Sowing results 4 out of 4
AT&T / JA Czech :: Junior Hackathon 2016
  02 Dec - 09:00 AM
  Brno, Czech Republic
High school students, developers and hackers from the Czech Republic! You are invited by the AT&T Developer Program to come and showcase your skills at the AT&T / JA Czech :: Junior Hackathon 2016. You'll collaborate with your peers on connected life and Internet of Things challenges in areas such as: »Automation, »Data Analytics, »Education, and »Smart Cities
Python Hackathon #hackyourstart
  19 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Brno, Czech Republic
Python hackers! Come and show your stuff at Python Hackathon #hackyourstart! Participation in the hackathon is open to beginners, but you must be able to handle at least basic structure: »Use basic built-in functions »Knowledge of data types and variables »Access through index & string slicing »If-elif-else conditions If you're not sure, you can assess your level of knowledge on this test:
Corinth AR&VR Hackathon Panelová diskuze
  23 Oct - 01:00 PM
  Brno, Czech Republic
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are making waves in the technology world. If you're really interested in VR and AR, come and attend an exciting panel discussion, with a line-up packed with experts from both the world of technology and business. You'll have an opportunity to try the latest AR/VR technology, including Microsoft's long-awaited HoloLens, and the most advanced VR HTC Vive.
Corinth AR&VR Hackathon
  21 Oct - 04:00 PM
  Brno, Czech Republic
AR & VR techies! This event's for you! Come and participate in the Corinth AR & VR Hackathon for virtual and augmented reality. You'll get to see and code for the exciting new Microsoft Hololens AR device, as well as the most advanced VR HTC Vive. Participate on your own, or with a team, and build an AR/VR prototype for both platforms.