Showing results 1 to 10 out of 18
Token protocol workshop - cryptoeconomics
  19 Dec - 10:00 AM
  Tallinn, Estonia
Initial Coin Offering have gathered quite a bit of attention in recent few months. Most of the ICO's offer value to the token holder via offering them "application" or "utltiiy" tokens. Much of this is an unknown territory and still evolving. The basis of token economics is new and emerging field of "cryptoeconomics". The workshop aims at providing a quick introduction to overall process of how application should work, how the protocols should be designed, how the incentvisation mechanisms could be aligned and give an overall intuition of the adverbial models involved in model. It assumes basic knowledge in cryptography, blockchains, ICO's, economics and game theory.  Speakers:Anish Mohammed Anish has been working in the security and cryptography area for the past 18 years, as a researcher and as a consultant. Over the past few years he has become more  involved in the Blockchain ecosystem as one of the founding members of UKDCA and as part of larger Ethereum Swarm research team . He has advised and worked for various banks and financial institutions including AIB, HSBC, Lloyds and Zurich. He is also on the advisory board for Adjoint, Arteia, Hyper-loop Transport Technologies, Privacy Shell, Collider-X , Ripple Labs and Chain of Things. Most recently he has been involved more involved in Cryptoeconomics and have been doing protocol design for various token offerings. He has been involved in tokenisation of ten protocols until now. He is currently the chief science officer of Blockchainsmokers and dean of blockchain at Exosphere. Franziska Lippoldt Franziska has been interested in emerging technologies such as robotics and 3d printing. Most recently she has been teaching blockchain and solidity for Exosphere this summer. She also has a Master in mathematics. Her other interests include Machine Ethics and its applications in blockchain. She organized a workshop for machine ethics in November in Berlin. She has a project applying blockchain for AI ethics. Furthermore, she received a scholarship for  a master's program in China Studies and studied in Hangzhou. She has participated in numerous hackathons and won several prizes, such as Science Hack Day Berlin, Mobility Hacks and AI Hackathon. TICKETS INFO Ticket price: 200 EUR Members of EKL will have 20% discount. Entrance is granted based on paid invoice which will be sent right after registration. Schedule: 10-12 Workshop 1. part 12-13 Lunch 13-15 Workshop 2. part 15-16 Networking, free time
    Newsrooms meet A.I. hackathon
      23 Nov - 05:00 PM
      Mannerheimintie, Finland
    Aalto University students and post-graduates in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning! EzyInsights invites you to participate in their Newsrooms meet A.I. Hackathon. You'll be faced with two sets of problems and data related to 'fake news' and be challenged to come up with potential approaches to solve the problem and develop an initial analysis and prototype solutions.
    Garage48 Circular Economy 2017
      06 Oct - 05:30 PM
      Tallinn, Estonia
    Developers, marketers, designers, UX/UI experts, visionary entrepreneurs, and anyone with an interest in the circular economy and environmental issues! You're invited to sign up to participate in Garage48 Circular Economy 2017. You'll be challenged to come up with an awesome innovative, eco-solution related to areas including Implementing Circular Economy Principles, Eco-Innovative & Circular Solutions for Production, Circular & Nature Based Solutions for Smart Local Development Planning, Reducing Packaging Waste & Improving Plastics Recycling, and Sustainable Consumption Behavior.
    "Innovative Approaches Towards Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy" Interactive Session
      06 Oct - 09:00 AM
      Tallinn, Estonia
    If you are intending to participate in Garage48 Circular Economy 2017, you're invited to attend the pre-event session -- "Innovative Approaches Towards Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy". The session will give prospective hackathon participants an understanding of how innovation happens at Garage48 events and will provide them with a good introduction to the Garage48 Circular Economy.
    Tips & Tricks to succeed in Garage48 Circular Economy 2017
      05 Oct - 06:00 PM
      Tallinn, Estonia
    Environmental problems are complex and integrated to everyday production and consumption patterns and value chains. So the solutions have to be “out of the box” for the already developed patterns to change."Tips & tricks to succeed in Garage48 Circular Economy 2017" event is a pre-event to a Garage48 Circular Economy 2017 international hackathon organized from 6-8th October focused on circular economy.More information about the hackathon event: us to a evening discussion to learn more about the topic, discuss challenges & problems and network with other participants.Speakers:- Christiaan Kraaijenhagen (Innovation Strategist @ Innoboost, Author of the book Circular Business Erki Ani (CEO @ Cleantech ForEst)- Elise Sass (Garage48 Circular Economy 2017 mentor, pitch trainer)This event is organised in collaboration with Estonian Ministry of the Environment, financed by European Regional Development Fund and Estonian Environmental Investment Centre.
      Eco-innovative solutions - Action towards the sustainable future
        27 Sep - 06:00 PM
        Tallinn, Estonia
      Environmental problems are complex and integrated to everyday production and consumption patterns and value chains. So the solutions have to be “out of the box” for the already developed patterns to change."Eco-innovative solutions - Action towards the sustainable future & growth" event is a pre-event to a Garage48 Circular Economy 2017 international hackathon organized from 6-8th October focused on circular economy.More information about the hackathon event: us to a evening discussion to learn more about the topic, discuss challenges & problems and network with other participants.Speakers: * Kerli Kant Hvass (Circular Economy & Sustainibility Expert @ SUSTINERE)What does Circular Economy mean in fashion & textile industry? What are the risks, opportunities & challenges in transitioning over to circular economy based on international use-cases and practises * Ann Runnel (Founder & Visionary @ REVERSE RESOURCES)Ann will be sharing her own company story, how they started, what they are focusing on and what does the future bring. More speakers TBAThis event is organised in collaboration with Estonian Ministry of the Environment, financed by European Regional Development Fund and Estonian Environmental Investment Centre.
