Showing results 11 to 20 out of 27
DementiaHack Toronto 2015
07 Nov - 08:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
  [go to for the full listing]  47 million people live with dementia worldwide – 750,000 in Canada alone – with global numbers expected to reach 75 million by 2030. Much effort goes towards the search for a cure that may be decades away, but millions today face overwhelming, heartbreaking challenges daily. The point of DementiaHack is to create products that improve lives today.   Saturday November 7 to Monday November 9, 2015   George Brown College Waterfront Campus | 51 Dockside Dr, Toronto, ON    Calling all developers, designers, health professionals, marketers, entrepreneurs, and others movivated by the cause:   Register ASAP so we can match you with mentors! Team matching Oct 3.   You want to win, right? Register and we’ll connect you with the best mentor/potential customer ever to give you relevant feedback on your ideas. Don’t wait. Schedules fill up fast.       Schedule   Sat, Oct 3: “Voices from the Field” Workshop @ MaRS, 101 College Street, Toronto Insustry experts, caregivers, and people living with dementia share insights and experiences so you get a better, more human understanding of their challenges. A very cool, very special guest may be video conferencing in. Casual socializing follows.   Mon, Oct 26: HackerNest Tech Social & DementiaHack Team Matching @ Entertech Systems, Suite 202, 109 Atlantic Avenue, Toronto Our regular Toronto Tech Social becomes a DementiaHack Team Matching event!    Sat, Nov 7-8: DementiaHack Hackathon @ George Brown College, Waterfront Campus, 51 Dockside Drive, Toronto Epic 30-hour hackathon culminating in a science-fair judging by mentors. Shortlisted teams will move on to the Monday night finals.    Mon, Nov 9: DementiaHack Finals @ George Brown College, Waterfront Campus Finalists get a day to recuperate and polish their demos. Potential investors, acquirers, and customers are invited to observe the crème de la crème of DementiaHack showcasing their products to our panel of distinguished judges. Casual socializing follows.       Prizes   GRAND PRIZE: Travel and accommodations for a UK business trip to pitch at a major health conference; intros to potential customers, investors, and acquirers galore. FACEBOOK PRIZE: Travel and accomodations for a trip to visit Faceboo in Silicon Valley.   CHALLENGE SET WINNERS (4): There will be cash, but we're designing prizing tracks to hel you get to market. We're working on securing legal/accounting/etc. partners and will update this section frequently.    Sponsors  DementiaHack is chaired by Jordan Banks, presented by Facebook, supported by the UK and Canadian governments, hosted at George Brown's new Waterfront Campus, and produced by HackerNest.     Support DementiaHack   We are actively seeking partners, challenge set champions, property sponsors, prize sponsors, and volunteers. To sponsor DementiaHack, please email For press and media inquiries, please email   Challenge Sets   These are some of the most common and endemic challenges faced; solve them and you'll improve millions of lives. That said, these are suggestions, not restrictions: fit the theme, pick a beneficiary, come up with a working solution - and you'll get to demo.   Diagnosed individuals need help with: Cueing everyday tasks in a simple and sequential order Emergency broadcast alerting and notification systems for things like falls, extreme temperature changes, etc. Multisensory and cognitive brain stimulation and training to help keep people alert and perhaps active in the workforce longer   Family caregivers need help with: Easy management of knowledge and data reporting to healthcare professionals  Emergency alerting and notification systems within the household (e.g. notification when appliance is turned on, a shower runs for over an hour, etc.) Understanding where the person they’re caring for falls in the acute vs. chronic spectrum of dementia, what to expect, and finding support/best practices/coping strategies on how to manage   Institutional caregivers/clinicians need help with: Keeping up-to-date with the medication dispensing history/program in a multiple-caregiver-multiple-patient setting Tracking and monitoring movement of patients within a healthcare facility  Safely and comfortably preventing bedsores   Researchers need help with: Collecting and having access to ‘real-life’ cognitive and memory processing data Connecting to patients, family and institutional caregivers within the broader community Finding participants for studies/trials      Apply Now Apply early so we can partner you with a mentor sooner rather than later. Schedules fill up pretty fast. Don’t worry, the application is easy and straightforward: we just need a sense of what you’re working on so we can connect you with the best mentor… ever.   Rules   Demos must be functional demos: no slideshows/pure design mockups. Fresh code only. APIs and libraries are fine, but not if you wrote them... sneaky! Winners will likely be subjected to code review; Facebook engineers are pretty sharp. Teams can have up to 5 members. Have excellent personal hygiene. Don't be unpleasant. We reserve the right to eject anyone for violation of any of the rules above, especially #5. Just be sunshine and rainbows. Easy! Note: there will likely be media at all the events, so if you're not comfortable being on camera and having your likeness show up in noncommercial DementiaHack videos, wear a large hat.
