Showing results 1 to 10 out of 18
Science Hackathon: Identifying new ways to treat eczema
  23 Nov - 09:00 AM
  København, Denmark
APPLY NOW TO THE SCIENCE HACKATHON Using machine learning to drive innovation in drug development: Winning team will be awarded 5,000 euro LEO Pharma and warmly welcome you to apply to the Scithon. It’s a 2-day research sprint where teams of 3-4 map out potential avenues for new targeted treatments for eczema. During the sprint you’ll get access to Iris, the AI research assistant and other research tools.  Don’t have a team? No worries, you can also apply as an individual in which case we will find team members for you. Atopic dermatitis (or eczema) is a chronic, relapsing skin disease affecting up to 30% of children in industrialised countries. The characteristic symptom is the itchy, dry skin lesions which are almost impossible to relieve. Atopic dermatitis is a heterogeneous disorder caused by a complex interplay between genetics and environmental triggers. There is a huge unmet need for new targeted treatments in atopic dermatitis to help patients who are suffering from the disease. WHAT: Scithon is a 2-day research sprint where teams of 3-4 will explore academic literature and map out potential solutions to atopic dermatitis using artificial intelligence. All teams will have access to, and other research tools, during the sprint. The winning team will be selected by a panel of judges and awarded a prize of 5,000 euro. GOAL: To identify new targets and pathways for treating atopic dermatitis. WHEN/WHERE: 9:00am 23rd November 2017 until 6:00pm 24th November 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The venue will be DARE2mansion (, at Vermundsgade 13-15, 2100 København Ø. Participants are expected to work on-site throughout the sprint. WHO WE ARE LOOKING FOR: Researchers and students from across research disciplines with a curious mind. Previous experience in the areas of dermatology, immunology or inflammation are not required but might be an advantage. HOW TO APPLY: Apply to the Scithon by filling out this form (as team or individually). Clicking "attending" on Eventbrite won't secure you a spot). Deadline for the applications is November 12th 2017. IPR, i.e. who owns the results after the event: The targets, pathways and related results generated in the Scithon will be owned by LEO Pharma, who is funding this research activity. LEO will independently be able to use all targets, pathways and results for further research. Healthcare professionals: If you are a healthcare professional, you are subject to special rules and regulations on cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, which set out requirements on e.g. transparency and disclosure. By participating in the Scithon, you acknowledge and accept that LEO Pharma may make the payment of a prize conditional upon you consenting to LEO Pharma disclosing the nature of the cooperation and the prize amount. The event is organised by Iris AI and LEO Pharma.
      18 Nov - 03:45 PM
      Denmark, 2000
    Business and technology professionals in and around Copenhagen! Would you like to participate as a judge for the Sustainable Campus Hackathon? You'll be asked to judge the hackathon projects of the 22 participating teams and help determine which one wins a trip to New York. *Please note: If you participate in the hackathon you cannot sign-up as co-judge
    Final Pitch for CPH FinTech Open Banking Hackathon 2017
      29 Oct - 03:30 PM
      København K, Denmark
    THE FUTURE OF BANKING IS HERE - AND IT'S OPEN! Come see the demos and prototypes that our 80-100 participants have come up with after spending 48 hours persuting some of the most promissing opportunities in the banking industry. Together with Rainmaking Innovation we are putting on a hackathon to develop and showcase new tech opportunities solutions within the banking industry. The most promissing teams will get a chance to enter the Copenhagen FinTech pre-accelerator program starting in November 2017. This is an event exclusivly for Copenhagen Fintechs Partners, Sponsors and Invited guests. To request an invite send a mail to Simon of Copenhagen Fintech. Visit the full hackathon website for more information about the event, pre-accelerator and more! FOR TICKETS TO THE HACKATHON - SEE HERE.
      HACKING FOOD – Data-driven innovation in the food industry
        27 Oct - 09:30 PM
        Albertslund, Denmark
      Danish hackers! Interested data-driven innovation in the food industry? InfinIT and Hack & CO invite you to register to participate in the Hacking Food hackathon. You'll be presented with food industry challenges, such as how to build services that can change people’s eating habits, how can urban gardening make communities self-sufficient, and how can we reduce food waste? You'll collaborate on a team to address the challenges using food industry data about production, distribution, hygiene, nutrition, waste, consumption, delivery to public institutions, etc.
