Showing results 11 to 20 out of 29
AtmosHack : Hack the Atmosphere
25 Sep - 03:20 PM
Helsingfors, Finland
Nine out of ten people are estimated to breathe air containing high levels of pollutants, causing around 7 million deaths every year. More than 90% of these deaths occur in the developing world. Many of these areas have no surface air-quality monitoring networks and rely mainly on modelling and satellite information. Besides air pollution, there are other aspects of atmospheric composition that can affect health, eg UV radiation, which strongly depends on the stratospheric ozone layer.
AEC Hackathon Helsinki 7.-9.9.2018
07 Sep - 06:00 PM
Helsinki, Finland
6000 € Prize Pool + weekend at Lumo Studio in Helsinki.
Finnish AEC professionals—developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, built environment professionals! KIRA-digi and the Finnish Housing Fair invite you to take part in the AEC Hackathon Helsinki 7. At this three-day weekend event for the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector, you will be challenged to create cutting-edge solutions that can revolutionize the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Choose from one of the three changes: Living as a service challenge by Lumo, City as a service challenge by Suomen Asuntomessut, or Open challenge by KIRA-digi. Compete for your share of a 6000 € prize pool and a weekend get-away at Lumo Studio in Helsinki. Maximize your experience with our hackathon tips!
Product Hunt Meetup (Hackathon)
28 Aug - 01:00 PM
Helsingfors, Finland
Need to let the world know about your product? Planning your public launch?There is no better place than Product Hunt to do that.Get feedback from the smartest people in global startup community, build your list of early adopters, let people know about your product and get journalists and bloggers to write about you.Product Hunt is an online community where products are given feedback and up/downvoted. If your project picks up enough interest, the effects can be massive quality traffic to your site, signups, pre-orders and media interest.During this 1.5 days hackathon we will go through everything you need to know to launch your product and how to amplyfy your reach for the best possible PR outcome.We will look into strategy, software and groth hacks that can help you get gobal coverage.This will be a hands on event. Bring your laptop and lots of grind ;)Schedule (details coming soon)Tuesday 28 August: 13:00-17:00Wednesday 29 August: 10:00-17:00Questions? -->
    BBQ // Kiuas Accelerator x Junction
    25 Jul - 05:00 PM
    Espoo, Finland
    The second BBQ of 2018 IS HERE! The long-lasting tradition of Aaltoes' summer accelerator will take place every second Wednesday during the summer. ✔️Come by on July 25th to enjoy the summer evening with food, drinks and fun activities free of charge! ✔️The BBQ no.2 is hosted by four teams of Kiuas Accelerator: Robo.CEO, and Bald & Grey Hair.More about the batch:✔️No registration needed! Click “Attend” and show up on Wednesday - See you there!BBQ no. 2 is organized in collaboration with Junction, the Europe’s biggest hackathon and a global community of hackers. Junction's main event in 2018 will be held on November 23-25th in icy Finland, with 1500 hackers gathering under one roof to form ideas into reality.
      [TALLINN] #OOSE2018 Do It Yourself, Exploit Yourself? Critical Discussions
      06 Jul - 04:00 PM
      Tallinn, Estonia
      Topic of this year : "Do It Yourself, Exploit Yourself? Critical Discussions on the Sharing Economy"   #DIY #DIT #makers #hackers #sharingeconomy #RGCS #OOSE2018   Principal information: The workshop aims to propose a critical discussion about makers, hacker movement and DIY. During the workshop, the attendants will be asking to produce an active knowledge in the form of a framepad  3 keynote speakers have confirmed their participation: Anthony Hussenot (University Côte d'Azur-CNRS-GREDEG) Mickael Peiro (university of Montpellier) Tiit Elenurm (Estonian Business School) As usual : conviviality, walk, and passionate discussions!  Meeting points at 3:50pm at EBS or at TLU , or on site at 4:00pm on July, 6th  Address:  C. R. JakobsoniTallinn, Estonie     The event will be divided into two parts: The first part will be a workshop located near EBS (10 minutes by walk). The workshop will be in the form of a fishbowl: The second part of the event will be a visit to a hackerspace in Tallinn called Skeemipesa.  Skeemipesa is an experienced development team, who is able to bring projects and ideas quickly into reality. They offer cooperation for Enterprise Estonia's development and innovation vouchers applying/development. Skeemipesa has organized several hackathons.   During the workshop, the attendants will be asking to produce an active knowledge in the form of a framepad:   RGCS off-EGOS moment - 34th EGOS Colloquium Surprise in and around Organizations: Journeys to the Unexpected July 5–7, 2018 - Tallinn, Estonia
        Global DevOps Bootcamp 2018 @ Solidify Tallinn
        16 Jun - 10:00 AM
        Tallinn, Estonia
        Event is NOT sold out! Registration is on UG Estonia Meetup site!     Global DevOps Bootcamp is a global event that will be held on Saturday June 16th and is all about DevOps on the Microsoft Stack. Centrally organized by Xpirit and Solidify and offered to you by this local partner. During this 1-day event we will join (Microsoft) DevOps communities all around the world to talk, learn and play with DevOps concepts. Goals of the GlobalDevOpsBootcamp: DevOps in general Insights into where we are heading when it comes to DevOps and new technologies Get people's hands dirty and let them play with all the good Microsoft DevOps stuff This year's theme will be 'From one release per month to multiple releases a day'. We will kick off with an introduction of a well-known authority in the DevOps space, followed by a keynote from the local partner about where we are heading with DevOps. This time the event is all about DevOps and improving your release cadence. It will help you understand the latest DevOps trends and insights in modern technologies that enable you to release multiple times per day. It is an amazing combination between getting your hands dirty and sharing experience and knowledge around VSTS, Azure, DevOps with other community members. Of course you won't be on your own. During the day you will be supported and guided by local experts who are active in the Microsoft Community. Please register here! There are 50 spots open.     Global DevOps Bootcamp on ülemaailmne üritus, mille käigus puutuvad kõik osalejad kokku DevOps valdkonnaga ning tegelevad selle valdkonna reaaleluliste probleemide ja väljakutsete lahendamisega. Eelmisel aastal toimus see üritus samaaegselt 30s riigis ning sellel aastal on nende riikide hulka lisandunud esmakordselt ka Eesti. Sellel aastal toimub DevOps Bootcamp laupäeval 16. juunil ja on ülemaailmselt organiseeritud Xpiriti, Solidify ja kohalike kommuunide poolt.Tegu on ühepäevase üritusega, mille käigus meeskonnad lahendavad ülemaailmselt erinevaid väljakutseid DevOpsi valdkonnas, võisteldes samal ajal nii ülemaailmses kui kohalikus arvestuses.Eesmärgiks on ühiselt saada juurde uusi teadmisi ja kogemusi DevOps valdkonnas läbi praktiliste väljakutsete ja ülesannete lahendamise. Selle jaoks moodustatakse kohapeal meeskonnad, kes asuvad peale seda lahendama erinevaid ülesandeid ning keda abistavad kohalikud mentorid.Selle aasta teemaks on "From one release per month to multiple releases a day" ehk siis mida ja kuidas peab muutma selleks, et saaks kliendini viia tarkvara uuendusi mitmeid kordi päevas.Rohkem tausta ja informatsiooni on globaalsel lehel - 10:00 - Algus 10:15 - Avakõne: Microsoft 10:30 - Avakõne: Breaking down the Monolith 11:15 - Paus 11:30 - Hackathon/Praktilised DevOps väljakutsed. Meeskondade praktilised väljakutsed sisaldavad muuhulgas järgnevaid ideid: * Kuidas olemasolevat rakendust konteinerdada? * Kuidas lisada telemeetriat oma rakendusele ning saada informatsiooni eksperimentide ja hüpoteeside kohta? * Kuidas jälgida rakenduse käideldavust ja jõudlust? * Kuidas kasutada feature togglingut, et saaks uusi versione laivi viia ilma lõppkasutajaid häirimata? * Kuidas kasutada release gate'e? * Kuidas muuta andmebaasi mudeleid rakenduse osana? * Kuidas teha Blue / Green deploymenti? 13:00 - Lõuna 13:30 - Hackathon/Praktiliste DevOps väljakutsete jätk 16:00 - Meeskondade esitlused, auhinnad 17:00 - Lõpetamine   Registreeru UG Estonia meetupi lehel! Kohad on piiratud.
