Showing results 21 to 27 out of 27
Genesys Toronto Tech Summit
01 Oct - 12:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
Come join Genesys at its second Toronto Tech Summit. Chosen by blogTO as one of the Top 10 Tech Events in Toronto in Fall 2015. Learn about IoT, Wearables, App Development, and Customer Experience. The goal is to bring talented and knowledgeable speakers together with an audience filled with tech enthusiasts that have similar interests of keeping up to date with the latest technological trends.
HackerNest Toronto September Tech Social
28 Sep - 08:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
Drinks on us. HackerNest Tech Socials are a fun, relaxed way to connect with your local tech brethren. Atmosphere: chill, friendly, unpretentious, agenda-free (no sales pitch, yo), and brimming with UltraSmart(TM) people.
Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, hi-5 us in person. :)
Special Announcement:
Introducing DementiaHack, the world’s foremost dementia-themed hackathon, happening in Toronto, Nov 7-9, 2015. Now open - apply to participate!
Rough lineup (pretty much always in development)
- quick intro - sponsor appreciation & love - announcements
Sponsors make this growing movement possible, so we treasure and build deep, long-term relationships with the companies that endorse us. We're always looking for new friends!
Lighthouse Labs: Become a developer in 8 weeks
Hired: Marketplace for recruiting
Softlayer: Get your cloud together.
OVH: A Better, Safer Cloud
Brainstation: Powering the next generation of creators
Branch: Links with metadata and metrics for your mobile app
Syndesus: Engineers. Startups. Connected.
Paytm Labs: The world's fastest growing mobile commerce ecosystem
Wanna show off your office? We're always looking for big open spaces with 200+ (standing room) capacity that are easily accessible.
Community Partners:
CIX: The Canadian Innovation Exchange on November 17 is the top destination for key leaders in the innovation economy to explore new relationships
Techweek NYC: Tech's leading and emerging voices are in NYC from October 12-18. Use discount code: WSSX6OA4NY for a 15% off your tickets!
About Us:
HackerNest is an international nonprofit uniting local tech communities through unpretentious Tech Socials and hackathons. We cram lots of smart, accomplished people into a room with free drinks. Our relaxed, down-to-earth events attract a diverse and highly technical membership. Strict no-douchebag policy.
HackerNest Toronto September Tech Social
28 Sep - 08:00 PM
Suite 1100, Canada
Drinks on us. HackerNest Tech Socials are a fun, relaxed way to connect with your local tech brethren. Atmosphere: chill, friendly, unpretentious, agenda-free (no sales pitch, yo), and brimming with UltraSmart(TM) people. Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, hi-5 us in person. :) Rough lineup (pretty much always in development) - quick intro - sponsor appreciation & love - announcements
Sponsors make this growing movement possible, so we treasure and build deep, long-term relationships with the companies that endorse us. We're always looking for new friends!
Sponsors: Brainstation: Powering the next generation of creators OVH: A Better, Safer Cloud Venue: Rubikloud Wanna show off your office? We're always looking for big open spaces with 200+ (standing room) capacity that are easily accessible. About Us: HackerNest is an international nonprofit uniting local tech communities through unpretentious Tech Socials and hackathons. We cram lots of smart, accomplished people into a room with free drinks. Our relaxed, down-to-earth events attract a diverse and highly technical membership. Strict no-douchebag policy.
Women in Hardware Meetup presented by PCH
28 Sep - 06:00 PM
Toronto, ON, Canada
Join us for our first Women in Hardware Meetup in Toronto!
After several successful meetups in New York, San Francisco, Waterloo, Dublin, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Seoul, we're very excited to continue to support the Toronto hardware ecosystem on September 28th. This month's meetup will feature some awesome women in hardware so stayed tuned for more details.
What happens at a meetup?
This is a casual mixer of hardware enthusiasts
Mingle with industry experts and have the chance to present your latest hardware prototype or idea to the group.
If you're interested in learning about the world of hardware and making, this is the event for you.
Why attend?
Grow your network of entrepreneurs, influencers in hardware and wearable tech.
Learn about emerging trends in the industry and how you can capitalize on them
Meet makers and influencers in the Seoul tech and hardware scene + out of towners from around the world.
