Sowing results 4 out of 4
Insomnia IoT Hackathon
27 Oct - 05:00 PM
Pori, Finland
Internet of Things. Hieno sana, mutta mitä se on ja miten sitä voisi hyödyntää päivittäisessä elämässä? Haluatko oppia aiheen perusteet nopealla ja hauskalla tavalla?
Verkkopeliyhdistys Insomnia ry, ComBounD ry ja VIRE LABS järjestävät kaikille maksuttoman, 24-tuntisen koodaustapahtuman Porin Karhuhallissa 27.-28.10.2017. Tapahtumassa pääset itse ideoimaan, suunnittelemaan ja toteuttamaan prototyypin siitä, miten IoT voisi auttaa sinua arkielämässä. Samalla osallistut kilpailuun, jossa ideasi voi ansaita sinulle ja tiimillesi palkinnon!
Kerää 1-4 henkilön tiimi ja haasta itsesi oppimaan IoT:n perusteet tekemällä, ja itse oivaltamalla. Mukaan tarvitset vain tietokoneen ja reipasta mieltä! Et tarvitse edes aiempaa kokemusta aiheesta.
Eduhack #2
27 Oct - 02:00 PM
Tampere, Finland
Eduhack #2 will take place at Tribe Tampere, Finland from 27 - 29 October 2017. As part of our ongoing mission to provide school students with the opportunity to work alongside professionals, we will welcome the broadest range of participants you’ll find at any educational hackathon. Join us to discover what value you can add to the process of innovation in education.
Event website:
AEC Hackathon Tampere
01 Sep - 06:00 PM
Tampere, Finland
Professionals in the Finnish AEC community—developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, built environment professionals! You're invited to take part in the AEC Hackathon Tampere.
Come and collaborate at this 48-hour event. Join with fellow professionals from the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector! Create a cutting-edge solution that can revolutionize the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Pick your challenge from the following:
User experience in Kampusareena challenge by KIRA-digi
Digital cities challenge by PTA
Productivity challenge by Fira
+ recurring AEC Hackathon challenges
Collaborate and compete for prizes in categories for the best overall project, the best project that solves a big AEC problem, and the best hack from a past event.
Visit our tips pageto make sure you're best prepared for your AEC hackathon experience!
Indoor Navigation Hackathon Tampere
31 Mar - 05:00 PM
Tampere, Finland
Students, researchers, new technologies enthusiasts, developers, and other interested in indoor navigation! Tredea invites you to sign up to participate in the Indoor Navigation Hackathon Tampere. You'll be challenged to showcase your mobile app creative and design skills. Your challenge will be to show how indoor navigation technology can be applied to improve the user experience of the Finlayson Area Art 2017.