          Graffathon 2018
          08 Jun - 05:00 PM
          Espoo, Finland
          Graffathon is a three-day computer graphics hackathon aimed for novices. Every participant will create a computer program that produces a non-interactive multimedia presentation also known as demo. The event is targeted at real beginners who have no previous graphics coding and/or demoscene experience. However there is an advanced "compo" aimed for those who have already made a demo at some point of their lives or for those who feel they are not beginners. The demos can be made in small groups of two to four people. One can also make the demo by themselves or find a group at the event. The program consists of helpful presentations and workshops which guide you on how to create your first demo. In addition, we teach you the basics of demoscene and democulture. The event is for people over 18. The event homesite:
            Robots Against Humanity - Furhat hackathon
            25 May - 04:00 PM
            Helsinki, Finland
            The age of autonomous machines is upon us.. the only solution for humankind survival is for us to better understand these machines. We have managed to acquire a few prototype units and will study them rigorously during Robots Against Humanity hackathon.  Join us on the 25th/26th of this month at Futurice Helsinki where we will pool our resources and bend these machines to our will! Participants from all backgrounds are invited to join. All registrations are individual. We will have plenty of time for teamup on Friday afternoon. A quote from the Furhat team: “We believe that the perfect skill development team should include more than just developers - graphics/interaction/experience designers, linguists, storytellers, even psychologists” More information about the robots can be found here: The SDK can be downloaded from the following site and we ask you to have in installed beforehand so we can get right into business once the event starts. Your intellect is vital for the survival of the human race. We are counting on you.. - Anonymous citizen Program:  Friday 25.5. 16:00 Welcome + introduction to social robotics 17:00 skill building + hackathon challenges 18-19 Team up + Food 19-23 Work, Sauna, Fun Saturday 26.5. 10:00 breakfast 11-14 Work + mentoring 14:00 Lunch break  14:30 - 16:00 Work + mentoring 16:00 Demo showcase + drinks 18:00 Doors close
              Ultrahack Sprint 1
              18 May - 06:14 PM
              Helsinki, Finland
              Hackathon finals with several different tracks: Hack The Forest Data Event Tech & Mobility Hack ESA BIC Space Hack: the Air, the Land, and the Sea The Talsinki Hack: Hack the commute and cross-border business AI Hack: Intelligent Buildings Open track Apply before 1st of May
              LAPhack 2018
              20 Apr - 05:30 PM
              Tallinn, Estonia
              Kas sul on idee, kuidas võiks muuta enda ja teiste elu lihtsamaks või kuidas lahendada probleemi, mis on tänapäeval paljudele murekohaks? Kas tahad luua midagi uut ja lahedat? Kui vastus on JAH, siis see üritus on sulle!See hackathon on 48h kestev üritus, mille käigus tiimid loovad enda ideedest prototüübi. Seejärel tuleb lõpptulemust esitleda žüriile, kes valivad välja võitja! Selle aasta teemaks on KESKKOND! Näiteks: Kuidas säästa keskkonda? Kuidas tõsta ühiskonnas teadlikkust keskkonnakaitsest? Nutikeskkonna ja looduse koostöö, jne.Olgu see idee suur või väike, aga just Lapikute Hackathon on koht, kus saad kokku imeliste inimestega, kes annavad Su ideele ilme, sisu ja kuju. Juhul kui ideid pole aga tahad midagi huvitavat ja lahedat luua ning võimalusel teha algust edukale projektile, siis ole kohal!Tiimide suurus võiks olla 4-5 liikmeline, et meeskonnatöö paremini sujuks!Kui sul tiimi olemas ei ole, siis on sul ka võimalus leida omale tiim kohapeal.On aeg oma ideed muuta reaalsuseks!-----------------------------------------------------Do you have an idea how to make your and other people’s lives around you easier, but also help out others, or how to solve a problem everyone is facing these days? Want to create something new and cool?This hackathon is a 48h long event, during which teams create prototypes from their ideas. After that they must present their results to the judges, who will pick the winner!This year’s theme is ENVIRONMENT! For example: How to save the environment? How to raise awareness of environmental protection in our society? Unification of nature and smart devices, etc.Either a big or a small idea, Lapikud Hackathon is the place where you can meet magnificent people, who will give Your idea a shape, content and appearance. If You don't have ideas but still want to be a part of something amazing and maybe start up a successful project, then be here!Team size should be 4-5 members for better teamwork!If you do not have a team, it’s not a problem! You can find team members on sight! It’s time to turn Your ideas into a reality!