Showing results 21 to 30 out of 38
Blockchain Canada presents Ethereum in Action
12 Jun - 11:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Come attend a workshop and hackathon related to blockchain -- "the technology that makes Bitcoin work". Think blockchain is just about bitcoins? Join other coders, designers, and blockchainers and show how extend blockchains can go beyond fintech. Think out of the box and build prototype blockchain apps for voting systems, governance, decentralized social media, public services, content delivery, registries, proof of accomplishments, and much more.
AngelHack Toronto 2016
11 Jun - 09:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
AngelHack is coming to Manhatten with yet another hackathon to prove that anyone can code! No matter what age, race, gender, experience level, you are or have, you are perfectly able to create game changing applications and technologies that have never been imagined before. Creativity and willpower is the only thing that differentiates you. Mind and skill are what conquer all! Your challenge is simple. Build a technology that will have a positive impact on the world, people, or environment.
Connected Lab Presents: Watson-Powered Chatbots for Smart Devices Hackathon
03 Jun - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
Connected Lab, the global leader in connected software experiences, is hosting the Watson-Powered Chatbots for Smart Devices Hackathon at the Connected Lab’s Headquarters in Toronto, Ontario. This event will challenge you to create new experiences using conversational interfaces on the IBM Watson IoT Platform. There is a $10 registration fee to hold your spot, which will be refunded 100% when you arrive and teams will be assembled Friday night after the workshop. Bring your laptop, charger, and any other hardware you think you might need. You will be provided with dinner on Friday, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday.
Pathways: A Pakathon Baithak
29 May - 05:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
This is a hackathon to reconnect the Pakistani diaspora in Toronto with some of the issues affecting Pakistan to help create a worldwide community of change makers. Join this kickoff event to see poetry, visual, and performing arts to showcase issues in Pakistan such as women’s rights, health care, and education and create pathways that lead to addressing these controversial and difficult issues. Pakathon is a registered nonprofit community that inspires change makers around the world. The three-day hackathon will provide space in Toronto and connections in developed countries such as US and Canada, as well as, developing countries such as Pakistan to enable the change you want to make.
Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon Toronto
28 May - 10:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
The Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon Toronto is a hackathon dedicated to creating things that have absolutely no value. You are aloud to create whatever you want as long as it works and contributes nothing whatsoever to the world. Examples of useless ideas to work with are weird food delivery services, emoji intelligence, quicktime for Pegasi, millenial falcons, sensors, virtual fealty, the internet of bees, etc. You may come with a team or just meet new people to create a stupid, terrible idea that nobody needs! At the end of the day everyone will present their stupid terrible nonsense off at the Stupid Job Fair. A hardware library with cameras, Arduinos, Cutting Edge "Electronic" Sensors, and more will be made available to you for creating your stupid pointless garbage idea. Note, no tech expertiseis required, all progammers, designers, comedians, videographers, artists, thought leaders, ideationists, neolibertarian techno-utopian oversimplifiers, and fearless creaitives are invited!
06 May - 06:00 PM
Oakville, Canada
The HackHalton is a hackathon brought to you by Haltech, Sheridan College, and, TechUnder 20. This event will aim to provide you with an open data hackathon focused on improving quality of life in the Halton region through turning data into insights in order for you to produce useful solutions through collaborative software engineering.
GO Open Data 2016
06 May - 08:00 AM
Markham, Canada
VentureLAB is hosting the 4th annual GO OPEN DATA CONFERENCE 2016 (GOOD16), supporting innovative entrepreneurs, many of whom use open data to build businesses based on open data or create disruptive solutions to an existing problem. The theme for this year's conference is "Better Living Through Open Data." Focusing on how open data can be used to create innovative solutions and new businesses that help address community problems such as transportation or affordable housing. Anyone is welcome to join this event, open data is the potential to create a better future for everyone!
Toronto NASA Space apps challenge 2016
22 Apr - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
The International NASA Space apps challenge is a yearly hackathon which runs for three days in over 130 cities around the world simultaneously. Come as a developers, makers, engineers or entrepreneurs and take on the NASA-designed challenges, creating solutions that range from silly to serious, fantastical to feasible!
[D]congestant Hackathon Toronto
01 Apr - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
This hackathon invites all Canadian residents over the age of 18 to come and find solutions to tackle the congestion that plagues the rush hour commutes of thousands of employees in Toronto. This will be done by using a policy + technology approach and working with the Mayor's office as well as half a dozen public and private employers, [D]congestant will aim to reduce the countless productive hours lost to traffic every day. It does not matter if you are a developer or a designer, the winning idea will be selected based on potential impact!
March Break Storybook Hackathon
18 Mar - 10:00 AM
North York, Canada
Let your creative 8-10 year old become part of a digital storytelling adventure at this kid friendly hackathon, 3-hour workshop held by the New Media students of Ryerson University. Kids ages 8-10 will be introduced to the world of art and technology by teaching them various softwares such as Pixlr, iMovie and Scratch Programming to develop an interactive story. Inspired by Ryerson University’s Story Hackathon and the META art show, kids will be put into teams and will be given a hackathon challenge, on which they will have to work together to create the most inspiring and creative storybook experience! They will also get a glimpse on how to create wonderful works of interactive art, similar to how the artists are making their pieces in the upcoming Ryerson META art show!