Showing results 41 to 44 out of 44
Vancouver Hockey Analytics Conference 2018
02 Mar - 06:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
The Vancouver Hockey Analytics Conference (#VanHAC), brought to you by Simon Fraser University's KEY, is the largest hockey analytics gathering on the West Coast. The conference gives the hockey analytics community a means to show new ways to think about the sport we all love. VanHAC is organized by the community for the community. Our main goal is to strengthen the hockey analytics community by providing more opportunities to share knowledge and ideas, encouraging support and education for speaking at conferences, and increasing the visibility of developers, organizations, and companies within the community.
This year will be our first ever 3 day Conference. Friday will include social activities, Saturday/Sunday will be full of talks, tutorials, keynotes, hackathon and more.
Your ticket helps us cover the costs of venues, as well as coffee and snacks for you. We aim to make zero profit on this event. Should we have any leftover money we will donate it to a local charity.
Hack Our City 2018: New Westminster's 2nd Annual Hack-a-thon
24 Feb - 09:00 AM
New Westminster, Canada
Welcome to the 2nd annual Hack Our City! New Westminster hosts Innovation Week Feb 23-Mar 3, and a highlight event is the Hack-a-thon, sponsored by Amazon and TransLink. We invite teams of 1-4 people to compete in transportation-themed apps and projects for prizes. This year's hack-a-thon takes place February 24th and 25th, 2018, from 9am to 5pm both days.
This year's hack-a-thon takes place at Douglas College's New Westminster campus, in the atrium and "fishbowl" on the main level. Douglas College is easily accessible by transit, and pay parking is also available. The location is fully accessible, though wheelchair users should enter via Royal Avenue where there are ramps.
Mentors from various sectors will be on hand to help you on both days with your apps and projects. We are grateful to Amazon, TransLink, and Douglas College for providing some of the mentors, and to community volunteers for their time to help guide the hackers.
Lottery Registration:
Due to demand demonstrated last year, we are accepting online registrations for the hack-a-thon until February 5th, but if required, participants will be drawn by lottery to determine who will be invited to hack as the room and resources only has so much capacity. Registration for this Eventbrite event does not guarantee a spot, and you will be refunded completely if your team is not drawn. If capacity is not exceeded, there won't be a need for the lottery and all participants will be confirmed February 5th.
Once confirmed, participants will be supplied with more details about the hack such as open data sources you can access, the themes the judges will be looking for, and judging criteria.
Once confirmed, refunds will not be given.
About Your Team:
Maybe you work together, or maybe you're all in the same class? Or perhaps you're just a group of friends who like to code together. Who is on your team is up to you, but each team should register on one Eventbrite order with a ticket for each team member. Teams can be 1-4 people. Each person is $15 (plus Eventbrite fees) - this covers your snacks and lunch fees for both days, which is pizza one day, sandwiches the other, so please let us know in the form if you have dietary restrictions. There will be access to coffee and tea.
Although beginners will be welcome, you should have some understanding of what a hack-a-thon is - what the goal is, how to use open data, and how to build an app. You are responsible for all of your own equipment, cords, and other gear needed. Power outlets are available, but you probably can't be plugged in the whole time. Wifi is free and accessible. There are tables and chairs and some couches in the space.
New this year, we are also offering two optional workshops for teams to take advantage of as they work on their projects. On day one you may attend a 30 minute workshop on privacy considerations and constraints by Cindy Oxenbury from Canopy Privacy. Cindy will also be on hand to answer questions during the hack. On day two, hackers may opt to attend a workshop given by Steve Kim, from VANTEC Angel Network on how to professionally present your app or project to the judge panel, ranging from how to speak into a microphone, to how to quickly communicate the benefits to your project.
Day One:
9am - welcome
930am - optional privacy workshop with Cindy Oxenbury from Canopy Privacy
12pm - Lunch available
5pm - venue closes for the day. Take all your stuff home!
Day Two:
9am - venue open
930am - workshop on presentation skills with Steve Kim from VANTEC Network
12pm - Lunch available
3pm - Hacking is done
3pm to 3:30pm - Stretch your legs and grab a snack to power up
3:30pm - presentations begin
4:30pm (approximately) - Judge panel deliberations and awards presentation
Winning Team: $750 + aim mentor package prize from TerraTap Technologies, valued at $4,000
Second Place: $350
Third Place: $250
Best Presentation: $150
What is theTerraTap Technologies aim mentor package prize? The first place winner of the hack-a-thon will receive an in-kind aim mentor package from TerraTap Technologies Inc. The aim package (accelerate, innovate, motivate) includes 4 (2 hour) private mentor sessions with TerraTap’s award winning CEO and CTO to help them take their hackathon prototype to the next level. Package includes personalized workshop style creation of value proposition, business model canvas, technology architecture, development roadmap, along with strategic alliance, networking, and funding options - up to $4,000 in value.