      Copenhagen FinTech Open Banking Hackathon 2017
        27 Oct - 05:30 PM
        København K, Denmark
      Re-imagine Banking in 48 hours! The event is FREE! Consider the ticket price a deposit - we'll refund your ticket when you arrive. [If you are interested in the Final Pitch Event on Sunday - look no further.] If you’re interested in creating something from nothing in 48 hours, building the next generation of banking services, testing your skills with people from other disciplines, winning cash prizes, and most importantly having a good time, then CPH Fintech Open Baking Hackathon is for you. Last weekend of October you can once again join Copenhagen Fintech for a disruptive weekend at Rainmaking Loft. Familiar format, same organisers, brand new industry!  From January 2018 the new Payment Systems Directive will come into play across EU. This will open new and exciting opportunities for anyone slightly interested in the future of payments, financial transaction and wealth management. Join 80+ participants with diverse skillsets (software developers, business minds, designers and financial professionals) as well as 30+ mentors (entrepreneurs, executives, industry professionals, investors and consultants) for 48 hours of ideation, prototyping, rapid market validation and business modeling. But most of all lots of fun and learning. The winning teams will be admitted to the Copenhagen FinTech pre-accelerator program starting in November 2017. First prize 25.000 DKK goes to to overall best team dicided by the Jury. There will also be special prizes from Spar Nord and Nordea as well as free flex seats at Copenhagen FinTech Lab.  Work with awesome people, win money AND found your startup at the same time! Visit the full hackathon website for more information about the event & pre-accelerator. Since you've read this far, you deserve a token of appreciation. Here is a link to 50% discount on your deposit.  Provisional Agenda  Friday 27th October 17.30-18.00 Registration  18.00-18.30 Welcome + Industry Intro  18.30-19.30 Idea Pitching 19.30-20.00 Ice Breaker + Team Formation 20.00-21.00 Food and Drinks 21.00 -         Teams Start Working  Saturday 28th October 09.00-09.30 Welcome to Day 2 10.00-10.30 Workshop 1 10.30-11.00 Workshop 2 11.00-12.30 Work 12.30-13.00 Lunch 13.00-17.30 Work With Mentors 16.30-17.00 Office Yoga (optional) 17.30-18.00 24 Hour Checkpoint 18.00-19.00 Work 19.00-20.00 Communal Dinner 20.00-?? Work (all night) Sunday 29th October  09.00-09.30 Breakfast 09.30-10.00 Welcome to Day 3 10.00-10.30 Workshop 3: Pitch Training 10.30-12.30 Work and Pitch Prep With Mentors  13.00-15.00 Work Wrap Up 15.00-16.00 Tech Check and Last-Dash 16.00-17.30 PITCHING 17.30-18.00 Jury Vote 18.00-18.30 Winner Announcement 18.30-19.00 Drinks and Network
        Re:invent & Re:make Hackathon – Malmö
          15 Oct - 09:00 AM
          Malmö, Sweden
        Vad är syftet?Re:Invent & Re:make hackathon ska öka innovationskraften och skapa förändring i inredningsbranschen genom att ta fram nya lösningar inom affärsutveckling, design, produktion och marknadsföring. Lösningarna ska bidra till cirkulär ekonomi; att förlänga av inredningsprodukters livslängd och skapa förutsättningar för återanvändning. Vad händer? Vi samlar innovatörer med olika kompetenser och färdigheter för att under två intensiva dagar utveckla nya produkter, lösningar och tjänster för ökat återbruk av inredningsprodukter. Deltagarna delas upp i team som utifrån ett 20-tal inredningsprodukter, som har tappat värdet på andrahandsmarknaden, ska skapa nya produkter, tjänster och lösningar för ökat återbruk. Hacket avslutas med att teamen presenterar sina idéer för en jury som består av experter inom hållbarhet, inredning, produktdesign, innovation och affärsutveckling. Det vinnande teamet vid varje hackathon får i ett första steg en utvecklingspeng på 25 000 kronor. Pengarna ska användas för att vidareutveckla idén och ta fram en affärs- och marknadsplan. I ett andra steg, en månad efter avslutat hackathon, bedömer juryn potentialen för etablering på marknaden och tilldelar ytterligare 25 000 kronor i startup-stöd.Vem söker vi? Vi välkomnar dig som har färdigheter inom affärsutveckling, design, arkitektur, innovation, eller marknadsföring. Som deltagare får du nätverka med likasinnade, lära dig mer om innovation och prototyping av gästande experter. Totalt väljs 40 personer ut för varje hackathon utifrån kompetens och färdigheter. Vi bjuder på mat och dryck, en innovativ atmosfär samt möjligheter till erfarenhetsutbyte och att knyta nya värdefulla kontakter. Det är kostnadsfritt att medverka.Vem står bakom Re:invent och Re:make hackathons?Initiativet till Re:invent & Re:make kommer från ett flertal medlemmar i 100gruppen – ett nationellt nätverk för hållbara och cirkulära interiörer. Projektpartners för höstens två hackathons är LINK arkitektur, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Altitude Meetings, Epicenter Stockholm, Kompanjonen, RP, Bjerking, Green Furniture, Nordic Green Design, Sustainable Innovation, Sustainable Business Hub, Trendstefan och Tema. Re:invent & Re:make hackathons utförs inom ramen för innovationsprogrammet RE:Source som är finansierat av Energimyndigheten, Vinnova och Formas.Har du frågor?Kontakta Sista anmälningsdag till Re:invent och Re:make i Malmö är den 1 oktober.
