Showing results 41 to 50 out of 90
The Blockchain Society Presents shyftHACK Developers Hackathon & Conference
11 Sep - 12:30 PM
Toronto, Canada
#shyhftHACK is the first Hackathon hosted by Shyft.Network!
This event’s theme? Games.
Join us! Create something fun. Meet great people. Win great prizes.
Your challenge: Build a cool gamer score infrastructure incorporating Shyft's creditability score and attestation layer.
We’re looking for solutions that are creative. Bonus points for ones that allow interoperability between games!
Your prize:
1st place - $1500 in ETH, 500 SHYFT Tokens, & 2 year access to Blockgeeks
2nd place - $500 in ETH and 500 SHYFT Tokens
Surprise! We’d be also giving away 1000 SHYFT tokens during the event!
All teams who particpate will get 50% Blockgeeks memberships!
Intermediate to advanced
Understand how to set up a developer environment
Language: Solidity
Ability to run a test version
Want to get involved in another way? We’d love to chat with potential mentors, and judges! Just email to get connected.
If you are a developer group or organization and wish to get involved! Just email to get connected.
Your submission should include a set of smart contracts that utilize the ERC721 (non-fungible token) interface for any in-game items that would be associated to the gamerscore (badges for example), a set of smart contracts that work with the Shyft attestation layer to provide a gamerscore/attribution connector, the front end and UX, and user stories.
We all start coding at the same time, and there shouldn’t be a pre-existing smart contracts.
For Submissions: Please prepare a github repo that hasn't been created before. ie. no pre-existing smart contracts & the like.
More details for submission will be provided at the event.
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE *This is a day event*
12:30 pm - 12:30: Orientation PWP and team formation
12:30 pm - 1:00: Lunch
1:00 pm - 2:00: Workshop on Shyft Blockchain and how to build a gaming dApp
2:00 pm - 6:00: Coding kick off & Hacking
6:00 pm - 6:15: Refreshment Break
7:30 pm: Code Freeze & Submission Deadline
7:30 pm - 8:15: Demos
8:15 pm: Winners are announced & Prizes!
Chris Forrester - CTO @ Shyft
Niloo Ravaei - Technical Instructor @ Blockgeeks
Chinmay Patel - CEO @ BlockX Labs
Gold Sponsor:
Bronze Sponsor:
Community Partners:
We are partnered with BUNZ, to buy tickets with BTZ please transfer the final total in Universe x 100 to the address (QR Code) below.
E.g. If final total is $63.78, then (63.78 x 100 = 6378) transfer 6378 BTZ.
Then please email with your name, the time you transferred the BTZ, and for what event. Thank you.
GrowUp Cannabis Hackathon
06 Sep - 01:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
The first-ever GrowUp Cannabis Hackathon will take place Sept. 6-7, where hackers will build innovative tech solutions to the fast-growing cannabis industry.
Competing hackers will explore ideas for tracking, purchasing, reporting, strain identification, verification, integration with the entertainment industry, and much more.
After a 24 hour overnight hacking session in Toronto, the winning teams head to Niagara Falls for the awards presentations and ceremony at the GrowUp Conference.
Confirmed partners include Trellis, Cannabis & Tech Today, Leaf Forward,, LyricFind, LyricMerch, TourBuds, Brainsights, Beanfield, RadioMogul by Mediazoic, Hotbox, Rosenzweig & Co, Merry Jane, PAX, Hacker Noon and Devpost. Plus restaurant partners Smoke's Poutinerie and Quesada Burritos.
Confirmed judges include Jay Rosenzweig (Managing Director of Rosenzweig & Co), Alex Blumenstein (Co-Founder of Leaf Forward, Canada's first cannabis business accelerator), Matt Shalhoub (Managing Director of Green Acre Capital), and Rachel Colic (VP Brand Strategy & PR for Pure Global Cannabis Inc.).
PRIZES: 1) Fine art Cannabis photographs from Cali Brothers Cannabis Prints. Top shelf, fine art photographs of quality cannabis flowers printed on metal.
2) One year free Leaf Club membership for the winning team (up to five members) + Five Office Hours sessions with the Leaf Forward (Canada’s first and leading cannabis business accelerator) team.