TerraTap Technologies Inc. is a Canadian technology company owned and operated in New Westminster, BC since 2009. TerraTap develops mobile and web solutions that utilize open data, location based proximity technology, and the Internet of Things (IoT). TerraTap has won numerous entrepreneurial awards for their product neartuit.
With thanks to our sponsors and partners for this event!
The City of New Westminster makes the Eventbrite services available to you in a voluntary capacity. Please note that any personal information that you disclose to Eventbrite is stored on servers located in the United States and as such is subjected to U.S. Law. If you choose to use this service, your personal information will be used to track event registration and send you event reminders for City events you registered for. You may wish to review the Eventbrite privacy policy for more information before using this service. The City has the authority to collect personal information under Section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act. By registering for a City of New Westminster event on Eventbrite you are consenting to the collection of your personal information in this manner and for the purposes described above and to it being stored and accessed outside Canada. Should you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this personal information please contact Ruby Campbell, Intergovernmental and Community Partnerships Manager, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, V3L 1H9, 604-515-3821,
People Before Profit Hackathon #VancityHackathon
16 Feb - 06:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
Developers, designers, business developers, ideas people, or other enthusiasts! You're invited to participate in the People Before Profit Hackathon hosted by the Global Alliance for Banking on Values and Vancity. Come as a team, or from one at the event! You'll get 10 hours to design and prototype an app or website that demonstrates social good in the financial industry. Collaborate and compete for your share of a $5,000+ prize pool.
Hack for Humanity - Girls in Tech Vancouver x UBC
10 Feb - 10:00 AM
Vancouver, Canada
Hello Vancouver! Join us for the Girls in Tech x UBC Hack for Humanity. This hackathon will take place at The University of British Columbia from February 10-11th. Unique to Hack for Humanity, final hack presentations will take place at RED Academy prior to an after party. Expect prizes, food, and fun at the afterparty - complete with photographs to capture your experience. This is an event you do NOT want to miss!
This is not your typical two-day hackathon. Hack for Humanity an event brought to you by UBC Department of Computer Science and RED Academy to deliver Vancouver's first female-focused hackathon! Everybody is welcome, we encourage diverse groups to come together and create amazing projects. Mentorship will be available during the hackathon from industry professionals. Prizes will be rewarded in the best categories - to be announced.
Regardless of gender, age, or university you are welcomed to come!
Hack for Humanity is a two-day event, without the need to stay overnight to complete your project. Participants can go home for a good night's rest before final presentations at RED Academy.
Check in and attend our welcome ceremony at UBC on Day 1 to know when food is served and the rules to win awesome prizes! Come to RED Academy on Day 2 for judging, prizes, and an amazing after party.
We encourage everyone (18+) to join! The best innovations are made by diverse groups. All we ask is to have at least one female in your group. Feel free to come with a group or alone - Girls in Tech will help you find a group if needed! Don't be afraid to come out, make friends, and innovate.
Make sure to show your school spirit - wear some of your school swag. We want to show off the top tech talent across universities from the Lower Mainland!
*If you have dietary restrictions, please directly contact the event leads (contact in description)
We are Girls in Tech - Vancouver, a not-for-profit that supports and leverages its global Girls in Tech counterpart. We focus locally on the retention of young student and professional females in the technical industry. Retention encompasses many facets including: well-being, integrated business and technical education, and in general, empowering women by fostering a supportive and encouraging technical culture.
DAY 1 at UBC
9:45 AM Check-in and registration
10:00 AM Introduction and welcome
10:15 AM Hacking begins
7:30 PM End of day announcement
7:40 PM Instructions for Day 2
DAY 2 at RED Academy
2:00 PM Project submission deadline
2:30 PM Judging begins
4:00 PM Closing announcement
4:30 PM Winners announcement - distribute prizes!
5:00 PM After party and mixer - party snacks provided!
Space is limited so register ASAP. Remember you need to be over 18 to register.
Sign up to be a Girls in Tech Vancouver member:
Girls in Tech Vancouver Website:
Girls in Tech Global Website: