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Python Hackathon vol. 4
10 Nov - 01:06 PM
Brno, Czechia
Whole event is held in Czech language. Thank you for understanding. Nezáleží, jestli za sebou máš tisíce řádků kódu v Pythonu nebo sotva umíš používat podmínky a cykly. Na čtvrtém hackathonu ENGETO Academy vítáme každého, kdo se chce zlepšit v Pythonu nebo pod dohledem mentorů vytvořit vlastní projekt, který udělá díru do světa.
Python Hackathon vol. 4
10 Nov - 09:30 AM
Brno, Czech Republic
Celodenní programování v Pythonu? Challenge accepted! Nezáleží, jestli za sebou máš tisíce řádků kódu v Pythonu nebo sotva umíš používat podmínky a cykly. Na čtvrtém hackathonu ENGETO Academy vítáme každého, kdo se chce zlepšit v Pythonu nebo pod dohledem mentorů vytvořit vlastní projekt, který udělá díru do světa. Čekají tě různě obtížné programátorské úlohy, specializované projekty, zkušení mentoři a zajímavé přednášky.. Akce proběhne 10.11. v brněnském Impact Hubu. Máme pro sebe celý open-space, místa na práci i relax bude víc než dost. Oběd, káva a další pochutiny, díky kterým budeš makat jako šroubek, budou k dispozici po celý den. Až dopíšeme závěrečný příkaz a dokončíme poslední workshop, odstartujeme epickou afterparty. O důvod víc, proč se akce zúčastnit. Program  9:30 - 10:00 - Registrace 10:00 - 10:15 - Úvodní keynote 10:15 - 12:00 - Programujeme jako o život 12:00 - 13:00 - Oběd 13:00 - 19:30 - Programujeme jako o život vol. 2 19:30 - 20:00 - Závěrečná prezentace 20:00 - 23:59 - Večeře + afterparty Nenech si tuto akci ujít a přihlas se ještě dnes. Na akci bude polovina pokročilých, polovina začátečníků. Akce je vhodná pro lidi, kteří mají základní znalost Pythonu, i pro pokročilé Pythonisty.
    UX Travel Hackathon
    20 Apr - 05:00 PM
    Brno, Czech Republic
    Do you feel like making a difference in the world? Are you looking to get creative with other like-minded innovators? Well, it’s time to put your design, research & prototyping skills to the test at the UX Hackathon! Size? Up to 40 people divided into teams of 2–4 members. What is a UX hackathon? Our UX Hackathon is a 24hr-long event that takes attendees through an end-to-end UX process, including research, user testing, ideation and prototyping. Teams will be formed with members of complementary skill sets. Then we’ll start with a review of the current website. The UX mentors will then support teams as they perform research, iterate on ideas for improvement via sketching, wireframing, prototyping and user testing. At the end of the day, teams will present to our panel of esteemed judges, and prizes will be awarded. The competing teams should be formed of 2-4 people. If you already know who your team members will be, please indicate this in your registration form by mentioning the other team members. If you’re registering solo, don’t worry, we’ll give you a chance to find some buddies to team up with at the beginning of the event. Who should participate? Those who want to improve their UX research, design and prototyping skills while working on one of the toughest tasks in the travel industry: UX and UI designers Product designers User researchers Product people Developers Aspiring UX professionals Any other techies who want to make an impact, meet new people, and advance their UX skills in a team environment. What will the day be like? Registration Kickoff session Forming the teams UX hacking begins! User research Dinner (included) More UX hacking and testing! Breakfast (included) More UX hacking and testing! Lunch (included) More UX hacking and testing! Submissions due Presentations followed by networking while the judges deliberate Awards announced Networking & refreshments Who will be the mentors? Members of the experience design team. Who will be the judges? To be announced soon... The perks Apart from learning, networking and having a good time, the hackathon may help you find your dream job at The winning team will get a travel reward and they can expect to become heroes on social media. Some advice from us: 1. Come prepared You should familiarise yourself with the design process. There are tons of blog posts out there that outline the design thinking process and UX workflow. Bring these essentials: Your laptop & charger Your phone & charger Sketchbook, notepad Download any apps that might be useful (for inspiration & work) A mouse (not mandatory, but useful) A jacket and warm clothes for venturing outside If you have contact lenses, bring eye drops and glasses in case of dry eyes. Remember this hackathon is overnight. Bring things that will help you to be more comfortable (i.e. a blanket and your teddy bear) Bring a comfy backpack that you can take outside in any weather 2. Work efficiently Since UX hackathons are extremely short, teams should work together efficiently. Rather than brainstorming out loud, it’s more effective to ideate and sketch in silence and then regroup: similar to the design sprint model. Teams should divide up the work and have different teammates working on different tasks. Half the team could work on the final prototype while the other half could focus on the presentation. When meeting teammates for the first time, it is also recommended that everyone has an upfront, open discussion about what each person hopes to gain and what their strengths and weaknesses are. These discussions are crucial in setting the tone for the rest of the day in terms of how a team tackles the challenge and the process they use to approach the problem. 3. Document the process Documenting the process and keeping track of what was completed at the event is a great way of adding value to your UX Hackathon experience.  Some designers go to sharpen their skills and refine their process, so documenting can be extremely helpful. This allows designers to reflect on the experience more objectively and identify areas for improvement the next time around. Throughout the hackathon, designers should photograph their activities. Pictures of post-its, user interviews, journey maps and rough wireframes are great to have when reflecting back on the process. It might also be beneficial to have a designated scribe for documenting the ideas that were discussed throughout the day. Projects completed at UX hackathons are great starter pieces in any portfolio. They can be useful for demonstrating your thought process to hiring managers as well as your willingness to be immersed in new challenges. 4. Focus on the experience You should go into the UX Hackathon expecting to learn something new and also be excited about meeting new and like-minded people. These will be the ultimate takeaways from any UX hackathon, so it’s crucial to take advantage of every moment of the event. We are looking forward to meeting you at our offices. In case you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at  Please register as soon as possible — space is limited!