3) Original GrowUp Hackathon LyricMerch T-Shirts with lyrics for "Easy Skanking" printed on front. We'll outfit each winning team
4) TourBuds VIP Trip to Niagara Falls for GrowUp Hackathon Winners. The 3 winning teams will get to travel in luxury on the amazing TourBuds bus, round trip from Toronto to Niagara Falls on Friday Sept. 7 after the hackathon ends.
5) Pax 3 Complete Kits. Courtesy of Pax and HotBox.
4) Cannabis & Tech Today subscription. Cannabis & Tech Today is a quarterly publication specializing in technological advancements, business innovations, and popular culture pertaining to the marijuana industry.
Questions? Email
Make a difference!
04 Sep - 11:59 PM
Toronto, Canada
Sustainable development, employee engagement and fighting inequality are key issues that are an integral part of the insurance business !
Whether you’re a novice or an expert in the world of insurance, this challenge is an opportunity to demonstrate your creative potential: unique prototype, innovative programme, new offering, or something else entirely, it’s over to you to design THE perfect solution that will amaze the TD Insurance teams!
Hack The 6ix 2018
24 Aug - 03:48 PM
Toronto, Canada
Hackers from across North America! You're invited to participate in Hack the 6ix -- Toronto’s largest summer hackathon. Come with a team of up to four techies, or join a team at the event. You'll get to collaborate and compete during 36 hours of design and coding. Conceive, design, and prototype your hardware or software project from scratch! Pitch your solution to a panel of judges and showcase your hacker chops in front of some of the top companies in North America.
Global Blockchain Hackathon - Canada
04 Aug - 10:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Canadian blockchain coder/developer teams in the Greater Toronto Area! The International Data Engineering and Science Association (IDEAS) invites you to participate in the Global Blockchain Hackathon - Canada, to be held at the University of Toronto. You'll collaborate on a 2-day blockchain project and compete for prizes, as well as for the opportunity to progress to the Final Round & Conference in Chicago.
Get the best Global Blockchain hackathon advice here!
IntersectTO BIPOC Hackathon
28 Jul - 10:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Black folks, Indigenous folks, and People of Colour (BIPOC) in the Greater Toronto area! You're invited to participate in the one-day IntersectTO BIPOC Hackathon. You'll get to network with BIPOC coders, designers, artists, and activists, to learn about technology and collaborate, swap ideas and skills with them to build tech projects for BIPOC communities! You'll work in a team to build an awesome project -- a website, an app, or a game -- or analyze/visualize data, create a toolkit, or design graphics and campaigns.
Re:Engineering Retail Hackathon Competition - Presented by Oxford Properties Group and The Fashion Zone at Ryerson University
28 Jul - 09:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Hackers, engineers, designers, developers, and innovators in Ontario. If you're interested in retail technology, then the Fashion Zone and Oxford Properties Group invite you to participate in the Re:Engineering Retail Hackathon Competition. Collaborate and compete for great cash prizes and memberships at The Fashion Zone.
Imagine: The Future of Work & Learning
27 Jul - 06:00 PM
Brampton, Canada
Parents, students, teachers, techies in Ontario! If you're interested in the use of learning technology, then you're invited to participate in Imagine: The Future of Work & Learning. You'll get to explore how technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and robotics can be applied to work and learning. Come collaborate with like-minded individuals and compete as you present your learning technology project to a panel of judges.
Terminal Tech Talk: The Man Who Started a Global Blockchain Movement
26 Jul - 04:00 PM
Kitchener, Canada
On Thursday July 26 at 4:00PM, we are thrilled to welcome Liam Horne, the co-founder of L4 Ventures, Counterfactual, ETHGlobal, Hack The North, et. al. In this Terminal Tech Talk, Liam will discuss how to bring internet scale to blockchains through off-chain scaling techniques called state channels.
This is also your chance to ask Liam how he built world-class initiatives from scratch and how to think about building world-class engineering teams.
★ Liam left the University of Waterloo to become the co-founder and CTO of PiinPoint (YC W14).
★ Liam was awarded the $100,000 Peter Thiel Fellowship in 2015 at the age of 19 for his world-class ingenuity.
