Showing results 11 to 20 out of 76
Global - Toronto BrainHack 2019
13 Nov - 08:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
BrainHacks are collaborative events that focus on the open sharing of ideas, models, code, and data.
Hacking Health Hamilton | Hackathon 2019
08 Nov - 06:00 PM
Hamilton, Canada
Pitch ideas, form teams, get advice from experts, and build a useable solution to address the users' problems over the course of a weekend. Sunday afternoon demo your solution in front of a panel of judges for a chance of winning some fantastic prizes!
Hacking Health fosters collaborative innovation by engaging key groups of stakeholders, such as healthcare professionals, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and patients, to create human-centric solutions to improve the health of our communities. Our weekend hackathons are fun, intense, hands-on events where small teams tackle tough problems in a supportive community of peers and mentors.
PARTICIPATEPitch Your Ideas on SparkboardAs soon as you get you register for the hackathon, go to Hacking Health Hamilton 2019 Sparkboard where you can either pitch your project ideas, describing them briefly and their skill requirements (designer, developer, medical expert, etc), or find a pitch/project idea that interests you or that matches your skills.
See a pitch/project idea that interests you or that matches your skills? Click on the board for further details and click on the Join button near the bottom to support the idea. Joining a project does not automatically assign you to that team, but shows your interest in the idea. (Teams are created on Friday evening of the Hackathon when you choose, after the pitches, which team you would like to work with.)
Need inspiration on making a pitch? Check out last year's Sparkboard. You can also visit previous Hacking Health Hackathon success stories.
Here are steps on how to use Sparkaboard to create a project or join an existing team.
Weekend at a GlanceRegistration: Your registration fee includes a t-shirt and covers all meals.
Teams: Teams will be formed Friday evening.
Judges: Our judging panel is made up of healthcare innovators, educators, and hackathon pros.
Maggie Bergeron
Co-Founder & CEO of Embodia
Paul Brown
Manager, Architecture and Data at Hamilton Health Science
Robert DeWitte
Entrepreneurial Sr Exec
Riya Karumanchi
Founder & CEO, SmartCanes
Nav Kaur, Ph.D
Angel Investor
Zack ZL Technovations
Founder, ZL Technovation
Steve Pereira
Founder, Visible
Dora Laurent
Innovation Consultant
Navita Dyal
Healthcare Innovator
Lisa Sawada
Adam Kinsman Ph.D
McMaster University
Vinai Bhagirath
Assistant Professor, McMaster University
Bring: Your laptop (and charger!), skills and ideas. Come with a collaborative, team-focused mindset.
Share: Your experience on social media using the hashtags #hackingHealth #HamOnt
Multiple Skill Sets Required: Developers, Designers, Healthcare Professionals, Students, Researchers, Product Managers, Business Development, Marketing, Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Mentors, Meta Users
Restrictions:If you have any dietary or mobility restrictions, please inform us when you register.
Go Green: Bring your own water bottle and coffee/tea mug. Reduce the number of plastic bottles and coffee cups that enter into the local landfill.
Be volunteers at this special weekend
Volunteering is a great way to connect with your community, explore career options, share your passion with others and create changes in the Hamilton community.
Register as a volunteer.
Sponsor this special weekend
Each year, our sponsors help Hacking Hacking Hamilton unite emerging healthcare professionals, developers, designers, business people, and educators. Our sponsors make it possible for participants to present and build something they’re proud of.
Interested in sponsoring? Contact us
Terms of Participation AgreementBy attending the Hackathon you are bound by the terms set forth.
Be excellent to each other during the Hackathon. Mean-spirited attitudes, behaviours and any form of harassment will not be tolerated. You agree to our code of conduct.
By participating in the event, you grant Hacking Health Hamilton permission to capture photos and/or videos of the event.
Questions or Comments?
For more information, visit our website at
Twitter: @HHHamOnt
Instagram: @hhhamont
Cybersecurity Expert Speakers + $100k Hackathon Challenge Hosted by IronCAP
06 Nov - 04:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
Coming soon
Note: This event is for people who work in or invest in technology/innovation, specifically cyber and network security for companies of all sizes, including vendors. Please include all of your information when you sign up for a ticket otherwise your ticket may be cancelled.
Audi RED Hackathon - Kickoff
04 Nov - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
In a world of black and white, be RED.
Powered by Audi Canada and BIMM, RED is a collaboration between designers, developers, and experience creators who share a common goal: to create meaningful, purposeful products for the real world.
We want you to participate in the first RED Hackathon, a 4-week competition where you can jam on a side gig with your team, tackling the area of MOBILITY AS A SERVICE, and pitch your prototype/idea/concept at the final session.
Not only are there Audi prizes on the line, you also have the chance to actually bring your idea to life with the support of our RED team. Winning ideas may actually be incubated by Audi and the RED initiative to be brought to market as part of Audi’s new digital infrastructure.
