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TechTown Dubrovnik
  26 Sep - 08:00 AM
  Dubrovnik, Croatia
Join the 6th transnational TechTown meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia on 26th and 27th September 2017.  Meeting theme: Growing jobs through the smart city agenda How can cities ensure that they maximise the local jobs creation potential linked to delivering smart city agendas?  How can they avoid larger multinationals reaping all the rewards and ensure that cities  grow indigenous digital businesses and local jobs?  What role could local city challenges, hackathons play?  What role could public procurement play? What does good governance look like? Political leadership? Public private partnership? How can cities ensure that the LOCAL job creation potential from smart cities are maximised? How can cities create 'living labs' or 'test beds' for new intelligent city solutions? General aims of the meeting: • To better understand Dubrovnik's digital ecosystem• To review issues coming from initial draft IAP's and discuss solutions to shared challenges identified through skype calls • To remind partners of the final thematic focus for TechTown and work plan through to Spring 2018 • To discuss TechTown Communications work and Final Dissemination Events (local and network-level)• To discuss URBACT programme level capitalisation work Day 1 – Tuesday 25th September - please arrive Monday 24th September Just TechTown Partners  DRAFT AGENDA SUBJECT TO CHANGE Day 1 08:30  Meet at hotel reception and travel to venue 09:00  Arrivals  09:15  Welcome & introductions 09:30  Setting the scene  09:45  Getting back in the room - ULG / IAP updates - speed dating / mini pitches / front page? 11:00  Break 11:20  Where next with the IAPs - workshop on how to maximise impact 12:30  Onsite Buffet Lunch 13:30  Communications - local and project level events and outputs 14:45  Project pitching Each city has 5 minutes to present future project / partnership ideas Discussion of future activity 15:45  Break 16:00 Partnership meeting for ULG Coordinators only Programme level update Update on discussions with other networks Discussion of November meeting - Loop City (23 & 24 November 2017) Any other business 17:00  Close  18.30/19.00  Meet  for tour of the old town followed by dinner Day 2 TechTown Partners + Dubrovnik ULG and other stakeholders 08:30  Meet at hotel to travel to venue 09:00  Introductions Key Questions How can cities ensure that they maximise the local jobs creation potential linked to delivering smart city agendas?  How can they avoid larger multinationals reaping all the rewards and ensure that cities grow indigenous digital businesses and local jobs?  What role could local city challenges, hackathons play?  What role could public procurement play? What does good governance look like? Political leadership? Public private partnership? How can cities ensure that the LOCAL job creation potential from smart cities are maximised? How can cities create 'living labs' or 'test beds' for new intelligent city solutions? 09:20 Dubrovnik introduction (Alisa, Niksa and Team) Context, Challenges and Specific Objective for TechTown Action Plan 10:00  Walkshop  11:30  Break 12:00  Walkshop continued 13:00  Networking lunch  14:00  Interactive exercise - What is the role of the city when it comes to growing jobs through the smart city agenda? What does this mean for TechTown cities? 15:30  Back to the question: What can medium sized cities do to grow jobs through the smart city agenda - Learning & Action Grids 16:30  Debrief and wrap up 17:00  Close
    Završna konferencija CityOS programa
      26 Jan - 01:00 PM
      Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
    INTERA Technology Park invites you to come and attend the read out of the "Zero to Hero" workshops and hackathon. This event challenged participants to create innovative concepts and solutions that would lead to the creation of Mostar as a smart city. Come and hear the results of the hackathon and see the two projects that were focused on the region's agricultural sector.