Sowing results 9 out of 9
Newsrooms meet A.I. hackathon
  23 Nov - 05:00 PM
  Mannerheimintie, Finland
Aalto University students and post-graduates in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning! EzyInsights invites you to participate in their Newsrooms meet A.I. Hackathon. You'll be faced with two sets of problems and data related to 'fake news' and be challenged to come up with potential approaches to solve the problem and develop an initial analysis and prototype solutions.
  19 Sep - 08:30 AM
  Helsinki, Finland
Miten rakennetaan poikkeuksellisen hyvä digitaalinen asiakaskokemus juuri nyt? Tule kuulemaan, miten saavutetaan miljoonan uniikin verkkokävijän raja, miten digitaalisia palveluita markkinoidaan ja mitä hyötyä on hackathoneista ja co-design-työpajoista! Tämä tapahtuma on suunnattu ja tarkoitettu erityisesti pääkaupunkiseudun yritysten digi- ja markkinointipäättäjille. Olet erittäin lämpimästi tervetullut mukaan tapahtumaan! Kutsu on henkilökohtainen, mutta voit tarvittaessa välittää sen aiheesta kiinnostuneelle kollegalle. Tapahtumassa on rajallinen määrä paikkoja, joten toimi ripeästi, jos haluat mukaan! ASIAKASKOKEMUKSEN YTIMEEN! -TAPAHTUMAN OHJELMA 19.9.2017 8.30 – 9.00  Aamukahvit & verkostoitumista 9.00 – 9.30  CASE 1: Hackathon ja työpajat osallistamisen välineinä. Palvelumuotoilulla strategiasta johdettuihin tavoitteisiin! 9.30 – 10.00  CASE 2: Digitaalisen palvelun lanseeraus ja markkinointi. Millainen lähestymistapa toimii digipalveluiden markkinoinnissa? 10.00 – 10.30  CASE 3: Yli miljoona uniikkia verkkokävijää vuodessa! Miten eräs tunnettu suomalainen organisaatio sen saavutti? 10.30 – 11.00  Pentagon Design Oy:n puheenvuoro. Tapahtuma päättyy. TERVETULOA! Huomioithan, että ilmoittautuminen tapahtumaan on sitova! Peruutusoikeus viimeistään 7 vrk ennen tapahtumaa eli mahdolliset peruutukset on ilmoitettava viimeistään 12.9.2017 sähköpostitse, osoitteella Järjestäjä Steps Helsinki Oy pidättää oikeuden periä peruutustapauksessa osallistumismaksusta 50%.
    Elsevier Hacks 2017
      25 Aug - 12:00 AM
      Helsinki, Finland
    Elsevier Hacks ‘17 is happening! The 48-hour hackathon will take place in Helsinki, Finland over the weekend of August 25th - 27th. Elsevier has tasked participants with identifying today’s challenges in medical education, and developing innovative mobile or web solutions to solve them. First place winners will receive $6000 in cash + $250 in tech. Second place winners will receive $500 in tech. Awesome goodies and spot prizes guarantees everyone will go home with some of 2017’s coolest gadgets! Medical students from around the globe, currently enrolled in University, are invited to register to participate. Students, whose applications are selected by Elsevier, will be offered travel and accommodation provisions for the trip. Finnish developers and designers are also invited to register. Each team will need their coding and design expertise to build great prototypes.
    Graffathon 2017
      30 Jun - 06:00 PM
      Espoo, Finland
    Graffathon is a three-day computer graphics hackathon aimed for novices. Every participant will create a computer program that produces a non-interactive multimedia presentation also known as demo. The event is targeted at real beginners who have no previous graphics coding and/or demoscene experience. The demos can be made in small groups of two or three people. One can also make the demo by themselves or find a group at the event. The program consists of helpful presentations and workshops which guide you on how to create your first demo. In addition, we teach you the basics of demoscene and democulture. Please note that this event is for ages 18 and up.
      Hackathon - AI and machine learning meet sales processes
        19 Jun - 05:00 PM
        Espoo, Finland
      Get a life (not just a job) - Hackathon for Aalto University students and post-graduates in AI & ML. The topic is application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in B2B sales process and market/customer segmentation. We provide two sets of data, problem statements and food & drinks. Participants are able to analyse the data, come up with potential approaches for solving the business problem and get to develop first iterations of the analysis and solutions. Best solutions and performers are rewarded. The space is limited so be quick to enroll! Best, Tapio Nissilä and Niko Ylänen
        OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #31
          13 Jun - 05:30 PM
          Helsinki, Finland
        Agenda 17:30 Welcome coffee 18:00 Opening words / Pekka Sillanpää, OWASP Helsinki 18:05 DevSec -  Developers are the key to security, Antti Virtanen, Software Architect, Solita 19:00 Break 19:15 Docker Security, Mika Vatanen, Systems Architect, Digia 20:00 Introduction to DevSecOps "mini-hackathon", Pekka Sillanpää, OWASP Helsinki 20:30-> Snacks & Refreshments
          AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Helsinki
            27 May - 09:00 AM
            Helsinki, Finland
          Coders, designers, and entrepreneurs in Helsinki! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Helsinki. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. You're not limited! You could build an app that delivers positive value to your community, a website satisfying an unmet financial need, a virtual reality game, or whatever your imagination can conceive.
          Information Design Hackathon
            24 May - 09:00 AM
            Espoo, Finland
          Information Design Hackathon DOM-E0003 Department of Media, Aalto ARTS. Using open data from Helsinki's HelDev we want to produce a range of visualizations on GoogleEarth. We will touch:                             - design with data (analysis, contents, relations)                             - design with code (structures, functions, processes)                             - design with representations (layouts, objects, interactions) We expect a good mix of expertises such as concept developing, scenario building, visualizing, 3-D modeling (SketchUp), coding (KML, PHP, HTML, CSS), writing, team working... If motivation and enthusiasm is strong - none of these is required ;-)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Schedule:                             Day 1:                                                          Presentation of examples                                                          What is HelDev (guest presentation)                                                          Use-Cases: local communities, actors, motivations                                                          Collecting and understanding Data                                                          Idea Spikes                             Day 2:                                                          Scenarios: context, actors, features                                                          Visualization Spikes                                                          Data-flow and management                                                          3-D modeling                                                          KML prototypes                             Day 3:                                                          Connecting the dots                                                          Presentation                                                          Documentation
            Hack4FI – Hack your heritage! open culture hackathon
              05 May - 03:00 PM
              HELSINKI, Finland
            Finnish artists, programmers, designers, humanists, educators and others interested in digital cultural heritage! You're invited to participate in Hack4FI – an event where you'll raise awareness of Finnish open cultural resources. Come collaborate and help promote the availability of Finnish cultural heritage materials available on the Internet. Showcase your creativity by demonstrating how these materials can be reused.