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Bear Hackathon
09 Apr - 05:30 PM
Whitehorse, Canada
An Evening of Community-led Innovation hosted by WildWise Yukon in partnership with NorthLight Innovation
Wild Wise Yukon has been working for several years on ways to reduce conflicts between humans and bears. Some problems don’t seem to go away and we are looking for your help!
We are seeking ideas from creative Yukoners to help reduce human-bear conflict:
Challenge: Is there a cost-effective way to retrofit existing Whitehorse garbage or compost carts to make them bear-resistant?
Challenge: Many Yukon homes lack a garage or shed to store garbage safely. Is there a cost-effective way of designing bear-resistant storage? Perhaps big enough for polycarts?
Challenge: How would an early warning alarm system for unattended picnic coolers work?
Challenge: Some homeowners with a garage choose not to store their garbage (e.g. polycarts) inside their garage. Can we find out why and solve the problem or change the behaviour?
Date: Tuesday April 9th 5:30-9:00 PM
Location: Northlight Innovation, 2180 2nd Ave, Whitehorse
Dinner and beverages will be available during the event!