          BIMscript® Hackathon 2017, Sweden 11th-12th October
            11 Oct - 09:00 AM
            Malmö, Sweden
          Scandinavian techies in and around Malmö, Sweden! Are you interested in the application of technology to physical infrastructures--roads, bridges, tunnels, utility structures, etc.? BIMobject invites you to participate in BIMscript® Hackathon 2017 Sweden. You'll learn how to use BIMscript to create BIM (building information modeling) objects. You'll also get to build your own limited access catalog that you can use for non-profit purposes, demonstration, test, and education.
          Final Pitch for CPH FinTech InsurTech Hackathon 2017
            01 Oct - 03:00 PM
            København K, Denmark
          Get a glimpse into the future of the Insurance Industry! Come see the prototypes that our 100+ participants have come up with after spending 48 hours on solving some of the most pressing challenges in the insurance industry. Together with Rainmaking Innovation we are putting on a hackathon to develop and showcase new tech solutions within the insurance industry. The winning teams will be admitted to the Copenhagen FinTech pre-accelerator program starting in November 2017. This is a closed event by invitation only - to request an invite send a mail to Simon of Copenhagen Fintech. Visit the full hackathon website for more information about the event, pre-accelerator and more! FOR TICKETS TO THE HACKATHON - SEE HERE.
            Copenhagen FinTech InsurTech Hackathon 2017
              29 Sep - 05:30 PM
              København K, Denmark
            Hack the Insurance Industry in 48 hours! Together with Rainmaking Innovation we are putting on a hackathon to develop and showcase new tech solutions within the insurance industry. Join 100+ participants with multiple backgrounds: (developers, business people, designers, insurance agents) for 48 hours of building prototypes, rapid fire market validation and business model invention. The winning teams will be admitted to the Copenhagen FinTech pre-accelerator program starting in November 2017. Work with awesome people, win money AND found your startup at the same time!? Visit the full hackathon website for more information about the event, pre-accelerator and sign up now! FOR FINAL PITCH EVENT YOU NEED AN INVITATION - SEE HERE.
              HACK4DK 2017
                29 Sep - 03:30 PM
                2100 København Ø, Denmark
              Designers, software developers, art historians, storytellers, interaction designers, concept developers, journalists, students, artists, historians and all open data enthusiasts We invite YOU ALL to take part in this year’s unique cultural hackathon in Denmark. Hack4dk is all about finding new ways of using the cultural heritage, showing the power of API’s, webservices and mashups. WE OFFER / Great venue at Enigma – Museum for Communication in Copenhagen / A chance to play with open cultural data such as artworks, historical photos, listed buildings, lm and maps / An opportunity to mix up and create new exciting prototypes with great people you don’t know yet / Free food and drinks  YOU BRING / An open mindset / The will to invent, co-create and share ideas DATE AND VENUE Starts Friday 29th of September and ends Sunday 1st of October ENIGMA – Museum for Communication, Øster Alle 1, 2100 København Ø PRICE It’s FREE food and drinks are included throughout the hack. Please note that we reserve the right to charge a no-show fee of 350,- kr MORE INFO