Who should attend? Whether you're new to hardware, or building your company, all are welcome. Mingle with industry experts and have the chance to present your latest hardware prototype or idea to the group. If you're interested in learning about the world of hardware and making, this is the event for you.
Email us at
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Arrival & check-in
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Welcome + Guest Speakers
7:00 PM - 7:20 PM
Your turn! Demo your product or share about your startup/project that's supporting the hardware ecosystem. You'll have 1 minute to talk!
7:20 PM - 8:00 PM
Networking with awesome hardwarians/hardwarian supporters.
Genesys Hackathon - TOP PRIZE: 3 APPLE WATCHES
26 Sep - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
At our previous Hackathon, the winners received 2 GOOGLE GLASS. We also had prizes for second place, third place, as well as giveaways during the competition! Check out some photos:
Are you ready for another Genesys Hackathon?
Genesys will be hosting a Hackathon on Saturday September 26 - Sunday September 27, with the top prize of 3 Apple Watches up for grabs!! Teams should be constructed of 3 or less; each team member of the winning teams will each receive one unit of the respective prize. There are a limited number of spots available for this event, with a cap of 20 teams. We are expecting a large number of applicants to register, and will be going through a selection process of identifying and vetting qualified participants by using a screening system. A generous amount of food and beverages will be provided.
We will be taking photos and recording parts of the event to share the experience with the community. By entering the venue, you are allowing us to post and share the photos taken (unless you have notified us prior to the event).
Want to sponsor the Hackathon? Email:
All participants will receive
Free admission to the Toronto Tech Summit on October 1st, 2015
Two days of Hacking
Generous amount of food and drinks will be supplied
Opportunity to win various prizes
Tshirt designed by our expert UX team
First Place: 3 Apple Watches
Second Place: 3 Pebble Time
Third Place: 3 Littlebits Kits
Judges & Rules TBA
Two-Day Schedule: Saturday September 26, 2015
6 - 6:30 PM - Registration
6:30 - Introduction to Hackathon
8:30 PM - Dinner
12 AM - Snack Break
Sunday September 27, 2015
3 AM - Pizza Break
6 AM - Snack Break
9 AM - Breakfast
12:30 PM - Lunch
2 PM - Hackathon Ends
2 - 4 PM - All teams present to judges
4 PM - Snack Break
5 PM - Top 3 teams announced
Top 3 Teams Chosen by Judges will present their design at the Genesys Toronto Technology Summit on Thursday, October 1st. The winners will be determined by the audience.
More details about the Hackathon coming soon.
Interested in attending the Tech Summit?
The Toronto Tech Summit includes lunch, snacks, giveaways and Q&A session with each speaker! Click here for the full schedule, details, and to purchase tickets. The Tech Summit will feature various talks and a Customer Experience Panel, including speakers from:
Genesys Hackathon - TOP PRIZE: 3 APPLE WATCHES
26 Sep - 05:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
Are you ready for another Genesys Hackathon? REGISTER HERE: Genesys will be hosting a Hackathon on Saturday September 26 - Sunday September 27, with the top prize of 3 Apple Watches up for grabs!! Teams should be constructed of 3 or less; each team member of the winning teams will each receive one unit of the respective prize. There are a limited number of spots available for this event, be sure to sign up early! We are expecting a large number of applicants to register, and will be going through a selection process of identifying and vetting qualified participants by using a screening system. A generous amount of food and beverages will be provided. ------------------------------------------------------------------ All participants will receive: -Free admission to the Toronto Tech Summit on October 1st, 2015 -Two days of Hacking -Generous amount of food and drinks will be supplied -Opportunity to win various prizes -Tshirt designed by our expert UX team Prizes -First Place: 3 Apple Watches -Second Place: TBA -Third Place: TBA Judges & Rules TBA Two-Day Schedule: Saturday September 26, 2015 • 5 - 5:45 PM - Registration • 5:45 - 6 PM - Introduction to APIs (Participant set-up time) • 6 PM - Hackathon Begins • 7:30 PM - Dinner • 11 PM - Snack Break Sunday September 27, 2015 • 2 AM - Pizza Break • 5 AM - Snack Break • 9 AM - Breakfast • 12 PM - Hackathon Ends • 12 - 2 PM - All teams present to judges • 2 PM - Snack Break • 2:30 PM - Top 3 team announced Top 3 Teams Chosen by Judges will present their design at the Genesys Toronto Technology Summit on Thursday, October 1st. The winners will be determined by the audience. More details about the Hackathon coming soon.