    Make it Mobile - RBC Digital Challenge
    07 Nov - 08:00 AM
    Toronto, Canada
    What is the Make it Mobile – RBC Digital Challenge? Imagine the future of mobile banking, a future where people’s everyday financial activities blend completely with the native functionality of their mobile devices. We’re RBC – Canada’s largest bank by market capitalization – and we want that future today. So we’re inviting the most visionary – and driven – developers, designers and entrepreneurs to compete over 24 hours in the creation of brilliant pieces of new mobile banking technology.   The Future of Banking Mobile technologies are transforming the way people engage with their finances. They’re paying for things, borrowing money, and managing accounts across a range of tiny interactions, multiple locations and varying spans of time. But that’s nothing compared with the ways in which people interact with their phones’ native technologies. Cameras, Bluetooth, geo-location, accelerometers, NFC: people know them so well that they don’t even think of them as separate items. So how do we use those familiar tools to push their mobile banking habits even further into the future? How do we turn their hum-drum experiences of daily finances into something exciting?   What is the Challenge? We’ll ask every participant to build on those native features and what we know about people’s mobile behaviors. Use ANY mobile device* and ANY of its features to create the next great leap in the way people engage with their financial world. If your idea is functional, adoptable and really fresh, it could become a piece of our next mobile technology release. Your brilliance can actually change the way people think about their money. *We ask attendees to bring their own developer phones or emulators so that they can demo their projects.   What are the Prizes? We recognize success at the RBC Digital Challenge. We reward it, too. We’ll award at least $8,000 in total to the winning teams (up to five of them). And just to keep spirits high over the long haul, we’ll also be giving away door prizes and freebies. Register early so you don’t miss out. Grand Prize: $5,000 for the team 2nd Place: $2,000 for the team 3rd Place: $1,000 for the team 4th Place: $500 for the team 5th Place: $100 for the team   Schedule The Make It Mobile – RBC Digital Challenge will be held Saturday-Sunday, November 7th-8th at RBC WaterPark Place Auditorium (88 Queen’s Quay West, Toronto, Ontario). Although staying overnight isn’t required, we highly recommend it. Saturday, November 7th 09:00 am – Doors Open, Breakfast and registration 10:30 am – Opening Ceremony & Presentations 11:30 am – Coding Begins 12:00 pm – Lunch 06:00 pm – Dinner 12:00 am – Midnight Snack Sunday, November 8th 7:00 am – Breakfast 11:30 am – Submission Deadline 12:00 pm – Lunch 02:00 pm – Judging 04:00 pm – Awards 05:00 pm – Closing   Judging Criteria Simplicity (5 points): Is the application simple to use and can the team explain it clearly in three sentences or less? Creativity (5 points): How creative was the team in developing an innovative solution for the challenge? Impact (5 points): Did the team create an application that can have a real and valuable impact? Design (5 points): Was the UX/UI intuitive and appealing?   What are the Rules?    Team Size: Each team can include up to five humans. Each team can be comprised of no more than half of RBC Employees. Fresh Code Enforced: We all start coding at the same time. This is done to keep things fair. Please don’t come in and build on top of previous projects if you want to win. No PowerPoints: You must demo your hack in order to present. No slide-decks or power-points will be allowed. 2 minute presentation 1 minute Q&A from Judges Submissions: Each hackathon has its individual page, which projects should be submitted on. Submission time is 12:00pm Sunday, November 8th, 2015 unless stated otherwise. Code Review: Winning teams will be subject to a code-review at some point following the event or immediately before winning. Please click here for the Participation Agreement
      Waterloo CodeFest
      24 Oct - 07:00 AM
      Waterloo, Canada
      Welcome to Waterloo Codefest! We are committed to being an open, transparent and accountable government. Hosting a hackathon is just one of the ways we can achieve this goal. Civic hackathons are becoming very prominent and common around the world with major hackathons occurring at the White House and around cities such as Guelph. Open data is available - make it useful! Code your Waterloo in a weekend at Waterloo Codefest. Waterloo is a diverse and talented community with the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College inspiring the most talented individuals from across Canada and the world to further their entrepreneurial dreams. We are confident this event will spearhead more entrepreneurial ventures while allowing collaboration and fostering a sense of community building.  Waterloo Codefest When: This 36-hour hackathon will take place Oct. 24 and 25, 2015 Where: Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), 67 Erb St., West, Waterloo The hackathon will begin at 7 a.m. on Oct. 24 and end at 10 p.m. on Oct. 25, after which there will be an awards ceremony for the top three applications developed. 
