Showing results 1 to 10 out of 12
2018 Holiday Social (Centre for Biomedical Research, Victoria Health Hackathon, VILS, NSERC)
12 Dec - 06:30 PM
Victoria, Canada
Please join us for the Victoria Health Hackathon Holiday Social! This is VILS's "XMas party" this year, thanks to the kind inclusion of Vancouver Island Life Sciences in the Centre for Biomedical Research's Hackathon Social, in partnership with NSERC. Please join us for holiday cheer & snacks, while continuing conversations about the challenges, solutions and future ideas raised in the Victoria Health Hackathon, as well as general life sciences networking as always at VILS gatherings! If you have not already, stay informed on VILS events as well as community events such as those the Centre for Biomedical Research puts on, by signing up for the VILS mailing list at For questions about the event organisation, please contact or Legal note: Please ensure you register and obtain a ticket, since in compliance with BC's antiquated liquor laws, this is a private event by invitation/registration only.  
    Social Innovation Start-Up
    17 Nov - 11:00 AM
    Are you interested in social innovation? Start-ups?Or perhaps you just love brainstorming!We have the perfect event for you. Enactus Edinburgh is hosting a social enterprise Hackathon and we need you!Whether your motivation is solving world hunger, eradicating poverty, improving access to education- all ideas and inputs are welcome.Join us for free lunch, exposure to socially driven businesses and best of all, like-minded people with innovative ideas. 
      Emerging Media Creative Challenge (EM2C)
      09 Nov - 07:00 PM
      Vancouver, Canada
      Emerging Media Creative Challenge (EM2C) is not your average hackathon - it is a next-generation technological and creative event. Over the course of 48 hours, participants will implement emerging media to create tools that enhance teaching & learning. At the end of the event, attendees are given the opportunity to showcase their projects to other participants and present it to a team of experts. We believe that only through interdisciplinary collaboration can the future of emerging media truly shine. Students from all fields of study are welcome to participate!  Thank you to our sponsors:  UBC School of Biomedical Engineering UBC IT Audio Visual Support
        "Everyday Hackathons" - October 30, 2018
        30 Oct - 09:00 AM
        Vancouver, Canada
        The NoW-Academy will decipher these two, all too common terms (hackathon and design thinking), and give you the tools to effectively utilize them! This 1-day bootcamp will inspire you to lead ongoing mini-hackathons that are anchored in principles of design thinking. Participants will see first hand the power of collaborative ideation and rapid prototyping that can be applied "everyday". This is a highly experiential workshop that will catapult your innovative mindset!
          "Everyday" Hackathons - October 27, 2018
          27 Oct - 09:00 AM
          Vancouver, Canada
          The NoW-Academy will decipher these two, all too common terms (hackathon and design thinking), and give you the tools to effectively utilize them! This 1-day bootcamp will inspire you to lead ongoing mini-hackathons that are anchored in principles of design thinking. Participants will see first hand the power of collaborative ideation and rapid prototyping that can be applied "everyday". This is a highly experiential workshop that will catapult your innovative mindset!
            Hack The Hackathon
            19 Sep - 06:00 PM
            Vancouver, Canada
            It's a high pressure, high stakes environment, and you can't afford to waste a minute! What's the best way to plan your project, manage your time, utilise your mentors and lead your team over 28 hours of an action-packed hackathon?? Lucky for you, we've assembled a team of top-level hackathon enthusiasts, to help you Join us for an evening crash-course in ideas generation, design inception, rapid-prototyping, storytelling and presentation, all geared towards bringing you to the finish line for your next hackathon. Alongside our winning team of hackathon tutors, we've teamed up with VanHACKS and Vancouver Startup Week to prepare you for first-place in your next hackathon and every hack after that! We'll also be serving coffe and snacks - everything you need to get your hack-brain going! Where: RED Academy Vancouver Cost: $5. All proceeds from this event will go to The School Fund, a charitable organization that gives scholarships to children in developing countries. This event is supported by VanHacks ahead of Vancouver Startup Week. Sign up to VanHacks before seats fill up!
              VANquish Collisions Hackathon
              07 Sep - 06:00 PM
              Vancouver, Canada
              Calling all strategists, technologists and data geeks! We want your data-based solutions to help us reach zero transportation related fatalities and serious injuries. Help us VANquish Collisions for good! Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three ideas!
