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FaithTech Waterloo 24H Hackathon
25 Oct - 07:00 PM
Kitchener, Canada
Join us in Kitchener Waterloo for 24 hours of building innovative tech solutions to local and global problems.
2019 NASA Space Apps hackathon - Kitchener Waterloo region
18 Oct - 05:00 PM
Kitchener, Canada
SkyWatch is proud to announce the return of the NASA International Space Apps Challenge to the Waterloo region, from October 19 - 21, 2018. This year’s hackathon will attract many of Waterloo’s top tech talent – developers, makers, citizen scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs – who will work non-stop for 48 hours to address NASA-designed challenges.
Waterloo joins nearly 200 other cities hosting their own Space Apps Challenges that weekend, for an estimated total of 25,000 global participants, making it the largest hackathon in the Universe. Two winning solutions from the Waterloo challenge will move on to compete with other winners from across the globe, to be judged at NASA headquarters.
More info about Space Apps KW 2019 at
This event is completely free to attend. We are also collecting donations for a local charity: oneROOF, should you choose to.
oneROOF Youth Services is committed to providing for the safety, support and overall well-being of youth who are experiencing homelessness, and youth who are at-risk of homelessness, aged 12-25, in Waterloo Region.
Space belong to all. We welcome all and everyone. Whether you are a coder extraordinaire, a rocket scientist, or simply a student with an affinity for space, you have a place here.
There is no minimum age for participation in Space Apps, and many youth and children have participated in past events. We only note that participants under 13 must have a parent or guardian register for them and attend with them.
Participants will need to register as individuals, not teams. Participants will form project teams at Space Apps events and teams will submit their projects by creating a project page on the day of the hackathon.
Welcome! Participants of all skill levels will be there. We’ll have talks, mentors and workshops to help you with your project; hackathons can be a great place to learn new skills in a short amount of time. Just be eager to learn, and excited to meet lots of awesome people.
Absolutely not, Space Apps projects don't have to be apps. We need people with all types of skills to participate! Teams need project managers, designers, artists, educators, writers - anyone who can help advance the cause. You can contribute! Participants in the event will collaborate to build software, open hardware, data visualization, and citizen science platform solutions that contribute to solving global challenges that focus on improving life on earth. In fact, most teams will benefit from having non-programmers working with them.
Please feel free to email us, message us on Twitter.
CREATE Annual Bio-Hackathon and Summer School Event
04 Jun - 09:00 AM
Waterloo, Canada
CREATE Students have priority to register for the event. Please Register by April 30th.
Hacking Health Waterloo | True North | Hackathon
31 May - 05:00 PM
Kitchener, Canada
We invite healthcare professionals, designers, patients, developers, innovators, students and entrepreneurs to take part in building useable solutions to frontline healthcare problems. Join us Friday, May 31 to Sunday, June 02 for Hacking Health Waterloo's Hackathon in conjunction with True North taking place at Kitchener City Hall.
Why participate in the Hacking Health Hackathon and what to expect...
Our hackathons are a fun, hands-on, intense, 3-day hackathon that breaks down barriers to healthcare innovation in Kitchener-Waterloo. Our goal isn’t just to organize hackathons, it’s to have a long-term impact on our healthcare system. This hackathon in conjunction with True North will take place simultaneously in Ottawa and Kitchener-Waterloo. We can’t wait to see you contribute to a hackathon project that can be brought to market for the benefit of communities everywhere - we have the resources to help you get there!
At the hackathon, teams will pitch ideas, get advice from experts and build solutions that can be integrated and implemented into our healthcare system. We are excited to see the projects you’re dreaming up come to life!
Hackathon Schedule
Friday, May 31:
5:00 PM Registration Opens
5:00 PM Pitch Clinic
7:00 PM Opening Ceremony
8:00 PM 1-minute pitches
8:30 PM Team Formation & Networking
10:00 PM End of Day 1
Saturday, Jun 01:
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Hacking Starts
12:00 PM Lunch & Judging Criteria Presentation
1:00 PM Hacking
5:00 PM Dinner
9:00 PM End of Day 2
Sunday, June 02:
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Hacking
10:00 AM Pitch Clinic
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Hacking Ends
1:30 PM Pre-Presentation: Team Line Up
2:00 PM Final pitching to judges
3:30 PM Judges Deliberate
4:00 PM Announcement of hackathon winners
4:15 PM Closing Ceremony
2019 Theme
Social Isolation, Aging, and Technology is our theme for this dual-city hackathon. Social isolation affects many people, particularly the aged, and links with the Tech for good theme for the True North conference. The hackathon aim is to break down barriers to healthcare innovation by bringing together healthcare professionals, IT, designers, policy analysts, patients and entrepreneurs to collaborate, dream up & create solutions to real-world problems to improve healthcare. Learn more about the basics of Social Isolation here.
