Showing results 1 to 10 out of 14
Ultrahack 2016 Finals Day 27.11.
  27 Nov - 09:30 AM
  Helsinki, Finland
Hackers from schools, startups and corporations in and around Helsinki! Come and sign-up for Ultrahack 2016 Finals Day 27.11. Attend and participate in Ultrahack - Hackathon of the Year and you'll get the opportunity to be exposed to awesome new technology and you'll meet and network with like-minded future technology oriented people.
Ultrahack 2016
  25 Nov - 12:00 AM
  Helsinki, Finland
Get ready to Ultrahack, one of the biggest hackathons in Europe for the development ideas and software. Ultrahack has top notch industry players to provide never-before-published APIs and tools. You can join with your pre-existing software and get expert evaluation and coaching or you can start from the scratch. All participants will have a good chance of winning during this extraordinary hackathon experience!
Hyvinvointi-hackathon 2016
  21 Oct - 08:30 PM
  Helsinki, Finland
Hackers, developers! Come participate in Finland's largest health and welfare hackathon. Collaborate to develop new solutions based on digital technology, robotics and artificial intelligence to respond to the social and health needs. Harness mm. robotics, open data and virtual reality in order to create a better everyday life. Develop new solutions to challenges such as mobility, vision, learning and understanding, mental health, aging and health maintenance.
Hack the Office
  07 Oct - 06:00 PM
  Helsinki, Finland
Are you passionate about automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and IoT? Then sign up for the HACK THE OFFICE today! At the hackathon, you'll have 48 hours and all the tools you need to create the future of work. Are you ready?
Clojure Hackathon
  07 Oct - 05:00 PM
  Helsinki, Finland
Clojure programmers who live in Finland, or those who want to visit Finland! Come and participarte with like-minded Clojuristsin an overnight hackathon at Siili Solutions. You'll collaborate with the best of the best on projects such as: »Qlma open source project »AWS Lambda Functions in Clojure »Book library application »Metosin libraries enhancement »DIY topic
  02 Sep - 04:30 PM
  Helsinki, Finland
Microsoft Flux is organizing and hosting the Grand IoT HACKATHON as a kick-off for those who want to participate in the ongoing Microsoft Azure IoT contest on You have the chance to enter the contest and win a Microsoft HoloLens! Microsoft will provide working space, IoT devices (Raspberry Pi, Arduino, sensors, etc.) and some food for the hackathon. You will have time to finish your project by 18th September 2016 and submit it to the website.
AEC Hackathon 3.3 - Helsinki
  03 Jun - 06:00 PM
  Helsinki, Finland
Professionals in the Finnish AEC community—developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, built environment professionals! You're invited to take part in the AEC Hackathon 3.3 - Helsinki. Come and collaborate at this weekend-long event. Join fellowprofessionals from the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector! Accept the challenge to create cutting-edge solutions that can revolutionize the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Click here for adviceon hackathon participation!
Impact Business Competition 2016
  27 May - 04:00 PM
  Espoo, Finland
The Impact Business Competition 2016 is inviting you to come and develop business ideas with societal impact. Your mission will be to think big and bring an idea that solves a societal problem, social or environmental, or a solution that inspires you. You will get to work with a world-changing business idea with the help of experienced judges and coaches, get inspired by working with like-minded individuals from various backgrounds, find passionate co-founders to develop your idea, get an exciting experience of building a real business over the weekend, get prizes to help you bring your idea forward, and most of all enjoy your time with meals, new startup hubs and the Impact Iglu community!
FIVR Hackathon
  13 May - 05:00 PM
  Helsinki, Finland
This is the first FIVR hackathon (Finland VR Hackathon), a weekend long event for virtual reality and augmented reality enthusiasts to share ideas and come together to craft experiences with the latest VR platforms and gadgets. The topics that are to be covered on the weekend are: bringing archive material into AR/VR/360 environment Yle, building a way to travel through the history of libraries Central Library, and introducing new life to old stereoscopic images Helsinki City Museum. If you have your own topic in mind, then you are encouraged to pitch it during the topic presentations on Friday. You should bring your own laptop, tablet, VR gear, crayons and whatever else you think you might need for the event. You will be provided with WLAN, working space for the weekend, food and drinks.
Helsinki Hackathon: Data & Visualization
  20 Apr - 05:00 PM
  Helsinki, Finland
This hackathon is aimed for Excel-enthusiasts, Microsoft Power BI and SQL Server professionals, data scientists' and generally for people interested in building data visualizations using one or more tools from the Microsoft BI and data platform stack (Power BI, SQL Server, Excel etc.). An event concentrated on Microsoft solutions and cloud-based services. At the start of the hackathon you'll get a quick overview on what's out there, how to get started and how to use open data APIs to build visualizations and dashboards. The best teams will win amazing prizes!