Time:Register and intro - 6PM to 8PMTeam sessions - 8PM to 9:30PM
Speakers:Representatives from Audi, BIMM, and your peers in the Canadian Innovation space
If you sign up for the kickoff, following the kickoff event will be the
Inspiration Event
Date: Thursday November 21st
Location: BIMM offices in the Distillery
Time: 7PM to 9PM
Speakers: Silvercar, Electrify Canada, others TBD
Pitch Event:
Date: Thursday December 5th
Location: The old CNR Office building, 453 Cherry Street, Toronto, ON, M5A 1H1
Time: Register and intro - 6PM to 7PM, Pitch - 7PM to 9PM, Winner circle - after 9PM
Ongoing Huddles:
Date: Every Thursday in between
Location: Likely a local pub - details TBD
Time: Open hours for you to jam with stakeholders, bounce ideas, and receive guidance and feedback along the way.
Guidance: Stakeholders from Audi, BIMM, and others
Viz for Social Good Toronto Hackathon
26 Oct - 10:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Join Charity Intelligence Canada and Viz for Social Good Toronto Chapter for a Hackathon to visualize data about Canadian charities.
FaithTech Waterloo 24H Hackathon
25 Oct - 07:00 PM
Kitchener, Canada
Join us in Kitchener Waterloo for 24 hours of building innovative tech solutions to local and global problems.
Sun Life - Data and Analytics Hackathon
25 Oct - 08:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Sun Life - Data and Analytics Hackathon
Genesys Hackathon - Prizes: MS Surface Go, Osmo Pocket, AirPods, Focals by North
19 Oct - 11:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
We are charging an initial fee of $5 to register.
You will receive a FULL REFUND after you have checked in at our registration table on the day of the event.
Photos from Last Year's Hackathon:
Teams should be constructed of 3 or less. There are a limited number of spots available for this event (cap of 20 teams). We are expecting a large number of applicants to register, and will be going through a selection process of identifying and vetting qualified participants by using a screening system.
You and your team will receive an email about 3 weeks prior to the event letting you know if you have been accepted to participant based on our selection process. If you have been selected, you will receive an email ~1 week prior to the event with more information about the theme of the Hackathon. If you are not selected, you will receive a full refund.
We will be taking photos and recording parts of the event to share the experience with the community. By entering the venue, you are allowing us to post and share the photos taken (unless you have notified us prior to the event).
All Participants will Receive:
Opportunity to create something innovative
Two days of Hacking
Generous amount of food and drinks
Opportunity to win various prizes
T-shirt and SWAG
You will need to bring your own laptop
Top 3 Prizes:
Note: the number of prizes depend on the number of members in your team. Each team member will receive ONE of the respective prizes.
Additional Giveaways:
2x Focals by North (Smart Glasses) given away to individuals chosen at random during the event
Two-Day Schedule:
11:00 - 11:30 AM - Registration
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM - Introduction & Training
12:30 PM - Hacking Starts
2:30 PM - Lunch
8:00 PM - Dinner
10:00 AM - Brunch
12:30 PM - Hacking Ends
12:30 - 2:30 PM - Presentations / Judging
2:30 - 3:00 PM - Judges Deliberate
3 PM - Top 3 teams announced
Agritech Hackathon
18 Oct - 05:00 PM
Lincoln, Canada
Bringing together individuals, businesses and educational institutions to find solutions to challenges for the agriculture sector
2019 NASA Space Apps hackathon - Kitchener Waterloo region
18 Oct - 05:00 PM
Kitchener, Canada
SkyWatch is proud to announce the return of the NASA International Space Apps Challenge to the Waterloo region, from October 19 - 21, 2018. This year’s hackathon will attract many of Waterloo’s top tech talent – developers, makers, citizen scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs – who will work non-stop for 48 hours to address NASA-designed challenges.
Waterloo joins nearly 200 other cities hosting their own Space Apps Challenges that weekend, for an estimated total of 25,000 global participants, making it the largest hackathon in the Universe. Two winning solutions from the Waterloo challenge will move on to compete with other winners from across the globe, to be judged at NASA headquarters.
More info about Space Apps KW 2019 at
This event is completely free to attend. We are also collecting donations for a local charity: oneROOF, should you choose to.
oneROOF Youth Services is committed to providing for the safety, support and overall well-being of youth who are experiencing homelessness, and youth who are at-risk of homelessness, aged 12-25, in Waterloo Region.
Space belong to all. We welcome all and everyone. Whether you are a coder extraordinaire, a rocket scientist, or simply a student with an affinity for space, you have a place here.
There is no minimum age for participation in Space Apps, and many youth and children have participated in past events. We only note that participants under 13 must have a parent or guardian register for them and attend with them.
Participants will need to register as individuals, not teams. Participants will form project teams at Space Apps events and teams will submit their projects by creating a project page on the day of the hackathon.
Welcome! Participants of all skill levels will be there. We’ll have talks, mentors and workshops to help you with your project; hackathons can be a great place to learn new skills in a short amount of time. Just be eager to learn, and excited to meet lots of awesome people.
Absolutely not, Space Apps projects don't have to be apps. We need people with all types of skills to participate! Teams need project managers, designers, artists, educators, writers - anyone who can help advance the cause. You can contribute! Participants in the event will collaborate to build software, open hardware, data visualization, and citizen science platform solutions that contribute to solving global challenges that focus on improving life on earth. In fact, most teams will benefit from having non-programmers working with them.
Please feel free to email us, message us on Twitter.