★ Liam co-founded Hack The North, arguably the best hackathon in the world and Canada's biggest hackathon.
★ Liam co-founded ETHWaterloo and turned it into a global movement called ETHGlobal to foster a world-class ecosystem of blockchain developers and entrepreneurs, collectively building the Web 3 world.
★ Liam co-founded L4 Ventures. L4 is creating the decentralized web, conducting cutting-edge cryptoeconomic research, building core blockchain infrastructure, and helpng projects grow.
★ Liam co-founded Counterfactual, a generalized framework for native state channels integration in Ethereum-based decentralized applications.
★ Liam is a board director at the publicly traded Ether Capital (NEO: ETHC).
The Terminal Tech Talk series is committed to bringing our technical communities together by sharing insights and learnings from the best and brightest minds on topics ranging from innovative best practices to culture, personal growth and more.
Questions? Please contact Nabil on Slack @nabil or via email at if you have any questions.
nobulHACK - Blockchain Hackathon + Learnathon
23 Jun - 10:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Hello Fellow hackers!
The Blockchain Society is back, and this time with a blockchain Hackathon + Learnathon! What is a Hackathon + Learnathon you may ask? Well, with the increasing popularity of blockchain technology in the industry today, there comes a desire to always be ahead of the curve; with this event, we will bring you up to speed on some of the hottest tech to hit the blockchain space, which you can then use directly in your Hackathon projects to win great prizes!
The Learnathon will commence in the morning on June 24th, and will continue in the afternoon. Once attendees have a firm grasp on the blockchain stack, the Hackathon will begin! We hope that this format will allow newcomers to the blockchain space to learn something new, and allow the veterans to hone their skills on the tech stack we are going to be working with during the event.
Who can hack
This hackathon/learnathon is exclusively for developers who fit the below criteria. The Blockchain Society reserves the right to decline entry of any Blockchain developers who do not fit our hackathon/learnathon criteria.
Note: Refunds will be issued if a ticket has already been purchased and the criteria has not been met.
The Criteria
1. 2+ years of prior development experience2. A valid GitHub account with adequate commit history3. Professionally affiliated with the technology community in Toronto or surrounding cities
We suggest teams of no more than 6 individuals. You can organize teams prior to the event, and we will be sending around a teams signup form on the day of the Hackathon.
23 Jun Activity
8.30am Registration & team formation; breakfast
9am Opening Remarks from Nobul Corporation
9.30am Microsoft Workshop
11.30am *Workshop Opportunity*
12pm Lunch with Sponsors
1pm *Workshop Opportunity*
1.30pm *Workshop Opportunity*
2pm KeyNote by Nobul Corporation
3pm Hackathon starts
7pm Dinner with Sponsors
24 Jun Activity
12am Hacking Continues
9am Breakfast served
12pm Lunch with Judges
2.30pm Hacking concluded and judging to begin
5pm Winners Announced
5.30pm Final remarks by Nobul
We know some rules are meant to be broken, but you should probably (read: definitely) stick by these:
1. Fresh Code - We all start coding at the same time. It’s cool to work on designs beforehand, digital mockups, open source frameworks, and anything else available to everyone, but keep things within fair limits.
2. Code Review - Winning teams may be subject to a code-review at some point following the event or immediately before winning. This is to ensure that all code used is in fact fresh.
3. Ownership and IP - You own your IP and whatever you create. Simple as that.
4. Team Size - No more than five people.
5. Submissions - Each team will have a designated google drive folder where projects need to be submitted by the designated time. You’ll receive an email with instructions on how to do just that.
6. Demos - You’ll have 2 minutes to demo the functionality of your project and talk through your idea, and 1 minute for Q&A from judges.
How is the hackathon judged?Projects will be judged based on the following criteria, with a total of 5 points per criteria:
Fundability: How fundable is this idea? Is there potential for a sustainable business model?
Execution: How well was the project executed and explained? Did it work?
UI/UX: Beyond design, was the end-to-end user experience for the solution considered?
Originality: How original, creative or unique is the idea?
Scalability: How scalable is the solution? Will it make an impact?
- Will Mero (marketing@theblockchainsociety,ca)
- Bill Hennessey
Lead Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Community Partners