        Aboriginal History and Identity: Curriculum Connections PD Day
        20 Oct - 09:00 AM
        York, Canada
        This Professional Development program is intended to support Jewish day school educators in meeting the Aboriginal education requirements outlined by the province with confidence, age-appropriate tools, nuanced perspectives and diverse resources. In June 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada released its findings and called for a new era in Canada’s relationship with its First Peoples. As Jews and Canadians, it is our responsibility to respond to this call, and understand how our young people may play a role in our national reconciliation process. Many schools and community organizations have an interest to engage in this subject matter but lack the educational resources and expertise to integrate material into their curriculum. Participating educators will have the opportunity to enhance their own knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal history, contemporary identity and the residential school system.  The legacy of Canada’s treatment of its First Peoples throughout history has ongoing and severe implications for the 1.4 million Aboriginal people living in Canada today. Moreover, this history has implications for all people who call Canada home.  The program is open to all GTA-based Jewish day school teachers, administrators and experiential educators. As an educator, you can expect to gain: Improved literacy around Aboriginal history, contemporary identity and residential schools Curriculum-specific knowledge and resources tailored to your classroom    A new network of Jewish educators, as well as organizations working in the area of Aboriginal education  Ongoing support throughout the year Kosher lunch and refreshments will be served.  The following individuals and organizations will facilitate workshops throughout the event:   Grades 3-6 – The Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History project provides engaging, high-quality materials to schools and universities for the teaching of historical methods and Canadian history. The project has created a series of instructional websites based on the premise that students can be drawn into Canadian history and archival research through the enticement of solving historical cold crimes. This workshop will focus on using Aboriginal knowledge and traditional methods in the elementary school classroom as a way of engaging students in discovering the histories of Canada’s First Peoples, with sample activities for each grade. Grades 7-8 – The We Are All Treaty People teacher resource guide is comprised of lesson plans that include specific Ontario curriculum expectations for Grades 1-8. This workshop will focus on the history and contemporary relationships of the most significant treaties signed from 1713 to 1914, the period of Canada’s history explored in grades 7 and 8. Grades 9-12 – Stolen Lives: The Indigenous Peoples of Canada and the Indian Residential Schools is the new resource kit for high school classrooms produced by Facing History and ourselves. Facing History and Ourselves is an international education organization whose mission is to engage students of diverse backgrounds in an examination of racism, prejudice, and anti- Semitism in order to promote the development of a more humane and informed citizenry. In this workshop, facilitators will guide educators through sample activities and educational resources for teaching about the legacy of the residential school system in high school classrooms. Experiential Educators Workshop – The Integrating Aboriginal Education Hackathon workshop will engage experiential educators in a creative process to draw connections between the work they do, their cohorts, and Aboriginal histories and contemporary experiences. The workshop will also allow educators to explore resources, activities and experiences that are available to help them bring these connections back to their organizations. The Blanket Exercise – Canadian Roots Exchange builds bridges between Indigenous and non- Indigenous youth in Canada by facilitating dialogue and strengthening relationships through leadership programs. The Blanket Exercise is an interactive workshop that uses blankets to represent the lands of what is now called Canada, and the distinct cultures and nations which live on those lands to this day. Participants represent the First Peoples; when they move onto the blankets, they are taken back in time to the arrival of the Europeans. Facilitators work with the participants to read a script while the exercise goes through the history of treaty-making, colonization and resistance that resulted in the nation we today call Canada.
