Sowing results 5 out of 5
Hackathon Réhabilitation et Neurorééducation
05 Oct - 07:00 PM
Lyon, France
Engineers, designers, healthcare professionals, and interested people in and around Lyon! Hacking Rehab Lyon invites you to take part in the Rehabilitation and Neurorehabilitation Hackathon. You'll collaborate with other participants in an interdisciplinary team from the world of health, industry, engineering, and design to imagine new solutions to the problems encountered. by people with disabilities. Participate online or face-to-face in sites such as the Faculty of Medicine of Lyon, Grenoble, and Saint-Etienne. Present your project to a jury for the chance to win prizes. For insights on participation in the Rehabilitation and Neurorehabilitation Hackathon, go to our expert advice page!
Cérémonie de clôture - Geneva Resilience Hack
15 Jun - 05:00 PM
Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland
Swiss entrepreneurs and professionals interested in resilience and innovation! Open Geneva invites you to attend the closing ceremony for the Geneva Resilience Hack. You'll get to attend a panel on the challenges of resilience in supply chains, value chains, education, smart cities, and small businesses. You will also see the announcement of the three winning projects from the Resilience Hack. Check out practical advice for hackathon participants!
Eurêka ! Tout projet commence par une idée
23 Mar - 08:30 AM
Genève, Switzerland
Un atelier approfondi pour triturer votre idée avant de la partager : afin de lui donner la meilleure chance de devenir un vrai projet !
    21 Mar - 08:00 AM
    Genève, Switzerland
    Women In Digital Switzerland and BØWIE - the first Swiss incubator for gender  projects are hosting a one-day hackathon during Open Geneva, the biggest festival of innovation in Geneva. We are inviting you to join us on March 21st to explore ideas and develop projects that will close the gender gap in the tech industry and boost its diversity! Program Overview: 8:00-8:30: Welcome 8:30-9:30: Group Brainstorm to identify the root causes of the current gender gap 9:30-10:00: Presenting initial solution ideas during a Pitch Festival 10:30-11:00: Selecting the favorite projects and creating project workgroups 11:00-17:30: Developing the projects within groups 17:30-18h30: Pitching the developed project What to expect after the event?  The possibility to participate in a free idea acceleration package including participation in BØWIE - the first Swiss incubator for gender projects,  6 months coaching program, Matching with a mentor from the Women in Digital network.  Practical information: When: March 21st; 9.00-18.00 Where: Geneva – Auditorium Campus Biotech The main language of the event: English Participation cost: Free Participation criteria: All talents are welcome: enthusiasts about equality and inclusion, coders, developers, UX/UI designers, etc. Sustainable change can only be made when we bring diverse voices together around this issue, which is why we are hoping that you will join us in this important initiative.  Questions? Please contact: Annie Chemla, Karen Bhavnani, We look forward to seeing you! Karen and Annie The organizers are: --- Women in Digital Our mission is to build a community of women working in digital across Switzerland, organize events that give members the opportunity to network, share knowledge and inspire, as well as to facilitate access to women working in digital to speaker opportunities and leadership positions in companies. Discover our activities: BØWIE - the first Swiss incubator for gender & LGBTIQ+ projects BØWIE was founded to support all passionate innovators working on solutions for a more inclusive society. During a 6-month process, we provide them with individual coaching, trainings, national community events (in Geneva, Bern, Lausanne and Zürich) and a connection with other inspiring people who are already taking action.  BØWIE is an initiative of the Swiss organization Be You Network, a national organization that creates innovative actions to facilitate information and motivate the engagement of all on gender and LGBTIQ+ topics. Find out more about BØWIE 2020:
      11 Feb - 06:30 PM
      Lyon, France
      Inscription uniquement disponible sur : Lieu à venir Hello, nous sommes super ravi d'annoncer ce 1er Meetup lyonnais ! Et surtout ravi de pouvoir l'annoncer en partenariat avec nos amis tout aussi lyonnais Fabrice Liut et Benjamin Richy ! Très pressé d'être au 11 février !! //////// Venez travailler de manière collaborative et résolvons ensemble un challenge. Au cours de ce meetup de 3h, nous transmettrons les bases du Design Thinking de manière active et collaborative en l'appliquant à un cas. Nous passerons par les différentes étapes du processus et passerons ensemble de l'idée à l'action. 👊 Découvrez des exemples de challenges que nous avons résolus ................................................................ L'innovation n'est plus seulement liée aux nouveautés technologiques mais repose de plus en plus sur la capacité à maîtriser / ré-inventer la collaboration, la discussion et la co-création en équipe. Le Design Thinking est une approche de l'innovation et de son management basé sur une combinaison entre Design et Business. Il s'appuie sur un processus de co-créativité mettant au coeur de la démarche l'utilisateur final. Tim Brown, référence dans le domaine et fondateur de l'agence IDEO, définit le Design Thinking en 3 grandes parties : Inspiration, Imagination, Implémentation. Grâce à ce parcours, l'équipe est capable d'apprendre de ses utilisateurs, découvrir de nouvelles opportunités, valider de potentielles solutions, résoudre des problèmes, rencontrer des besoins non identifiés et tester des hypothèses.