Combinator graduate who is on Forbes’ top 30 under 30 list, Cathy’s company recently placed 3rd at the LVMH Innovation Awards Jonathan Gottfried: New York A founder of ‘the’ global student hackathon league and a member of the Forbes to 30 under 30, Jon loves creating new technology and teaching people how to do the same.  Sean Sheppard: San Franciso  A serial entrepreneur with multiple successful exits, Sean is a co-founder of GrowthX where tech entrepreneurs learn the art of sales and the science of marketing. Student Entrepreneurs Showcase Local high school and junior high students have the opportunity to showcase their businesses and compete for one of three different student entrepreneurship awards as chosen by the participants of the event. Contact Craig Elias (info below) if you would like to present in the student entrepreneur showcase. Schedule 5:30-6:15: Registration, Student Entrepreneur Showcase and Resource Fair 6:15-7:00: Skill Development Session #1 7:00-7:15: Student Entrepreneur Showcase and Resource Fair 7:15-8:00: Skill Development Session #2 8:00-8:15: Student Entrepreneur Showcase and Resource Fair 8:15-8:30: Student Entrepreneur Awards & Closing Sponsors This event is hosted by Bow Valley College, is part of the 150 Startups Initiative, and is made possible by the generous support of the RBC Foundation. Got Questions? Contact Craig Elias by phone (+1.403.874.2998) or email (
              Mayor's Youth Council Innovation Challenge
              10 Mar - 08:45 AM
              Calgary, Canada
              Calgary students in grades 8 through 12! If you're interested in solving problems using technology, then you should sign up to participate in the Mayor's Youth Council Innovation Challenge. You'll be challenged to work in a team of between 3 to 4 like-minded individuals to create an innovative digital solution that can support or connect people. The solution will address an issue facing Calgary's residents such as homelessness, youth unemployment, active living, and others.
              CodeAcross - A CivicTechYYC Hackathon
              03 Mar - 08:00 AM
              Calgary, Canada
              CodeAcross is a worldwide series of civic hackathons that take place on International Open Data Day. This will be a day for developers, designers, data analysts and non-technical folks to collaborate on civic projects that will help make Calgary a better place to live.  The focus will be on coming together to accelerate the three CivicTechYYC projects currently in flight: Arts Mapping, Blockchain and Volunteer Engagement App The day will start at 8am with breakfast and coffee.  8:30am - Groups will present their project concepts 9:00am - 4pm - LET THE CODING AND PROJECT WORK BEGIN! NOON - Lunch will be provided 4pm - Presentation and Wrap-Up This event is for developers, creatives, project managers, data experts and anyone who is interested in working on a multi-disciplinary volunteer team to make Calgary an even more amazing place to live! Please note that this event will start before the Library is open.  We will have people posted to let you in through the locked doors from 7:30 - 10 am, please come to the east side of the building (facing MacKimmie Tower).  Parking is in the Arts Parkade or transit
                CalgaryHacks 2018
                17 Feb - 09:00 AM
                Calgary, Canada
                CalgaryHacks is a hackathon hosted by the University of Calgary’s Computer Science Undergraduate Society. Students in teams of up to five will be able to work with the latest technologies to build amazing projects. Happy Hacking! Read up on our website here: This site will later be updated to reflect the 2018 Hackathon once we have more information for you!