              Blockchain@UBC Mini-Conference on The Future of Blockchain and TALENT+INNOVATION Showcase
              25 May - 09:00 AM
              Vancouver, Canada
              The mini-conference and showcase which will take place on May 25th on the last day of UBC’s Blockchain Summer Institute (May 14-25th), and just before a two-day Blockathon (Blockchain Hackathon for Social Good) and feature high profile international innovators and thought leaders and a TALENT+INNOVATION showcase that will bring students who have been participating in the Blockchain Summer Institute together with local and international industry partners for networking around jobs and internship opportunities.   Agenda: 8:30: Registration 9:00 – Open and Welcome – Dr. Victoria Lemieux, Blockchain@UBC 9:30 - “The Future of Blockchain: Perspectives on Bitcoin”- Dr. Shin’Ichiro Matsuo 10:00 – “The Future of Blockchain: An Ethereum Perspective” – Bob Summerwill 10:30 – “The Future of Land Transaction on the Blockchain” – Michael Graglia 11:00 – Coffee break 11:30 - “Does Blockchain have a Governance Problem?” – Dr. Angela Walch 12:00 – “Does Blockchain Have a Future?” – Mark Bell 12:30 – Panel Discussion 1:00 – Networking and Lunch  2:00 – TALENT+INNOVATION SHOWCASE 5:00 – Close – Dr. Victoria Lemieux Speakers are highly-respected international innovators and thought leaders on blockchain and distributed ledger technology. Dr. Shin’Ichiro Matsuo:  Dr. Matsuo is Professor of Research at Georgetown University, Advisor on Financial Cryptography to the Director of the MIT Media Lab, and a Research Follow at Keio University in Tokyo.  His area of research is in cryptography and information security. He has made extensive contributions to technology standards: as an editor of three ISO/IEC standards on cryptographic protocols (Anonymous entity authentication ISO/IEC2009-2, secret sharing (ISO/IEC19592-1) and Verification of Cryptographic Protocols(ISO/IEC29128)), and contributed to IETF standardization of TLS1.3 on the security evaluation. He also founded an international consortium on security evaluation of cryptographic protocols, so called "CELLOS"​ consortium. US, UK, Estonian, French, and Japanese universities, research institutes, company and individuals participate this consortium. He has proposed a new hash specification suitable for real information systems, which was presented at 2nd cryptographic hash workshop held by NIST. He is providing academic contributions to emerging “Blockchain” technology by constructing, an international academic neutral research test network for blockchain technology, which has a similar role as NSFNet for the Internet development. The University of British Columbia is a participant in this network.   Dr. Angela Walch:  Angela Walch is an Associate Professor at St. Mary’s University School of Law. Her research focuses on money and the law, blockchain technologies, governance of emerging technologies and financial stability. She is a Research Fellow of the Centre for Blockchain Technologies of University College London. She has presented her research at Harvard Law School, University College London and with the Modern Money Network at Columbia Law School, among others. Her work on blockchain technologies has appeared in the NYU Journal of Legislation & Public Policy and in American Banker. Walch was nominated for “Blockchain Person of the Year” for 2016 by Crypto Coins News for her work on the governance of blockchain technologies and her influential article in American Banker arguing that the coders and miners of public blockchains should be treated as fiduciaries. Prior to joining the faculty at St. Mary’s, Walch practiced corporate law at the firm of Ropes & Gray in Boston, for which her practice included venture capital, life sciences and emerging companies work. After Ropes & Gray, she served as an attorney in the Office of the General Counsel at Harvard University. While at Harvard, she advised on general transactional matters and federal grants for international projects. Walch also practiced transactional law in London, where she worked in-house for Sainsbury’s (a large British supermarket chain) and served as general counsel for Brand Events, a venture-backed consumer events company that produced premier events (Taste of London, Top Gear Live) around the world.   Michael Graglia:  Michael Graglia is the director of the Future of Property Rights initiative at New America. Graglia comes from a career in international development and strategy that has seen him in finance at the Gates Foundation, program evaluation at BCG, developing a global tertiary education network at the World Bank Group, managing a national refugee program for the International Catholic Migration Commission in Zimbabwe, and teaching math in Peace Corps Namibia where he founded a scholarship program to fund women's education. Graglia has an MBA from Columbia University where he was a Bronfman Fellow, an MA in Southeast Asian studies from Johns Hopkins SAIS where his studies were supported by the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans. Graglia studied mathematics and computer science at Gonzaga University, S.J.   Bob Summerwill:  Bob Summerwill is a community leader for the Ethereum Project, serving as Enterprise Ethereum's lead architect and a member of ConsenSys, Community Ambassador for the Sweetbridge Project and an advisor to Varro Technologies, and a founding member of the Ethereum Enteprise Alliance, established to create open standards and protocols for the Ethereum blockchain network.  He first met Vitalik Buterin in 2014 and has been actively involved in the Ethereum project since 2015.  He has been building bridges to enterprise and towards mainstream adoption since 2016. Originally from the UK, he has lived in Vancouver since 2003, and is now a dual citizen of Canada and the UK.   Mark Bell:  Mark Bell is a Digital Researcher at The UK National Archives. Previous to this role, Mark has over 20 years of experience working with database technologies in industries such as telecoms and banking, as well as in government. At The National Archives Mark led the research for the Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project, ‘Traces through Time’, tackling the challenges of identifying individuals in historical documents. His research interests include dealing with uncertainty in data, automated text recognition, and Distributed Ledger Technology, and he is TNA’s lead researcher on their Archangel project, which explores the long-term sustainability of digital archives though the design, development and trialling of transformational new distributed ledger technology (DLT) to promote accessibility and ensure integrity of content, whilst maximizing its impact through novel business models for commodification and open access.
