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Hack on Data & Win Prizes: TRU CS Club & iTel Hackathon
23 Mar - 10:00 AM
Kamloops, Canada
The TRUSU Computing Science Club & iTel Networks would like to invite you to a data-centric hackaton where you can meet new people, prove your skills, and win prizes!
Once you arrive at iTel you will have the option to be sorted into a group by the organizer or you can join your pre-arranged group. Do not feel discouraged if you do not have a group prepared ahead of time, we'll help you!
You will be given access to the datasets used for the event and work in multidisciplinary teams to create innovative solutions and models based on the data.
Helpers will be on-site to provide advice through the day on particular techniques and toolsets that may be applicable to the problem set.
We encourage that groups be multidisciplinary in nature, including areas such as mathematics, statistics, web development, business, and so on.
We expect this to be a good learning experience and a project you can put on your LinkedIn or Resume to show your data analysis chops.
Where is it held?
The Hackaton will be held at iTel Networks, 1850 Mission Flats Road. It is situated on the right side of the road heading towards the DomTar paper mill.
When is it held?
The Hackaton will run from 10:00 AM to 7:00PM. Particular portions of the event will be held at given times, so groups should ideally be present or at least have a representative on side for these:
9:00-10:00 AM Registration & Group Formation
10:00-12:30 AM Opening Speech, Datasets provided
12:30-1:00 PM Lunch provided by iTel Networks
1:00-1:45 PM Check in for progress & questions
6:00 PM Project submission
6:00-6:30PM Communal session on challenges faced & sharing experiences
6:30-7:00 PM Prize ceremony
What is a Hackathon?
A hackathon is a short event (typically one to three days) where people get together and all work to create a viable product or solution to an issue.
What is our focus?
This hackathon will focus on creating a solution based on data from the Province of British Columbia. There are thousands of different datasets provided, which you can preview here:
Am I qualified to come?
A broad range of skills and areas of expertise are welcome, from lower level students to people already working in the industry.
Group creation
You are welcome to attend the event as an individual or with a premade group. If you are an individual you will be placed into a group. The organizers will try to ensure that a broad range of expertise is present in all non-preorganized group, but constraints on availability of people might limit our ability to do so. If you wish to participate but do not know other people who are going to the event, feel free to email and we'll put you in touch with any other people who have likewise requested this.
Any questions?
Please direct any questions to, we'll be more than happy to address any questions or concerns you might have!