Showing results 41 to 50 out of 55
Hack 4 Health
04 Mar - 10:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Graduate students of public policy, public health, urban planning, engineering, and computer science in the Greater Toronto area! The Policy and Innovation Initiative invites you to sign up to participate in Hack 4 Health! You'll be challenged to apply your technical skills and creativity to design and prototype a solution to one of three burning public health issues: 1.Alleviating pressures in downtown hospitals, particularly with the expected growth downtown. 2.Rural Service Delivery, or 3.Exploring the viability of alternative models for delivering medicine.
CodeAcross Toronto 2017
04 Mar - 09:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Designers, coders, urban planners, government staff, mappers, policymakers, students, communications strategists! Civic Tech Toronto invites you to sign up to participate in the CodeAcross Toronto 2017 hackathon. You'll be challenged to collaborate with like minded individuals to leverage open data sets to create innovative solutions to problems facing cities, non-profits and community groups. You'll get to address your choice of problem from a set that includes: »The Ontario Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development (MAESD) wants to create a tool to help job seekers better understand which degrees lead to which occupations and salaries. »The City of Toronto’s Transportation Big Data Innovation Team is looking for an interactive dashboard to tell the story of traffic speeds in Toronto. »The Landlord and Tenant Board of Ontario is looking for a simple, easy to navigate platform that allows the parties (the landlord or tenant) to communicate with each other.
DementiaHack Toronto 2017
04 Mar - 08:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Hackers in the Greater Toronto area! You're invited to sign up to participate in DementiaHack Toronto 2017. At the hackathon, you'll be challenged to conceive and develop life-improving hardware and software solutions for those living with dementia and their caregivers. You can choose to address one of the following four challenge sets (CS): »CS1: Help diagnosed individuals »CS2: Help family caregivers »CS3: Help institutional caregivers/clinicians »CS4: Help scientists and researchers
Unearthed Toronto 2017 Hackathon
03 Mar - 05:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
The Unearthed Toronto 2017 hackathon is a 54-hour long open innovation event for Canadian software developers, engineers, data scientists, UX designers, and industry insiders. You're invited to participateandto design and develop prototype solutions to core energy and resources sector challenges. Compete for cash prizes and real business opportunities! If you don’t have a team, you can join one at the prelaunch event or at the event. Participants will have a chance to work on real industry data from Barrick Gold — the world's largest gold mining company. The hackathon expert tips pageis a useful source for practical info on participating in the Unearthed event!
Unearthed Toronto Info Session
23 Feb - 05:30 PM
Toronto, Canada
Software developers, data scientists, engineers, designers, entrepreneurs, and resources industry insiders in the Greater Toronto Area! Prior to the upcoming Unearthed Toronto 2017 hackathon, you're invited to attend an info session to learn about the Hackathon event's challenges, and to discuss the opportunities on offer. Anyone who has already signed up for the Hackathon or anyone who is interested in taking part should attend this session. Maximize your event experience with help from our tips page!
IEEE Hardware Hackathon
18 Feb - 09:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Hardware enthusiasts! The University of Toronto Student Branch of the IEEE invites you to participate in the Hardware Hackathon. You don't have to be an expert — everyone's invited — from beginner to veteran. You'll come as a team of two, or form a team at the event. Just bring your creativity and showcase your skills in this 12-hour event.
Fraser Hacks
18 Feb - 09:00 AM
Mississauga, Canada
High school students in Mississauga! Want to participate in Mississauga's high school student led hackathon? You don't have to be an expert coder — students at all skill levels can participate. You'll be challenged to build a prototype that solves a problem related to school pains. Present your solution to a panel of judges and compete to win awesome prizes.
Deep Health Hackathon
17 Feb - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
University student hackers in the Greater Toronto area! TechXplore invites you to participate in the Deep Health Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and implement machine learning algorithms on MedChart medical data. Your project will be expected to create data baselines and also develop new insights into what the data is revealing.
11 Feb - 09:00 AM
Mississauga, Canada
High school student's in Mississauga! Want to participate in on Mississauga's first high school student led hackathon? Prove your coding skills and get an exclusive spot at this event. You don't have to be an expert coder — students at all skill levels can participate. You just have to be interested in computer science. The theme of this year's event is "school pains"! So sign up now. You'll be presented with a problem related to school pains and you will be challenged to build a prototype that solves the problem. You'll present your solution to a panel of judges and compete to win awesome prizes.
greenHACK 2017
04 Feb - 08:00 AM
Innisfil, Canada
Makers, entrepreneurs, social innovators and students from Georgian College and Lakehead University! Interested in the application of technology to environmental issues? The Henry Bernick Entrepreneurship Centre invites you to sign up and participate in the greenHACK 2017 hackathon. You'll learn lots of stuff that will help you, including idea creation, value propositions, lean startup methodology, customer validation, and making the perfect pitch. You'll network and collaborate with like-minded individuals to come up with solutions to environmental challenges.