                PMI-Vancouver Island 2018 Professional Development Conference
                30 Apr - 07:30 AM
                Victoria, Canada
                A two day PMI-VI Project Management Professional Development Conference featuring 8 engaging speakers   Day 1- April 30, 2018   An extraordinary Opening Breakfast Session (doors open at 7:30, we ask that attendees be seated with their breakfast by 8:00am)   8:10am - 9:25am The 8 myths that are restricting the PMOs to provide real value – Enter PMO Value Ring Ricardo Triana (Miami, Florida)   We are honoured to welcome Ricardo Triana, the President of Practical Thinking Group and 2014 PMI Global Board of Directors Chairman, who will challenge the audience on their previous ideas about PMO. During this breakfast session, participants will figure out how to design a PMO truly committed to create value, and understand why we must debunk the myths that destroy the PMO’s value.   9:35am - 10:50am The Challenges of Strategy & Culture in Project Management Karen Smits (Singapore) As a proven international speaker, and a Global Thinker in Organizational Culture with Practical Thinking Group, Karen focuses on the people side of project management. This presentation will help the audience recognize the dynamics between strategy and culture in project management, gain deeper insight into the Collabyrinth1, and obtain essential solutions on how organizations can align strategy with organizational culture and interpersonal relationships to achieve optimal project results. 11:15am - 12:15pm  Executive Panel Discussion: Project and Program Sponsorship   1:15pm - 2:30pm  The Importance of Project Management Ethics: They Aren’t Negotiable Paul Pelletier (Vancouver, BC)   Back by popular demand, Paul will enable participants to understand what ethical decision-making is and how it impacts people, work, and organizational success. More specifically, it will enable participants to define business and PM ethics and discuss why it is an important topic, highlight ethical obligations as a PMP, and distinguish morals, values, principles and ethics from each other.   3:00pm - 4:15pm  Business Hackathon: Accelerating Organization Performance Brian Richardson  (Chicago, Ill)      As President of a professional services firm dedicated to helping clients improve human performance and create lasting, successful change, Brian will describe the benefits of using collaborative events to drive change, innovation and agility in your organization. Attendees will learn to apply collaborative techniques for problem solving and solution development, and the steps for hosting a business “hackathon” at your organization.     Day 2 -  May 1, 2018   8:00 - 9:00 am Networking Breakfast   9:00am - 10:15am  How To Get Executives To Act For Project Success Michael O’Brochta  (Roanoke, Virginia) Understand why projects are now more dependent on an executive, and Identify the actions they can take to help your project succeed. Learn how you can use your power to influence the executive to act and understand how a project management council and a project champion role are key methods project managers can use to amplify their power.   10:45am - 12:00pm   Robotic Telepresence – Coming to a Meeting Near You! Kathy Milhauser  (Portland, Oregon)   We are all familiar with the stress of too many meetings, and the pressure to be in “two places at once” – requiring us to juggle meetings, video conferences, phone calls, and other obligations in our increasingly crowded and often overbooked schedules. But what if you COULD be in two places at once? Robotic telepresence technology is an emerging trend that will soon be coming to a meeting near you. Join us to experience it in this interactive workshop and discuss the many possibilities for its use.   1:00pm - 2:15pm   PM Lessons Learned from the Trenches of a Mega Project Shane Zbrodoff  (Calgary, AB)    Shane will provide attendees with valuable insight into a PM’s challenges, and lessons learned taken from a large ($1.6B) and complex facility mega construction project. (Calgary International Airport Expansion). This project encountered many micro successes and failures, with some of the issues attributed to differences in PM practices, cross PM disciplines (e.g. IT and Construction), with additional problems stemming from differences in human, departmental and institutional factors. Attendees can expect valuable takeaways applicable to both large and small projects of varying complexities. 2:45pm - 4:00pm   Forecasting Programs Eric Uytewaal (Ottawa, ON)   This presentation is based on Eric Uyttewaal’s new textbook ‘Forecasting Programs’ published in January 2018. Program managers who try managing a program like a project are doomed to fail: Program management has its own techniques and tools. So, what are those? That is what this presentation is about: Eric and his team developed special techniques and special applications specifically for program managers which  allow program managers to forecast their programs, and take corrective action early.   4:00pm - 4:30pm - Q&A, CLOSING REMARKS                          
                  Mission Hack in Vancouver
                  15 Mar - 05:59 PM
                  Vancouver, Canada
                  Mission Hack is an opportunity to submit an application to be selected as a contributor of The Settlement Project and an architect of New Earth. Applicants will need to prototype a technology that solves a problem for life on New Earth in one of four categories: - Human Ambition - New Economy - Infrastructure - Healthy Economy Free event - registration required at