          19 Sep - 08:30 AM
          Helsinki, Finland
        Miten rakennetaan poikkeuksellisen hyvä digitaalinen asiakaskokemus juuri nyt? Tule kuulemaan, miten saavutetaan miljoonan uniikin verkkokävijän raja, miten digitaalisia palveluita markkinoidaan ja mitä hyötyä on hackathoneista ja co-design-työpajoista! Tämä tapahtuma on suunnattu ja tarkoitettu erityisesti pääkaupunkiseudun yritysten digi- ja markkinointipäättäjille. Olet erittäin lämpimästi tervetullut mukaan tapahtumaan! Kutsu on henkilökohtainen, mutta voit tarvittaessa välittää sen aiheesta kiinnostuneelle kollegalle. Tapahtumassa on rajallinen määrä paikkoja, joten toimi ripeästi, jos haluat mukaan! ASIAKASKOKEMUKSEN YTIMEEN! -TAPAHTUMAN OHJELMA 19.9.2017 8.30 – 9.00  Aamukahvit & verkostoitumista 9.00 – 9.30  CASE 1: Hackathon ja työpajat osallistamisen välineinä. Palvelumuotoilulla strategiasta johdettuihin tavoitteisiin! 9.30 – 10.00  CASE 2: Digitaalisen palvelun lanseeraus ja markkinointi. Millainen lähestymistapa toimii digipalveluiden markkinoinnissa? 10.00 – 10.30  CASE 3: Yli miljoona uniikkia verkkokävijää vuodessa! Miten eräs tunnettu suomalainen organisaatio sen saavutti? 10.30 – 11.00  Pentagon Design Oy:n puheenvuoro. Tapahtuma päättyy. TERVETULOA! Huomioithan, että ilmoittautuminen tapahtumaan on sitova! Peruutusoikeus viimeistään 7 vrk ennen tapahtumaa eli mahdolliset peruutukset on ilmoitettava viimeistään 12.9.2017 sähköpostitse, osoitteella Järjestäjä Steps Helsinki Oy pidättää oikeuden periä peruutustapauksessa osallistumismaksusta 50%.
          Hands-on workshop: How to profit from your Data?
            07 Sep - 10:00 AM
            Tallinn, Estonia
          When Big Data became a hot topic a couple of years ago, Dan Ariely compared it with teenage sex, saying that everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it. Things have changed since that. Today – whether they know how to or not - everyone´s doing it. The only difference is that some are doing it markedly better than others, increasing their efficiency and finding new revenue models on the way. If you want to be one of those on the frontline of the new technologies and you´re also in the search of ways to maximize the profit of your company, join us for this hands-on workshop! During the session, the speakers Taavi Tammiste and Asko Seeba will:    demystify the main concepts around using data science give you a descriptive overview of machine learning and big data capabilities go through the case studies of fuckups and do some hands-on thought-exercises to demonstrate how the theory works in real life and how you can use it in your favor The event is free and in English! About the speakers: Taavi Tammiste studied Telecommunications engineering and signals processing and worked for several years in a field that provides data communications to the masses. While working at Tele2 he was a part of a team that demonstrated what actual business value machine learning can bring and he has been working with data science ever since.  He is currently building a team of mad scientists at Mooncascade to develop the next generation of predictive analytics and AI assisted cognitive services.   Asko Seeba has been working in software industry for 20+ years. He was the one to build up Skype Mobile Team from 0 to 40 people in 2 years and also helped to put a start to an international hackathon Garage48. These days Asko leads the region's fastest growing software and product development company Mooncascade which Co-Founder and CEO he is.
            Elsevier Hacks 2017
              25 Aug - 12:00 AM
              Helsinki, Finland
            Elsevier Hacks ‘17 is happening! The 48-hour hackathon will take place in Helsinki, Finland over the weekend of August 25th - 27th. Elsevier has tasked participants with identifying today’s challenges in medical education, and developing innovative mobile or web solutions to solve them. First place winners will receive $6000 in cash + $250 in tech. Second place winners will receive $500 in tech. Awesome goodies and spot prizes guarantees everyone will go home with some of 2017’s coolest gadgets! Medical students from around the globe, currently enrolled in University, are invited to register to participate. Students, whose applications are selected by Elsevier, will be offered travel and accommodation provisions for the trip. Finnish developers and designers are also invited to register. Each team will need their coding and design expertise to build great prototypes.
            Graffathon 2017
              30 Jun - 06:00 PM
              Espoo, Finland
            Graffathon is a three-day computer graphics hackathon aimed for novices. Every participant will create a computer program that produces a non-interactive multimedia presentation also known as demo. The event is targeted at real beginners who have no previous graphics coding and/or demoscene experience. The demos can be made in small groups of two or three people. One can also make the demo by themselves or find a group at the event. The program consists of helpful presentations and workshops which guide you on how to create your first demo. In addition, we teach you the basics of demoscene and democulture. Please note that this event is for ages 18 and up.