Showing results 1 to 10 out of 35
Hackcouver X QUP Kickoff Event
15 Dec - 06:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
High-school coders and entrepreneurs in the Greater Vancouver Area! If you're interested in learning more about Hackcouver 2020 hackathon -- Vancouver’s First High School Business Hackathon -- then you're invited to attend the Hackcouver X QUP Kickoff Event. At this event, you'll get to network with industry professionals and learn about the Hackathon. You'll also learn about Hackouver's parther QUP (pronounced Q-UP) QUP mobile game for high school students that allows them to practice curiosity and empathy, while earning fundraising dollars!
T-PRIME (NeurIPS social)
11 Dec - 07:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
t' ("t prime") is an open and inclusive space where researchers are engaged to share experience and ideas on tractable inference.
[SOLD OUT] Decentralization & Alternative Finance: A Holiday Panel Event
05 Dec - 06:30 PM
Vancouver, Canada
***SOLD OUT - join the waitlist for ticket updates & to stay posted to future ParTecK events.
About This Event
The ParTeck Collective + Friends invite you to a holiday event designed for creative (and cognitive) connections over the topic of decentralization and alternative finance.
If you’ve ever wondered what decentralization really means to your life, your organization or the greater culture you’re participating in, this evening is a great opportunity to dive in deep with other changemakers, thought leaders, and philosophers, including five speakers who are experts in their fields.
A huge holiday shout out to our partners the Human Data Commons foundation, ParTecK Network, Conscious Lab, Startup Vancouver, TransTech Vancouver, Stratos, Consciousness Hacking Vancouver and the Decentralized Dance Party (DDP) whose collective spirits will fill our cups over this holiday event to be remembered.
Ticket Etiquette
Capacity is limited, so we anticipate this free event will sell out before the day. If you reserve a ticket and can’t end up attending, please give us notice so we can extend it to someone else.
What to Wear//Prizes
The spirit of the DDP, we’ll be giving away some awesome prizes for best dressed. Your favourite funk attire; retro, onesies and neon are all fair game! Watch more of the DDP style on YouTube.
Arrivals @6:30pm. Dialogue kicks off @7p.m. at Conscious Lab in downtown Vancouver.
Our Speakers
Kris Constable is a globally recognized privacy and information security expert, CEO and advisor on digital security and responsible data practices. He is an advisor for several blockchain tech orgs and sits as a director of several non-profits, including PeaceGeeks. He is the founder of,, and several other community events, where he has often been described as a super-connector. He's currently prioritizing building privacy tools and technology for anyone doing legal business activities.
Mia Cosco, founder of Consciousness Hacking Vancouver, demonstrated her deep passion to heal hearts and minds by leading the first entheogenic research organization at her university at age 20. Since then, her impact has been profound, through activating conscious capital and advancing psychology to integrate the newest paradigms into science. She’s passionate about technology, wellness, and women's empowerment and sees decentralization as an intrinsic part of our emerging world.
MaRi Eagar is an award-winning digital future trends consultant whose focus for more than 15 years has involved distributed approaches to leadership and culture development and whose organization Digital Futures continues to rethink the distributed future of the digital economy. As a decentralized finance expert, she’s organized and spoke at a plethora of related events, including Blockstack Hackathon, DogeCon2018 and BC Blockchain Forum events.
Gary Lachance has been a tireless advocate of Radical Decentralization for over a decade, from the Burning Man playa to cities around the world. For the past 8 years, he has been operating the Decentralized Dance Party; a uniquely powerful demonstration that has united hundreds of thousands worldwide in revolutionary acts of shared experience. Gary’s ultimate goal is to host a Simultaneous Global dance Party and win the Nobel Peace Prize for Partying.
Scott Nelson is an integral futurist and open source evangelist. He founded one of Canada’s first web agencies and was an early adopter and promoter of decentralized digital currencies. His current focus is assisting in building structures that buttress the transition to Game B. He’s also the Founder & Co-Chair of the Human Data Commons foundation, a non-profit dedicated to equitable and sustainable digital futures.
Women in Emerging Tech Networking & Social
26 Nov - 06:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
This group is focused on empowering women in the new world of decentralized innovation and emerging technology with community events
XdHacks Mini 2019
23 Nov - 08:00 AM
Vancouver, Canada
XdHacks Mini is Western Canada's first high school Hackathon. November 23 + 24, 2019
Visit us at
Data visualizations
18 Nov - 06:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
Sharing stories from the Hackseq19 - Bioinformatics Hackathon in October. New packages we used and new tricks we learned from each other
BCIT & UVIC App Inventor Hackathon
16 Nov - 03:04 PM
Victoria, Canada
Students from BCIT and University of Victoriawill come face off in teams to create a web application to tackle climate change. Applications will be judged by numerous judges and be ranked. There are several prizes to be won. Students travelling from Metro Vancouver with valid student IDswill be provided with Hotel rooms in a local Hotel. This is a great oppurtunity as a student to add to your resume and expand your skills in design and development.
The event will be held on November 16th 2019 from 8 pm to the building next to the Victoria Convention Center.
SFU Beedie Business Analytics Hackathon 2019
16 Nov - 09:00 AM
Vancouver, Canada
Have a passion for analytics? Show us what you got for a chance to win cash prizes and swag at this year's BADM Hackathon!
DeCode Congestion Hackathon
08 Nov - 06:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
Developers, designers, data scientists and strategists are being invited to take part in the City of Vancouver's DeCode Congestion Hackathon. At this three day event, we’ll work together to combine data, technology, and talent to shape creative ideas to optimize street us for an efficient, safe and reliable transportation network.
Seaquam Hackathon 2019
02 Nov - 10:00 AM
Delta, Canada
Seaquam Secondary's first ever held hackathon will bring high-school students from all over British Columbia to solve a problem regarding climate change. You can go soloor create a team ofup to 5 people. You and your team members shouldbe currently in highschool. Participants will present an idea or a working model through code or some other form oftechnology to the respected judges. The winner will be decided by experienced computer teachers. There is a grand prize of 200$ for the winning team or the winning person. Also, there is a limit of 50 people for the competition so do not waste time and sign up!!!There will be a $5 addimission fee per personwhich will be donated to school resources and charities.