          Innovation Hackathon 2015
          17 Oct - 08:30 AM
          Toronto, Canada
          SAGE Canada is hosting its first Innovation Hackathon on Saturday, October 17th 2015! This event is designed to challenge the mind and create/ expand on the ideas each student has for their team business ventures. Everyone will get the chance to learn the process of design thinking and creativity through a series of workshops. These workshops will cover case building, design, 3D models, and product pitching.  All SAGE affiliated teams are required to have between 4-6 students attend and participate in these workshops in order to compete at the 2016 National Competition this upcoming spring.  Dress Code: Business Casual  Lunch will be provided  Please RSVP by 11:59PM on Wednesday, October 14th.  For any questions, concerns or food allergies please contact Erika Sgromo and Janice Wang at       
            Hackathon: FinTech
            16 Oct - 06:00 PM
            Toronto, Canada
            This event pairs MBAs, computer science students, OCAD U designers, and engineers to launch a startup. Teams will be formed around an idea (FinTech), products developed, and team’s creation will be pitched by the end of the weekend.  Who: Anyone with a passion for entreprenuership!  Where: Rotman – 105 St. George Street When:  October 16th -18th Prizes: Winning team will receive a $1000 cash prize, bragging rights, and a sit down with one of the venture capitalist judges to further develop the idea. Note: This is event is NOT limited to University of Toronto  
              Interact - Hacking Healthcare
              14 Oct - 06:00 PM
              Toronto, Canada
                Interact A networking mixer for the digital economy  Interact is a monthly networking series, taking place the second Wednesday of each month and focusing on topics in interactive digital media. Your ticket includes a brief presentation, drink ticket, hors d'oeuvres and plenty of networking.  This month, we'll look at how digital media is providing innovative tools for healthcare  - and the opportunities available for digital media producers to create new ways for doctors, patients and caregivers to engage with each other.  Shaharris of HackerNest will speak about DementiaHack - the world's foremost dementia-themed hackathon which aims to improve the lives of those with dementia. He'll discuss the outcomes of previous editions and plans for this year's event, which counts Facebook, the UK Science and Innovation Network, Public Health Agency of Canada and George Brown College as partners.  Jason Goodman will speak about how Design Cofounders apply their design thinking and entrepreneurship skills to the world of healthcare. Interact: Hacking Healthcare October 14, 2015 6-8pm Bar Italia 582 College St, Toronto  Hosted by Interactive Ontario Presenting Partner - City of Toronto  Venue Partner - Design Cofounders Schedule  6pm - Doors open & networking 6:30pm - Presentations  7-8pm - Networking   Presenting Partner  
                HackerNest Kitchener-Waterloo October Tech Social
                05 Oct - 08:00 PM
                Kitchener, Canada
                HackerNest Tech Socials are a fun, relaxed way to connect with your local tech brethren. Atmosphere: chill, friendly, unpretentious, agenda-free (no sales pitch, yo), and brimming with UltraSmart(TM) people.   We believe that strong, supportive tech communities should exist everywhere - not just in hotspots like San Francisco and New York. In 2011, we started running Tech Socials in Toronto, where our monthly attendance grew to over 350+ technologists literally 100% from word-of-mouth.   The typical Tech Social schedule:    - 8:00pm: folks arrive, grab drinks, socialize   - 9:00pm: quick announcements, thank sponsors   - 9:10pm: back to chatting   - 11:00pm: go home!     Sponsors (  Sponsors make this growing movement possible, so we treasure and build deep, long-term relationships with the companies that endorse us. We're always looking for new friends! Venue: Canadian Tire Innovations Digital Garage Wanna show off your office? We're always looking for big open spaces with 100+ (standing room) capacity that are easily accessible:   About Us:   HackerNest is an international nonprofit uniting local tech communities through unpretentious Tech Socials and hackathons. We cram lots of smart, accomplished people into a room with free drinks. Our relaxed, down-to-earth events attract a diverse and highly technical membership. Strict no-douchebag policy.
