Showing results 91 to 93 out of 93
ProtoHack Toronto: OpenEd Hacks
  26 Jan - 05:00 PM
  Toronto, Canada
Techie and business students in and around Toronto! ProtoHack Toronto invites you to participate in OpenEd Hacks: Innovating for Education -- an innovation challenge that connects students with startups to reinvent education through technology, data, and design. You can choose to work on your own project or work on a challenge presented by one of the event's startup partners.
GBC Toronto Global Game Jam 2018
  26 Jan - 04:00 PM
  Toronto, Canada
Gaming enthusiasts in and around Toronto, Canada! The George Brown College chapter of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA GBC) invites you to come and participate in the Toronto location of the Global Game Jam. At this, the world's largest game jam event, you can collaborate with like-minded gamer techies to create awesome new games! You're invited to explore new technology tools and testing your skills by designing, creating and testing your own new game — all in less than 48 hours.
Hacking Health Hackathon
  20 Jan - 09:00 AM
  Toronto, Canada
Hackers, innovators, entrepreneurs, ideas people, creative types, and social disruptors. You can be a student or a working professional -- it doesn't matter! You're invited to participate in a Hacking Health Hackathon -- Hacking Self! You'll be challenged to spend a full day designing and building something that's useful for yourself and others. Pitch your project to a panel of judges for a chance to be a winner.