What is Hacking Health?
Hacking Health is an international movement designed to improve healthcare by inviting technology creators and healthcare professionals to collaborate on realistic, human-centric solutions to front-line problems. It is a grass-roots, bottom-up movement. Learn more about Hacking Health.
Who can participate?
Anyone – you don’t have to be a developer to participate!
What if I don't have a team?
There are many opportunities to meet potential team members, and connect a mix of skills to bring together a team in the first couple hours of the hackathon weekend.
Can I start before the event?
We understand that you are excited to solve problems but please refrain from developing the solution before the Hackathon. Feel free to ideate, design, post, update, review, join a project on Sparkboard once you've registered!
Are you interested in sponsoring our hackathon?
Hacking Health Waterloo is powered by an incredible group of sponsors. We'd love to have you join us! Take a look at our sponsorship package if you are interested in sponsoring our hackathon.
Will food and drinks be provided?
All meals will be catered for you this weekend - on us! If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know:
What should I bring?
Your laptop, charger, and your ideas!
Still have questions? Send us a tweet, email or facebook message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
What are the judging criteria?
The judging criteria include:
Innovation potential
Impact of the project
Execution of the project
Design and user experience of the prototype
Presentation of the project
What is the ticket cancellation policy?
Canceling your ticket? If you can’t attend, please let us know ASAP so we can refund you and give your spot to another person. There will be no refunds 10 days before the event, no-shows who don’t contact us 10 days in advance will not get refunded.
Terms & Conditions
By Purchasing a ticket to Hacking Health, you agree to the following terms and conditions: I hereby grant Hacking Health permission to use my likeness in a video, photo or other digital reproduction in any and all of its publications, including website, without payment or any other consideration.
CREATE- Concept Evaluation Principles -[Bio-Hackathon Prerequisite]
27 May - 09:30 AM
Waterloo, Canada
This workshop is a mandatory session for Bio-Hackathon attendees.
A hands-on bio-mechanical design case study will be featured that will prepare you for the Bio-Hackathon concept evaluation session.
The learning outcomes for the session are:
Apply practical and effective concept evaluation tools and techniques to evaluate, select, develop and reformulate conceptual designs
Communicate accurately and effectively
Location: E7-7303
Time: 9:30-12:30
Facilitator; Oscar Nespoli, Continuing Lecturer, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
CREATE Credit: 3 hr-Concept Evaluation Module
Waterlupus Hack
24 May - 03:00 PM
Waterloo, Canada
Are you interested in making a social impact in the health and economics space? Researchers in the Faculty of Environment are collaborating with GreenHouse, to develop and research a problem-solving challenge focused on creating positive social impact by improving the economic quality of life of those living with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Participants will use their research, design, and critical-thinking skills to develop policy, hardware, and/or social solutions to enhance the working lives of individuals affected by SLE.
As a participant, you will have the opportunity to learn from mentors with lived experience, experts and researchers, collaborate with others from a broad range of disciplines, and learn skills in ideation, policy, prototyping, and pitching. This will allow you to come up with impactful solutions to real problems to be pitched to an expert panel of judges. Opportunities to continue to develop your social innovation solutions are available for the winning teams. Your contributions from this research will be used to improve the working lives of people affected by SLE in Canada.
Food and refreshments will be provided! Your contributions from this research will be used to improve the working lives of people affected by SLE in Canada.
If you would like to learn more, click here to access our Hackathon Letter of Information and our Hackathon Consent Form. For additional questions, please contact Dr. Francesca Cardwell at
Participation in this research hackathon is voluntary. This project has received ethics clearance from a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Committee (ORE #40295).
Application Process
There are a limited number of spots available for this event. Once you register with your application, we will be going through a selection process to identify successful applicants. You will receive an email in mid-to-late May indicating if you have been accepted as a Hackathon participant.