                  Pakathon Toronto Hackathon 2015
                  02 Oct - 07:00 PM
                  Toronto, Canada
                      What is Pakathon? Pakathon is a global movement with a mission to connect entrepreneurs, researchers and technologists from Pakistan to those around the world. Our goal is to create sustainable projects and companies that make an impact and shape the future of Pakistan.   Why should you attend? PakathonTO is organizing its annual weekend Hackathon, at Bitmaker Labs. We will have individuals from diverse backgrounds coming together to take advantage of untapped opportunities and build digital solutions to frontline challenges in Pakistan. Last years participants won prizes of up to $10,000, exposure on a global scale and mentorship from renowned business leaders in both North America and Pakistan.   Who should attend? People who are passionate about using technology and business to address problems in developing countries, whether it be developers, designers, business professionals or development workers. If you have a great idea, or a skill that can help bring an idea to life, Pakathon is the perfect way for you to spend your weekend.     Past successes: Pakathon empowers people around the world to be change agents for countries like Pakistan, across geographical boundaries and despite resource constraints. We are creating a ‘global nervous system’ that helps Pakistanis deepen their relationship to Pakistan, and exposes them to different cultures and perspectives by providing a platform to share their skills for good. Our unique international program consists of a number of events and educational resources to help the Pakathon community launch your idea into a sustainable startup, collaborate with a global network, and connect with funding and mentoring opportunities. Pakathon's flagship event is a three-day hackathon* held simultaneously across multiple cities around the globe and PakathonTO is inviting you to this event after a successful first year in 2014. This year, the event will take place on the weekend of October 2-4 2015 at the Bitmaker Labs. We're hoping you'll join us as one of the many bright minds around the world in this movement using their skills and resources to address challenges in Pakistan and beyond. We look forward to seeing you! You must purchase a ticket from Eventbrite in order to attend the hackathon. We don’t want the ticket price to be a barrier, however, so we have a limited number of subsidized tickets available -  apply here. For more information, please email or tweet at @PakathonTO. *A hackathon is an event where individuals from different backgrounds work together to identify and propose a solution to a problem, usually with an emphasis on technology and innovation. To learn more about what you can expect, please see our website . Volunteers and Mentors are welcome! Please contact us for more information.   How to Register for the Hackathon ? Sign up through Eventbrite in your appropriate category. Due to capacity restrictions, please register in the category that applies to you.    Ticket & Pricing Information Ticket proceeds contribute to all event related costs throughout the hackathon weekend.    Terms and Conditions: By purchasing a ticket to this PakathonTO hackathon event, you agree to the following terms and conditions: I hereby grant PakathonTO and Pakathon Global permission to use my likeness in a video, photograph, or other digital reproduction in any and all of its publications, including website, without payment or any other conditions.   FAQs What is a Hackathon ? A Hackathon is an event where people come together for an intense and fun weekend of collaborative problem solving and rapid prototyping of ideas    Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event? Students may be asked to provide an ID card if their school e-mail address is not used to register.   What are my transport/parking options getting to the event? Take the subway to St. Andrews station and walk a couple of blocks west on King street.   What type of support is provided during Pakathon?  A key part of Pakathon’s support is the valuable advice and assistance provided by the event’s Mentors to the teams. Mentors consist of experts in various fields ranging from software development, entrepreneurship, industry expertise, and local knowledge of Pakistan who dedicate their time to providing feedback and guidance and working with teams. In addition, a public speaking coach will be provided on Sunday morning to assist with final pitch rehearsal.   What are the streams I can participate in at Pakathon? - Education - Healthcare - Women Developement - Energy - Gaming - Law and Order   Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
                    Code for the Kingdom - Waterloo
                    02 Oct - 07:00 PM
                    Cambridge, Canada
                    Code for the Kingdom, a Leadership Network hackathon initiative, convenes bright entrepreneurs and technologists to use their gifts to affect global culture from a Christian perspective. It seeks to advance the Gospel through the creation of new technologies addressing significant issues confronting society, community, families, and spiritual life. The Waterloo event is part of the Global Hackathon happening in 13 cities around the world October 2-4, 2015. More information about the schedule, challenges and logistics is available on the Code for the Kingdom event page. Registration (free) includes the following meals on site at the hackathon. Friday: Appetizers during opening ceremonies Saturday: Continental breakfast, lunch, dinner Sunday: Continental breakfast, lunch Also includes snacks and drinks through out the weekend. A special thanks to Indigitous and Power to Change for sponsoring the event.