Clock Making Hackathon
24 Sep - 04:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
In the wake of the news that young maker Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school, we decided there was only one thing to do: make more clocks! In solidarity with Ahmed and many others who are the victims of ongoing discrimination, we are hosting a Clock Making Hackathon to demonstrate our support, raise awareness of stereotyping, and inspire more (young) makers to continue tinkering, regardless of their age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, religion or colour.
In that spirit, this community event is open to anyone and everyone to attend – adults, children, beginners, experts – hackathons are designed so that everyone is able to meaningfully contribute, learn new skills, share knowledge, collaborate in teams, and come out the other end having created a new thing!
We're bringing piles of clock mechanisms, old clocks, LEDs, wood, 3D printers and thanks to a generous donation from Particle, Photon Arduino microcontrollers and electronic components! So the clocks might be digital, analog, web-based, artistic, wearable, robotic, or nature-tuned. Maybe your clock will make you a cup of tea when it's time to wake up, or collect pollution data, or count in dog years! Mentors will be on hand to assist with tech skills.
Join us in a race against the clock to build a clock, in support of Ahmed and the greater cause his story represents!
When: Thursday 24th September 2015 (that's next Thursday!), 4 - 8:30 pm
Where: Mozilla, 366 Adelaide Street West, 5th floor
What: Clock Making Hackathon
Who: You! Cost: Free!
Show your support on Twitter with #IStandWithAhmed
What is a hackathon?
Hackathons are fast-paced collaborative events where participant from diverse walks of life come together to work in teams and build something new in a limited amount of time – whether it's a piece of software, a robot, or a clock! Teams are organized so that there is a diversity of skills and abilities, and facilitators guide participants to design and build their own projects. Snacks are eaten, friends are made, and inventions are presented to one another at the end of the event. What if I've never built anything before?
Then we encourage you to come so you can! There is always a wealth of experienced folks at hackathons, and it's the beginners who bring new eyes and alternative experiences to make projects even more awesome. Can I bring my family?
Please do! This event will be organized so that folks of all ages are able to participate. ------------
By attending this event you are agreeing to the following:
Assumption of Risk and Release
You agree that you and/or your child are voluntarily participating in the STEAMLabs Program with knowledge of the risks of doing so, such as the risks of injury, property damage, or death resulting from the use of potentially dangerous tools or materials, and/or the active or passive negligence of STEAMLabs, the Program sponsors and suppliers and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and exhibitors (collectively, “we” or “us”). You release us, our agents and subcontractors, from all liability, claims, damage, or demands arising from or related to your participation in the STEAMLabs Program.
You understand your goal is to define a project and work with other participants and collaborators to exhibit your completed project (or evidence of what you’ve accomplished to that point). You agree to use the facilities, tools, and materials in a safe way, and to alert fellow participants, mentors, and/or program leaders when facilities, tools, and materials are being used in a way that could cause harm to themselves or others. You will provide others with assistance or helpful feedback when you see a way their project could be improved, if such feedback is welcomed. You agree to tell program leaders changes you’d make to the program to improve future workshops. You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement and understand that it includes an assumption of the risk and a release of liability. We are relying on this waiver to allow you to participate in the STEAMLabs Program.
Media Release
I hereby give permission for STEAMLabs and/or STEAMLabs partners to record, photograph, audiotape or videotape my child's name, image and/or work completed during STEAMLabs programs and to publish/distribute these Works for the purpose of publishing, posting on the STEAMLabs website, posting in schools, posting on social media sites and/or for broadcasting on television or radio as determined by the STEAMLabs.
I hereby waive any right to approve the use of these Works now or in the future, whether the use is known to me or unknown, and I waive any right to any royalties related to the use of these Works.
I understand that the Works may appear in electronic form on the internet or in other publications outside of the control of STEAMLabs. I agree that I will not hold STEAMLabs responsible for any harm that may arise from such unauthorized reproduction.
I also understand that external media organizations may attend STEAMLabs events. I give permission for my/my child’s name, image, student work, and performance to be photographed, filmed, audio-taped or videotaped for the purpose of being published and/or broadcast on-line, on television or radio.